Gastrónomo in english


pronunciation: gʊrmeɪ part of speech: noun
In gestures

gastrónomo = gourmet ; foodie [foody] ; gastronome. 

Example: This article reviews some of the Internet and World Wide Web (WWW) sites for food and drink enthusiasts and gourmets.Example: For any foodie who's serious about cooking from scratch, a mortar and pestle is an absolute must.Example: These areas are characterised by towering mountains and verdant valleys, atmospheric castles that dot the landscape and food and wine that will tantalise the taste buds of every gastronome.

Gastrónomo synonyms

epicurean in spanish: epicúreo, pronunciation: epəkjʊriən part of speech: adjective, noun epicure in spanish: sibarita, pronunciation: epɪkjʊr part of speech: noun bon vivant in spanish: bon vivant, pronunciation: bɑnvaɪvənt part of speech: noun gastronome in spanish: gastrónomo, pronunciation: gæstrənoʊm part of speech: noun
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