Administrative in spanish


pronunciation: ɑdministɹ̩ɑtiboʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

administrative1 = administrativo. 

Example: Not every decision a member of the administration takes is 'of an administrative nature'.


» administrative archives = archivo administrativo.

Example: This article presents the letterbooks of six New Zealand chief post offices, (early 1880s-late 1910s) and their value as social and administrative archives.

» administrative assistant = administrativo, auxiliar administrativo. [Persona encargada de todos los aspectos administrativos de una organización]

Example: If the idea of launching a program was accepted, it would be the administrative assistant's job to plan, organize, and implement it.

» administrative bloat = exceso de personal administrativo, exceso de plantilla administrativa.

Example: Faculty and administration alike must join through a process of shared governance to identify administrative bloat when it does occur, select a strategy to combat it, and redeploy resources.

» administrative body = órgano de gobierno.

Example: The two most important questions raised in this case were: do citizens of the EU have access to the deliberation and decision-making processes of the Council and do they have a general right of access to information held by EU administrative bodies?.

» administrative centre = centro administrativo. [Barrio o ciudad que reúne los principales órganos administrativos de una región]

Example: The study showed that seaside resorts, spas, retirement towns and administrative centres were more likely to have good bookshop than industrial towns.

» administrative headquarters = oficina administrativa central.

Example: The 7th building, a main library and administrative headquarters, was a converted truck depot = El séptimo edificio, ahora la biblioteca principal y la oficina administrativa central, era antes un garaje de camiones.

» administrative issue = cuestión administrativa.

Example: The author discusses many of the administrative issues resulting from the introduction of CD-ROMs in the library.

» administrative justice = justicia administrativa.

Example: This is the first comprehensive research study of the administrative justice systems of all 25 Member States of the European Union.

» administrative law = derecho administrativo.

Example: Administrative law is one of the 3 basic areas of public law dealing with the relationship between government and its citizens, the other 2 being constitutional law and criminal law.

» administrative library = archivo administrativo.

Example: French administrative libraries began to develop in the 19th century and flourished up until the early 20th century.

» administrative office = oficina de administración.

Example: The media center is located on the second floor, the principal's and administrative offices are on the first floor.

» administrative officer = administrador delegado.

Example: He is quick to spot 'deadwood' among administrative officers, and has no qualms about recommending whose 'head should roll'.

» administrative policy = política administrativa. [Normas de actuación y gobierno de una organización]

Example: It seems to be only 'common sense' to attempt to understand administrative policy and practices in a library in which one aspires to work.

» administrative procedure = procedimiento administrativo.

Example: This article remarks critically on some administrative procedures which put hurdles in the way of more effective bibliographic production.

» administrative receivership = sindicatura, administración judicial.

Example: This book is a comprehensive guide to the law of administrative receivership and offers sensible, practical advice.

» administrative record = registro administrativo.

Example: Class numbers are used widely in administrative records.

» administrative reform = reforma administrativa.

Example: The author discusses the very good reasons why efforts at administrative reform in higher education have yielded limited success.

» administrative regulation = disposición administrativa.

Example: If administrative regulations, rules, etc., are from jurisdictions in which such regulations, etc., are promulgated by government agencies or agents, enter them under the heading for the agency or agent.

» administrative rule = disposición administrativa.

Example: If administrative regulations, rules, etc., are from jurisdictions in which such regulations, etc., are promulgated by government agencies or agents, enter them under the heading for the agency or agent.

» administrative secretary = secretario administrativo.

Example: Donald P Hammer, Executive Secretary of LITA, and Dorothy Butler, the Division's administrative secretary, handled all of the administrative details, arrangements, and logistics.

» administrative staff = personal administrativo. [Grupo de personas que desempeñan las tareas administrativas o burocráticas de una organización]

Example: This article examines library service in prisons from 1951, the stock, the range of prison readers, staffing, loans, and relations with administrative staff, prison warders and inmates.

» administrative support = apoyo administrativo, soporte administrativo.

Example: Lack of qualified staff and administrative support had retarded development of prison library service in the state = La falta de personal cualificado y de apoyo administrativo ha retardado el desarrollo de los servicios bibliotecarios penitenciarios en el estado.

» administrative task = tarea administrativa.

Example: Reengineering involves eliminating repeated work spending less time with administrative tasks.

» administrative team = equipo administrativo.

Example: The research suggests that archivists should look at themselves less as the historical voice in an institution and more as part of the administrative team.

» administrative technician = técnico administrativo.

Example: The government, a military dictatorship, was in its infancy and was woefully short of the administrative technicians and economists necessary to implement large scale economic development.

» administrative unit = unidad administrativa.

Example: Each local library is a separate administrative unit with separate and independent files for circulation, acquisitions, periodicals, and holdings.

administrative2 = ejecutivo, de dirección. 

Example: There is now the highest number of women in top administrative positions than there has been before: 54 women out of a total of 111 directorships.


» administrative personnel = directivos.

Example: Administrative personnel change many times, and the morale of the individual reference librarian should never be dependent on any one supervisor or library director.

» administrative team = equipo de dirección.

Example: Top management includes the library's director, assistant director, business manager, and any other members of the administartive team that operate at the highest level.
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