Badly in spanish


pronunciation: mɑl part of speech: adverb
In gestures

badly1 = malamente, pésimamente. 

Example: School classrooms are sometimes extraordinarily badly designed with poor acoustics, ineffective blackout facilities, and notoriously eccentric electrical outlets.


» badly-beaten = mal batido.

Example: Often, too, there were knots of badly-beaten fibre visible in the substance of the sheet.

» badly formulated = mal formulado.

Example: It is also usually a mistake to attempt an on-line search with a vague or badly formulated question.

» badly-lit = con poca luz, mal iluminado, con una mala iluminación.

Example: They worked in cold, draughty, badly-lit rooms and suffered from tyrannical supervisors.

» badly + Participio = muy + Participio.

Example: Most of these experiments resulted in badly deformed still-births = La mayoría de estos experimentos dieron como resultado bebés que nacieron muertos y muy deformados.

» badly prepared = mal preparado, malamente preparado.

Example: This week's snowfalls in Britain have been a rude shock, causing huge disruptions, but why is this country so badly prepared for snow?.

» badly-worded = mal(amente) escrito, mal(amente) redactado, mal(amente) expresado.

Example: If the question is vague or badly worded, then ask for more information.

» badly written = mal escrito.

Example: LIS articles are inter alia often repetitious, badly written, poorly presented, boring, unduly reverent and parochial.

» need + Nombre + badly = necesitar mucho, necesitar muchísimo.

Example: But to her surprise Ayaan's mother holds her hand and tells her to be with Ayaan as he needs her badly.

» sleep + badly = dormir malamente, dormir mal.

Example: The children slept badly due to the mosquitoes and because we slept on the ground = Los niños durmieron mal por los mosquitos y porque dormimos en el suelo..

badly2 = seriamente, gravemente. 

Example: Then we were hitting each other and struggling; he scratched my face badly and tried to gouge my eye out with his fingers.


» badly hurt = herido grave, gravemente herido, malherido.

Example: Even if a wrong is done to one, and though badly hurt, it is good not to retaliate with an evil.

» badly injured = herido grave, gravemente herido, malherido.

Example: The injured crane operator, though badly injured, is now recovering in hospital and we wish him a speedy recovery.

» badly wounded = herido grave, gravemente herido, malherido.

Example: Here is the picture of an innocent civilian man badly wounded in the head being helped into the hospital.

» be badly hurt = resultar malherido, herir gravemente.

Example: The son of my brother's ex-wife was badly hurt in Iraq.

» be badly injured = resultar malherido, herir gravemente.

Example: The stuntman missed the safety net and was badly injured.

» be badly needed = necesitarse urgentemente, necesitarse imperiosamente, ser sumamente necesario, ser muy necesario.

Example: A platform for communication and cooperation between teams was badly needed.

» be badly wounded = resultar malherido, herir gravemente.

Example: His attack was defeated and he was badly wounded, losing his right arm.

Badly synonyms

bad in spanish: malo, pronunciation: bæd part of speech: adjective ill in spanish: enfermo, pronunciation: ɪl part of speech: adjective seriously in spanish: seriamente, pronunciation: sɪriəsli part of speech: adverb gravely in spanish: gravemente, pronunciation: greɪvli part of speech: adverb severely in spanish: severamente, pronunciation: səvɪrli part of speech: adverb poorly in spanish: mal, pronunciation: purli part of speech: adverb naughtily in spanish: traviesamente, pronunciation: nɔtəli part of speech: adverb mischievously in spanish: maliciosamente, pronunciation: mɪʃivəsli part of speech: adverb disadvantageously in spanish: desventajosamente, pronunciation: dɪsɑdvænədʒiəsli part of speech: adverb

Badly antonyms

good pronunciation: gʊd part of speech: adjective well pronunciation: wel part of speech: adverb advantageously pronunciation: ædvæntədʒəsli part of speech: adverb
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