Calculation in spanish


pronunciation: kɑlkuloʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

calculation = cálculo. 

Example: For example, without scanning the entire index it is impossible to estimate the total number of relevant documents in the system, a figure that is required in the calculation of recall.


» calculation error = error de cálculo.

Example: This was important before computers were invented, when calculations were all done by hand, and also were done repeatedly to check for calculation errors.

» calculation mistake = error de cálculo.

Example: The author made some calculation mistakes in the comparison table.

» carry out + a calculation = realizar un cálculo.

Example: For industrial information units, which lack the manpower to carry out the extensive and time-consuming calculations involved, it can be a valuable aid to decision-making.

» mathematical calculation = cálculo matemático.

Example: An illiterate is a person who cannot read, write or do mathematical calculations well enough to be integrated into society as an individual with full rights.

» miscalculation = error de cálculo. 

Example: This article notes the brief and troubled history of this area of inquiry, which was prone to miscalculation, misinterpretation, and politicisation.

» pre-calculation = previsión.

Example: However, several factors affect annual pre-caulculations.

» recalculation = recálculo. 

Example: This can range from simple adding of columns to automatic recalculation of all related figures when one is changed (as in a spreadsheet; see below).

Calculation synonyms

reckoning in spanish: cálculo, pronunciation: rekənɪŋ part of speech: noun deliberation in spanish: deliberación, pronunciation: dɪlɪbɜreɪʃən part of speech: noun computation in spanish: cálculo, pronunciation: kɑmpjəteɪʃən part of speech: noun figuring in spanish: pensando, pronunciation: fɪgjɜrɪŋ part of speech: noun
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