Calorie in spanish


pronunciation: kɑloʊɹ̩iɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

calorie = caloría. 

Example: The article is entitled 'Empty calories for the mind: the news might be sensationalistic, but face it, we're all interested'.


» be high in calories = tener muchas calorías, tener un alto contenido calorífico.

Example: Many sweetened drinks are high in calories and can cause weight gain, even in active people.

» be low in calories = ser bajo en calorías, tener pocas calorías, tener un bajo contenido calorífico.

Example: Whitefish like cod and halibut, bison, turkey breast, chicken breast, and ostrich breast are all very low in calories and very rich in protein.

» be rich in calories = ser rico en calorías, tener muchas calorías, tener un alto contenido calorífico.

Example: Squirrels store nuts for a good reason: they're rich in calories that keep them fed during the long cold winter.

» burn + calories = quemar calorías.

Example: I didn't go to the gym today so I'm just punching the air and jumping on my bed burning calories.

» calorie count = total de calorías.

Example: This innovative product is a tablet of chocolate whose portions come printed with calorie counts carved directly on the surface.

» calorie intake = consumo de calorías.

Example: The World Health Organization is dropping its sugar intake recommendations from 10 percent of your daily calorie intake to 5 percent.

» calorie-laden = cargado de calorías, repleto de calorías.

Example: Banning sugared beverages from schools will limit children's access to calorie-laden sodas and sports drinks.

» calorie-rich = rico en calorías.

Example: Essentially the average American diet is calorie rich and nutrient poor.

» consume + calories = consumir calorías.

Example: A study has found that people who remained sedentary after mentally demanding tasks consumed more calories than those who exercised.

» cut down on + calories = reducir las calorías, reducir la ingestión de calorías.

Example: Many people believe that using artificial sweeteners in tea and coffee or drinking 'lite' drinks is a good way to cut down on calories and therefore lose weight.

» high-calorie = rico en calorías, de alto contenido calorífico.

Example: A lot of healthy food can also be high-calorie food.

» kilocalorie = kilocaloría.

Example: One strategy to address the effect of portion size is decreasing the energy density (kilojoules per gram; kilocalories per gram) of foods.

» low-calorie = bajo en calorías, de bajo contenido calorífico.

Example: Sometimes students need to prepare visual examples of competitive low-calorie food advertisements.

Calorie synonyms

kilocalorie in spanish: kilocaloría, pronunciation: kɪləkælɜri part of speech: noun calory in spanish: caloría, pronunciation: kælɜri part of speech: noun, adjective frigorie in spanish: frigorífico, pronunciation: frɪgɜri gram calorie in spanish: gramo de calorías, pronunciation: græmkælɜri part of speech: noun small calorie in spanish: pequeña caloría, pronunciation: smɔlkælɜri part of speech: noun kilogram calorie in spanish: kilogramo de calorías, pronunciation: kɪləgræmkælɜri part of speech: noun large calorie in spanish: calorías grandes, pronunciation: lɑrdʒkælɜri part of speech: noun
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