Canvas in spanish


pronunciation: loʊnɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

canvas = lona, lienzo. 

Example: The quality of paper was chiefly determined by the selection of rags for its making, pure white linens making the finest paper, while coloured linens, canvas, old rope, and even a proportion of woollens went into the poorer qualities.


» a wider canvas of = una mayor variedad de.

Example: By contrast the more 'popular' novel tends more to a wider canvas of action and a more outgoing cast of characters.

» canvas of life, the = lienzo de la vida, el.

Example: It might be just a little dot in the huge canvas of our whole lives, but there are those special few that draws the dot with a permanent marker.

Canvas synonyms

sheet in spanish: hoja, pronunciation: ʃit part of speech: noun poll in spanish: encuesta, pronunciation: poʊl part of speech: noun sail in spanish: vela, pronunciation: seɪl part of speech: noun, verb canvass in spanish: sondeo, pronunciation: kænvəs part of speech: noun, verb canvas tent in spanish: tienda de lona, pronunciation: kænvəstent part of speech: noun
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