Data base in spanish

Base de datos

pronunciation: bɑsededɑtoʊs part of speech: none
In gestures

database [data base] = base de datos, archivo de datos. [Colección de registros afines, organizados y dispuestos con arreglo a un método específico que requiere el uso de una máquina para su proceso, generalmente un ordenador]

Example: Information is held in files or databases, which are comprised of records, which in turn are comprised of fields or data items, which again may be comprised of subfields or data elements.


» abstracts based bibliographic database = base de datos bibliográfica de resúmenes.

Example: This shows a record in an abstracts based bibliographic data base.

» authority database = base de datos de autoridades.

Example: One of the proposals is to create a single Anglo-American authority database comprising name, series, and subject headings created by the various Anglo-American national cataloging agencies.

» bibliographic database = base de datos bibliográfica.

Example: Because of their ready availability, database management systems (DBMS) are being applied to bibliographic data bases with increasing frequency.

» business database = base de datos de negocios.

Example: Emphasis is shifting in favour of business, financial and commercial databases.

» catalogue database = base de datos catalográfica.

Example: Controlled indexing languages are well embedded in many of the bibliographic and catalogue databases created today.

» catalogue record database = base de datos de registros de catálogo.

Example: One type of bibliographic data base is the catalogue record data base.

» cataloguing database = base de datos catalográfica.

Example: If a library expects constant use of a particular database from a supplier or vendor (perhaps a cataloging database such as OCLC), there may be a 'leased' or 'dedicated' line devoted solely to the access of a particular database in return for a stipulated annual fee.

» CD-ROM database = base de datos en CD-ROM.

Example: This article reviews Hewlett-Packard's involvement in the production of CD-ROM data bases, such as HP LaserRETRIEVE and HP LaserRELEASE, through an interview with Marc Hoff.

» CHID (Combined Health Information Database) = CHID (Base de datos Combinada de Información Sanitaria). [Base de datos de los Estados Unidos de Ciencias de la Salud]

Example: The Combined Health Information Database (CHID) is a consolidated resource for health promotion and educational materials produced by health related agencies of the US federal government.

» commercial database = base de datos comercial.

Example: Emphasis is shifting in favour of business, financial and commercial databases.

» company directory database = directorio de empresas en base de datos.

Example: Some of the most valuable industry information can be compiled from company directory databases.

» computer database = base de datos automatizada.

Example: A catalogue may be held as a card catalogue, microfilm catalogue or as a computer data base = Un catálogo puede ser de fichas, en microfilm o una base de datos automatizada.

» computer-held database = base de datos automatizada.

Example: A computer-held data base is a collection of similar records, with relationships between the records.

» computerised database = base de datos automatizada.

Example: Some feel that the non-expressive nature of the notation limits the scheme's usefulness in computerised data bases.

» corporate directory database = directorio de empresas en base de datos.

Example: The article 'The winds of change in corporate directory databases' presents new data bases available in the field of on-line directories of US private and public companies.

» cross database = base de datos cruzada.

Example: Also available is a cross data base for multifile searching (BRS/CROSS), online accounting, private data bases services and an online catalogue service.

» cross database searching = búsqueda en múltiples bases de datos.

Example: There is a need for cross data base searching by software modification, standardisation of field names and search qualifiers.

» database host = distribuidor de bases de datos.

Example: This article covers the structure of a bibliographic data base, the differences in the basic index between different data base hosts, and how to link terms to make multiword concepts.

» database industry = industria de las bases de datos.

Example: Until this preference is shifted to on-line full text retrieval, the data base industry will achieve only a fraction of its full potential.

» database management = gestión de bases de datos.

Example: Students can use personal computers offering software for such tasks as word processing, financial analysis, database management, desktop publishing, drawing, and drafting.

» database management software = programa de gestión de bases de datos. [Programa que permite almacenar y manipular datos]

Example: Print records or save them in a text file for use with your word-processing or database-management software.

» database management system (DBMS) = gestor de bases de datos.

Example: Loosely, the first type of base may be referred to as IR (Information Retrieval) and the second as DBMS (Data Base Management System).

» database manager = gestor de bases de datos.

Example: The article 'IZE: the all-terrain vehicle of database managers' presents details of IZE, an information retrieval program that can handle any ASCII text file, regardless of record structure.

» database producer = productor de bases de datos, creador de bases de datos.

Example: However, although data base producers choose to adhere to in-house practices, there are international standards which can be applied, and indeed do influence practice.

» database provider = proveedor de bases de datos.

Example: An increasing number of database providers are offering all or a portion of their information via the World Wide Web.

» database software = base de datos.

Example: A transfer format may be specified if the report is to be used with spreadsheets or other database software.

» database-specific = específico de una base de datos.

Example: The fields of a record are defined in the database-specific documentation.

» directory database = directorio en base de datos.

Example: Data from directory databases often has a geographic location and thus is available for mapping by geographic information system (GIS) software.

» distributed database = base de datos distribuida.

Example: The system will consist of a distributed data base containing 25 million items.

» external database = base de datos externa.

Example: Similar, but appropriately adjusted considerations, must be taken into account when considering whether to build an in-house database or to use an external database.

» factual database = base de datos factual.

Example: Most computer bureaux which host the factual databases have their own world-wide networks.

» financial database = base de datos financiera.

Example: Emphasis is shifting in favour of business, financial and commercial databases.

» free text database = base de datos de texto libre.

Example: In the last 2 years micro-computers have been introduced which are capable of supporting free text databases.

» full-provision database = base de datos completa. [Base de datos que contiene la referencia y el texto completo]

Example: The result could be termed a full-provision data base -- a data base including both text and reference, and delivering much more than the 2 added together.

» full text database = base de datos de texto completo.

Example: Over the past two to three years the numbers of full text databases and data banks has started to escalate considerably.

» fuzzy database = base de datos de lógica difusa.

Example: The idea of fuzzy data base has been investigated along many different lines.

» image database = base de datos de imágenes.

Example: The advent of inexpensive production of CD-ROM and floppy discs has led to the availability of numerous bibliographic, numerical and image databases for the earth sciences.

» in-house database = base de datos interna.

Example: In-house databases may be constructed with the aid of text retrieval packages to cover a plethora of different applications.

» intelligence database = base de datos con información confidencial.

Example: 'Aerospace Online' is a network of aerospace intelligence databases providing current, historical and forecast information on the aerospace/defence industry = "Aerospace Online" es una red de bases de datos con información confidencial sobre el espacio que ofrece información actual, histórica y de pronóstico sobre la industria aeroespacial y de defensa.

» knowledge discovery in databases (KDD) = descubrimiento de información en las bases de datos. [Hallazgo en grandes bases de datos de información que en principio no es obvia]

Example: Knowledge discovery in databases (KDD) aims at identifying new knowledge about an application domain using the domain data stored in a database.

» legal database = base de datos jurídica.

Example: Use of the legal data bases is partly restrained by cost considerations, partly by the fact that their coverage is not exhaustive and partly by the reserved attitude of the legal profession and the judiciary.

» local area database = base de datos local.

Example: The content of these local area databases include course syllabi, class schedules, and materials placed on reserve by instructors.

» machine-readable database = base de datos automatizada.

Example: A machine-readable national data base, or for that matter any catalog, should be capable of existing in time.

» meta-database = meta base de datos.

Example: If the prototype proves satisfactory, the next phase will include development of the meta-database on a host computer with more 'knowledge' of the contents of the IANI database.

» mount + a database = montar una base de datos.

Example: This article describes some of the current planning efforts to mount additional data bases as part of the MELVYL catalogue.

» multimedia database = base de datos multimedia.

Example: This article defines a user friendly micro-language, baptized MILAMU, that facilitates both access to these multimedia databases and formulation of multimedia queries = Este artículo explica un microlenguaje de programación, denominado MILAMU, que facilita tanto el acceso a estas bases de datos multimedia como la formulación de enunciados de búsqueda de documentos multimedia.

» niche database = base de datos dirigida a un mercado específico.

Example: This article describes the general area of real estate information, which as with so many business topics can be found in general business data bases, specialised related data bases, full text newspaper data bases and in niche data bases.

» non-bibliographic database = base de datos no bibliográfica.

Example: The database may be bibliographic (storing references to documents available elsewhere) or non-bibliographic (storing facts, figures, text or graphics).

» numerical database = base de datos numérica.

Example: The advent of inexpensive production of CD-ROM and floppy discs has led to the availability of numerous bibliographic, numerical and image databases for the earth sciences.

» numeric database = base de datos numérica.

Example: Non-bibliographical databases include numeric, textual-numeric, properties and full text databases.

» online database = base de datos en línea.

Example: It gives an overview of the development of online information services, starting with the development of calculating machines, to early computers and telecommunications systems, and finally online databases, and the CD-ROM revolution of the 1980's.

» optical disc database = base de datos en disco óptico.

Example: Computerised information products, such as optical disc data bases and microforms, compete with traditional print resources for limited budgets in today's reference departments.

» properties database = base de datos de propiedades.

Example: Non-bibliographical databases include numeric, textual-numeric, properties and full text databases.

» public domain database = base de datos de dominio público.

Example: This article considers the relunctance of governments to provide the capital input for these developments as a backdrop for discussion of the issue of privatisation of public domain data bases.

» raw database = base de datos en estado original. [Base de datos antes de ser modificada por requerimientos de la búsqueda]

Example: Alternatively the query may undergo modification at a second stage after the raw database has been accessed.

» reference database = base de datos de referencia, base de datos de documentos secundarios.

Example: Reference databases refer or point the user to another source (such as a document, an organisation or an individual) for additional information or the full text of the document.

» referral database = base de datos de referencia a especialistas.

Example: Referral databases offer references to information or data such as the names and addresses of organizations and other directory type data.

» relational database = base de datos relacional.

Example: It can be very like the sort of data structures found in relational data bases in which data are arranged in simple tables called relations.

» relational database management system = gestor de bases de datos relacionales.

Example: This article discusses the application of relational data base management systems to textual data bases and the problems involved in implementing the scaled-up hypertext techniques.

» research database = base de datos de investigación.

Example: This dynamic thesaurus is used for intelligent access to research databases.

» resident database = base de datos residente.

Example: This software will facilitate the integration of LANs, wide area networks, hard disc resident databases, dial-in access and more.

» source database = base de datos de documentos primarios.

Example: Source databases contain the original source of data.

» statistical database = base de datos estadística.

Example: In contrast to text-oriented data bases which are usually searched in information centres by professional searchers, statistical data bases are used directly by experts in the field.

» subscription database = base de datos de pago, base de datos de acceso mediante suscripción.

Example: With increasing demands from library users for off site access to subscription databases, librarians are seeking and creating methods of authentication.

» terminology database = base de datos terminológica.

Example: The task is part of a project entitled Euro-Arabic terminology database.

» text database = base de datos de texto.

Example: The project consortium will complete a feasibility study into the automatic indexing of free text and the multilingual querying of text databases = El consorcio creado realizar el proyecto llevará a cabo un estudio de viabilidad sobre la indización automática de texto libre y la consulta en varios idiomas de bases de datos de texto.

» text-numeric database = base de datos numérico-textual.

Example: Text-numeric databases contain a mixture of textual and numeric data (such as company annual reports) and handbook data.

» text-oriented database = base de datos de texto.

Example: In contrast to text-oriented data bases which are usually searched in information centres by professional searchers, statistical data bases are used directly by experts in the field.

» textual data base = base de datos textual, base de datos de texto, base de datos documental.

Example: The function of the index is examined both technically and philosophically as a tool for navigation and spatial orientation in large textual data bases.

» textual-numeric database = base de datos numérico-textual.

Example: Non-bibliographical databases include numeric, textual-numeric, properties and full text databases.

» UKDS (UK Library Database System) = UKDS (Base de Datos Bibliotecaria del Reino Unido).

Example: A proposed input standard for records in the UKLDS (UK Library Database System) for monographs has been published in 1983.
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