Datum in spanish


pronunciation: dɑtoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

data [datum, -sing.] = datos, información. [Plural cuyo origen es el latín y que actualmente se usa indistintamente como plural or singular; es decir, puede ir seguido de un verbo en plural o singular]

Example: Statistical tabular and numerical abstract are a means of summarising numerical data, which may be presented in its original format in a tabular form.


» ADP (automatic data processing) equipment = equipos ADP (para el proceso automático de datos).

Example: This article describes the rapid advance in the provision of ADP equipment at the workplace in libraries.

» air play data = información sobre el tiempo que un determinado producto se anuncia en la radio.

Example: However, the marginal deviation from statistical significance may have been due to data contamination in that Billboard charts use some data manipulation rather than strictly objective sales or air play data.

» authority data = información de autoridades.

Example: I think that the most important advance that we can look forward to is a great increase in the amount of authority data in MARC form.

» Automatic Data Processing Inc (ADP) = Automatic Data Processing Inc (ADP). [Distribuidor de bases de datos no bibliográficas]

Example: Automatic Data Processing Inc (ADP) offers a number of financial and economic data bases.

» BEDIS (Book Trade Electronic Data Interchange Standards Committee) = BEDIS (Comité de Normas de Intercambio de Información Electrónica del Comercio del Libro).

Example: This article discusses events which led to the setting up by the MARC Users Group in 1987 of the Book Trade Electronic Data Interchange Standards Committee (BEDIS), membership of which was drawn from public and academic libraries, library suppliers, booksellers, publishers, service suppliers, and systems suppliers.

» bibliographic data = datos bibliográficos, información bibliográfica.

Example: Another interesting data base is BOOKS-INFO, a file of bibliographic data on books in print, from Brodart Inc.

» big data = big data, grandes conjuntos de datos.

Example: Big data is a buzzword, or catch-phrase, used to describe a massive volume of both structured and unstructured data that is so large that it's difficult to process.

» billing data = datos de facturación.

Example: It is essentially concerned with ensuring that utility energy bills have been correctly calculated according to the tariff, and based on the correct billing data.

» biodata = datos biográficos.

Example: Biobibliometrics has been defined as a quantitative and analytical method for discovering and establishing functional relationships between biodata and bibliodata elements.

» capture + data = capturar datos. [Coger datos en formato legible por máquina para integrarlos en un soporte informático]

Example: Data can then be captured online from the host and downloaded into the microcomputer's backing store for local processing.

» cataloguing data = información catalográfica.

Example: Centralized cataloguing relates to a situation where one central agency assumes responsibility for the production of cataloguing data which is then made available to any library that may require it.

» collect + data = recoger datos, recoger información.

Example: The preliminary work began immediately with the drafting of a questionnaire designed to collect pertinent data on the distribution of authority files.

» data audit = auditoría de datos.

Example: Results from the data audits should be made public and published on an intranet portal for the enterprise to view.

» data auditing = auditoría de datos.

Example: The mere existence of data auditing processes can deter thieves, curtail misuse and ensure employees think longer before they act.

» data bank [databank] = banco de datos, base de datos.

Example: Other data bases, which may be described as non-bibliographic, and are sometimes known as data banks, store actual facts and figures and text.

» data bloc = bloque de datos.

Example: This article discusses also the structure and the content of the UNIMARC format (the label of the record; data blocs), the form of the recording of data and the appendices.

» data buffer = búfer de datos, memoria intermedia de datos.

Example: Data buffers receive data from the computer and let it 'trickle through' to the printer at the appropriate speed, thus freeing the computer for the next task.

» databus = bus de datos.

Example: The 8088 is a 'cut-down' version of the 8086, having a smaller databus.

» data-capture = de lectura de datos.

Example: Data-capture units are light pens, and such units can be made available at various locations in the library for public consultation.

» data capture = captura de datos. [En tecnología de la información, incorporación de datos ya en soporte legible por ordenador al sistema automatizado que uno esté utilizando]

Example: The parties involved in this venture found it necessary to rationalise the technology for data capture and data transfer.

» data centre = centro de datos. [Organismo cuya función principal es gestionar datos numéricos]

Example: A data centre is an organization primarily dealing with numeric data.

» data cleaning = limpieza de datos, depuración de datos.

Example: This paper describes ways in which standards for clinical research can help with the activities of data management, data cleaning, and statistical analysis.

» data-coding [data coding] = codificación de datos.

Example: Considerable improvements on this figure are possible by making use of special, high-quality leased telephone lines, and by employing sophisticated data-coding methods, in each case at extra cost.

» data collecting = recogida de datos.

Example: In any case, systematic data collecting is necessary though it can be simplified by a good specification which limits the period covered.

» data collection = recogida de datos.

Example: Professionals need to be shown that with the increasing use of computers, data collection need not be expensive: an automated circulation system, for example, will readily generate information for modifying acquisition policy.

» data collection form = formulario de recogida de información, plantilla de recogida de información.

Example: Each data collection form is seen as an independent information holder, irrespective of the actual data it contains.

» data collection instrument = instrumento de recogida de datos.

Example: 5 data collection instruments were used: printouts of data base searches executed by students; a questionnaire; bibliographies from student papers; serial holdings of the university library; and interviews with instructors.

» data compression = compresión de información. [Técnica utilizada en informática para reducir el espacio utilizado por la información]

Example: Data compression is a technique for the reduction of the intrinsic redundancy in data representation to reduce data storage requirements and data transfer costs.

» data contamination = contaminación de datos.

Example: However, the marginal deviation from statistical significance may have been due to data contamination in that Billboard charts use some data manipulation rather than strictly objective sales or air play data.

» data conversion = conversión de información. [Trasvase de información de una forma de representación a otra según unas reglas concretas y sin pérdida de significado]

Example: Data conversion consists of the changing of data from one form of representation to another, according to specified rules, completely preserving the meaning of the data.

» data corruption = corrupción de datos. [En informática, estado de deterioro de la información contenida en un fichero lo que hace que sea imposible su lectura]

Example: Some attempts have been made to use video tape, but the results have been poor, with data losses and corruption.

» data curation = conservación de los contenidos.

Example: This workshop is an unconference-style event at which participants will engage in discussions related to data curation and digital archives.

» data decay = deterioro de los datos, degradación de los datos.

Example: But even keeping a step ahead of data decay and software obsolescence is no guarantee of escaping the problem.

» data disk = disco con información.

Example: As has been suggested elsewhere in this book, it is axiomatic that regular backup copies of data disks be taken, in order to ensure that data are not accidentally lost.

» data diskette = disco con información.

Example: The 'Recover Data Index' utility attempts to reconstruct a data diskette that for some reason has become unreadable to the system.

» data-driven = basado en los datos.

Example: Ellis calls the former a 'physicalistic' paradigm because of its allegiance to computer science and its data-driven characteristics.

» data element = información específica, elemento, dato. [Unidad básica de información con vistas al intercambio]

Example: The Working Group undertook to determine from the data available what data elements should be included for each type of authority.

» data entry = entrada de datos. [En tecnología de la información, introducción de información en un programa de ordenador generalmente por medio del teclado]

Example: Often referred to as utilities, basic software packages are available for performing basic operations such as data entry and validation, sorting and merging files and editing data.

» data entry and validation package = paquete de entrada y comprobación de datos.

Example: A data entry and validation package typically allows the user to define a form to be displayed on a VDU, and by using a cursor, or other prompts, enables data to be entered in this format.

» data entry operator = operario de entrada de datos. [Trabajador cuya tarea consiste en la mera introducción de datos en el ordenador]

Example: The same sort of breakdown of an individual may be experienced through so-called 'de-skilling' occurring because of communications and informations technologies (e.g. data entry operators).

» datafield = campo de datos. [Sección del registro bibliográfico de longitud variable que contiene un tipo determinado de información, que sigue al directorio y que está asociado a una entrada del directorio]

Example: A datafield is a variable length portion of a bibliographic record containing a particular category of data, following the directory and associated with one entry of the directory.

» data field = campo de información.

Example: In UNIMARC the linking entry block, block 4 -- , contains data fields with embedded tags, indicators and subfield codes that identify the item to which the link is being made.

» data file = fichero.

Example: In the absence of sufficient staff to mount a supervised programme of microcomputer instructions, the library used existing, inexpensive, menu-making software to develop menu-driven, self-instructing access to disc operating commands, applications programs, and data files.

» data-flow = transmisión de datos.

Example: A new set of recommendations has been recently put forward for data-flow control along public data networks.

» data gathering [data-gathering] = recogida de datos.

Example: This article is an overview of current data gathering and analytical techniques for author cocitation analysis.

» data glove = guante informático.

Example: Data gloves, gesture recognizers, speech recognizers, eye trackers, and other devices can provide alternative input modes for users.

» data handling = gestión de datos.

Example: This research project is aimed specifically at the data handling requirements of such a system.

» data item = dato.

Example: Information is held in files or databases, which are comprise of records, which in turn are comprised of fields or data items, which again may be comprised of subfields or data elements.

» data loss = pérdida de datos.

Example: Some attempts have been made to use video tape, but the results have been poor, with data losses and corruption.

» data manipulation = manipulación de datos, operación sobre datos.

Example: However, the marginal deviation from statistical significance may have been due to data contamination in that Billboard charts use some data manipulation rather than strictly objective sales or air play data.

» data medium = soporte de información. [Medio de representación, almacenamiento o transmisión de la información]

Example: The medium in, on or by which data can be stored, represented or communicated is known as data medium.

» data migration = migración de datos.

Example: Thorny issues involve data migration, as well as a guarantee of perpetual access, while ensuring preservation of authorship and ownership.

» data mining = minería de datos, descubrimiento de datos, extracción inteligente de datos. [Hallazgo en grandes bases de datos de cierto tipo de información que en principio no es obvia]

Example: Data mining tools search large databases and recognize patterns within the database entries, thus revealing useful information which has remained hidden in the data.

» data modelling = prototipo para el proceso de datos.

Example: The article 'Towards data modelling in information retrieval' describes the scope of a project for the design of advanced applications of information retrieval.

» data network = red de información.

Example: In other cases, the capacity and performance of computer equipment prove to be the limiting factor, although continuing advances in fields like data networks, voice input and output, and computer vision keep pushing these limits further and further back.

» data pathway = vía de transmisión de datos.

Example: This may provide an alternative data pathway to the traditional telephone network.

» data pen = lápiz óptico.

Example: One such method which relies on the computer is the data pen.

» data pen system = sistema de lápiz óptico.

Example: The data pen system is supported by battery-operated equipment, but the life of the batteries would not be sufficient to sustain the library's full service for a lengthy period.

» data preparation = preparación de los datos.

Example: Data preparation requires the equivalent of 2 full-time operators.

» data processing = proceso de datos, procesamiento de datos. [Todas las operaciones efectuadas sobre datos según unas reglas de proceso muy concretas]

Example: Data processing are all operations carried out on data according to precise rules of procedures.

» data-processing professional = técnico informático, técnico encargado del proceso de datos.

Example: Traditional data-processing professionals may not be knowledgeable about internetworking issues.

» data processing system = sistema de proceso de datos.

Example: This article describes IBM's new ImagePlus family of electronic document management systems which allow users to add imaging to data processing systems.

» data protection = protección de datos, protección de la información.

Example: A revised version of the Austrian law on data protection in public and private spheres was passed in 1988.

» data report = estadísticas, informe numérico.

Example: The fund structure, report formats, and management data reports have been designed locally for the specific needs of a specific library.

» Data Resources Inc. = Data Resources Inc.. [Distribuidor de bases de datos no bibliográficas]

Example: Data Resources Inc., again US-based, covers data bases in economics, finance, energy and weather.

» data retrieval = recuperación de información.

Example: Data retrieval involves the satisfaction of a request for information by providing the information as a direct answer to the question.

» data rot = deterioro de los datos, degradación de los datos.

Example: There are dozens of causes for data rot, from natural disasters to computer viruses.

» data set [dataset] = conjunto de datos, grupo de datos.

Example: String searching is only advisable with a dataset which is not too large.

» data set name = nombre del archivo. [Nombre por el cual un programa de ordenador identifica un archivo de datos; generalmente denominado file name]

Example: In certain computer systems, the data set name is the name that the software recognizes as the identifier of a given machine-readable data file.

» data sheet [datasheet] = especificaciones técnicas.

Example: Manufacturers detail the requirements to set the chemistry, processing temperatures and processing time of films on data sheets = Los fabricantes detallan en las especificaciones técnicas los requisitos necesarios para determinar los productos químicos, la temperatura y tiempo de proceso de las películas.

» data sheet [datasheet] = hoja con los datos básicos para Hacer Algo, hoja con la información básica para Hacer Algo, hoja de toma de datos.

Example: The author covers the main headings which have to be considered when putting forward proposals and provides data sheets to act as a memory aid when completing a bid.

» DATA STAR = DATA STAR. [Distribuidor de bases de datos]

Example: DATA STAR, offered by Radio-Suisse, mounts various data bases including: business data bases and technical data bases.

» data storage = almacenamiento de datos.

Example: Data storage for microcomputers will be raised to greater heights by the development of the video disc, and particularly the digital optical disc, which can store up to 2 Gigabytes, or 2 thousand million characters.

» data structure = estructura de datos.

Example: This article proposes an architecture and data structures for a fuzzy query processor that uses a high level of abstraction and the data items of the data base records.

» data system = sistema automatizado.

Example: The need was felt for a local data system which would provide not only catalogue and circulation control, but also acquisition routines and periodicals control.

» data traffic = tráfico de información.

Example: This program can also discover misconfigured or faulty applications that generate suspicious data traffic.

» data transfer = transmisión de datos. [En tecnología de la información, envío de información de un ordenador a otro por medio de una canal de comunicación]

Example: The parties involved in this venture found it necessary to rationalise the technology for data capture and data transfer.

» data transformation = transformación de datos. [Trasvase de información de un soporte a otro según unas reglas y sin pérdida significativa de información]

Example: Data transformation consist of the switching of data from one medium to another, according to a set of rules, with no significant change of meaning.

» data transmission = transmisión de datos. [En tecnología de la información, envío de información de un ordenador a otro por medio de una canal de comunicación]

Example: There are two forms of data transmission: (a) asynchronous transmission (in which the transmitting and receiving devices are not in step); (b) synchronous transmission (in which the transmitting and receiving devices are in step).

» data trend = evolución de los datos. [En estadística, tendencia que se percibe al analizar los datos numéricos]

Example: There is a preference for the linear rather than the exponential method of calculating data trends.

» data warehouse = depósito de datos. [En una empresa, archivo con todo tipo de información sobre clientes, ventas, operaciones, competencia, etc. para ayudar a la toma de decisiones]

Example: A data warehouse is a subject-oriented and integrated collection of data in support of management's decision making process.

» data warehousing = creación de depósitos de datos. [En una empresa, creación de archivos con todo tipo de información sobre clientes, ventas, operaciones, competencia, etc. para ayudar a la toma de decisiones]

Example: Data warehousing is the process of developing an enterprise database using transactional information.

» digital data = información digital.

Example: A second new technology is digital video interactive (DVI) an all-digital integrated system which has the ability to display one hour of motion video from compressed digital data stored on a single, standard CD-ROM disc.

» dirty data = falta de control, datos erróneos, información errónea. [En una base de datos, información que se ha introducido erróneamente, generalmente, por falta de mecanismos de control y comprobación]

Example: This article 'The dark side of online information dirty data' discusses the problem of product defects (or dirty data) in on-line data bases.

» EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) = EDI (Intercambio Electrónico de Datos).

Example: Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is a series of standardised message formats, primarily oriented toward business transactions.

» empirical data = datos empíricos.

Example: The author presents empirical data in order to assess the degree of inaccuracy due to this phenomenon.

» exchange + data = intercambiar información.

Example: A free-standing terminal is a computer in its own right, which processes and stores data about the transactions and which may also exchange data with a central computer at predetermined intervals, say at the end of a working day.

» factual data = datos factuales.

Example: Primary literature, secondary literature, numerical and factual data will all be represented.

» factual data bank = banco de datos factual, banco de datos.

Example: The role of factual data banks as support to environmental management and legislation is reviewed based on experience.

» FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interface) = FDDI (Interfaz para Datos Distribuidos por Fibra). [En Internet, estándar para la transmisión de datos en cables de fibra óptica]

Example: FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interface) is a standard for transmitting data on optical fiber cables at a rate of around 100,000,000 bits-per-second.

» field data = información.

Example: This paper discusses the technological revolution in field data collection systems for health sciences.

» fuzzy data retrieval = recuperación de información de lógica difusa.

Example: 2 ideas for such interfaces are: possibility theory applied to fuzzy data retrieval, with hazy data and/or requests; and a machine learning technique applied to learning the user's deep need.

» gender-disaggregated data = estadísticas desegregadas por sexo, datos desagregados por sexo.

Example: The official document calls for the collection & improvement of gender-disaggregated data because of their importance for planning & evaluating means of achieving women's empowerment.

» geospatial data = información geoespacial.

Example: Interfaces for the following types of resources are of special interest to this workshop: textual documents; statistical data; multimedia or mixed-media data; geospatial data; and genomics and proteomics data = En este traller de trabajo son de interés especial los interfaces para los siguientes tipos de recursos: documentos de texto, datos estadísticos, información multimedia, información geospacial y datos de la genómica y la proteómica.

» hard data = datos concretos y reales. [Como opuesto a la manipulación estadistica de datos]

Example: These results indicate a general lack of awareness of the need for hard data as a basis for rationalising planning and development in the information sector.

» hazy data = ?.

Example: 2 ideas for such interfaces are: possibility theory applied to fuzzy data retrieval, with hazy data and/or requests; and a machine learning technique applied to learning the user's deep need.

» image data = imágenes.

Example: This is an adequate way of storing and transmitting scanned paper documents in bitonal and grey scale image data.

» input data = datos de entrada.

Example: Also, if a simple algorithm for the generation of index entries can be stated then additional entries and references can be printed by computer, using the primary index string as input data.

» ISDS (International Serials Data System) = ISDS (Sistema Internacional de Datos sobre Publicaciones Seriadas). [Red de centros nacionales e internacionales que tienen por función el control de las publicaciones periódicas, mediante la asignación del ISSN y del título clave]

Example: One agency to be responsible for such a standard is the International Serials Data System (ISDS) whose International Centre is in Paris.

» key + data = introducir datos.

Example: Input is normally recorded by using a light pen to read bar-encoded patron IDs and bar-encoded book labels, but may also be achieved by keying data at a keyboard/display unit.

» logical data structure = estructura lógica.

Example: The logical data structure is the structure that is important to the computer-system user.

» machine-readable data = datos legibles por máquina.

Example: A suitable framework for the citation of microforms, patents, machine-readable data, sound recordings, samples, maps and graphic materials is the ISBD(G).

» machine-readable data file = archivo de ordenador, archivo electrónico. [Conjunto de información codificada por métodos que requieren la utilización de un ordenador]

Example: A machine-readable data file is a body of information coded by methods that require the use of a machine (typically but not always a computer) for processing.

» management data = información de gestión.

Example: Management data, such as numbers of items borrowed, funds expended in various directions, current awareness notifications followed up (that is, items borrowed after announcement), are very important to a library.

» mathematical data area = área de datos matemáticos. [Nombre dado al área de datos específico de la clase de documento en el caso de los materiales cartográficos]

Example: The mathematical data area includes the statement of scale, and the statement of projection if it is given.

» Mead Data Central = Mead Data Central. [Distribuidor de bases de datos]

Example: This article describes some examples of SDI facilities, offered by commercial on-line vendors (DIALOG, NEWSNET, Pergamon ORBIT, BRS, DATA-STAR, Mead Data Central).

» metadata = metadatos. [En Internet, información que se incluye en los códigos de una página web referida no sólo a sus datos bibliográficos, como autor, títulos, materia, etc. sino también a otro tipo de datos]

Example: Metadata refers to the information about a publication on the Internet as opposed to the content of the publication and includes not only bibliographic description but also other relevant information such as its subject, price, conditions of use, etc = Metadatos se refiere a la información sobre una publicación en Internet a diferencia de su contenido e incluye no sólo información bibliográfica sino también otra información relevante como la materia, el precio, las condiciones de uso, etc.

» National Serials Data Program (NSDP) = Programa Nacional para las Publicaciones Seriadas (NSDP).

Example: NSDP (National Serials Data Program) is responsible for assigning International Standard Serial Numbers (ISSN) and key titles to serials published in the United States.

» numerical data = datos numéricos.

Example: Primary literature, secondary literature, numerical and factual data will all be represented.

» numeric data = información numérica.

Example: Text-numeric databases contain a mixture of textual and numeric data (such as company annual reports) and handbook data.

» packaged data = información envasada.

Example: The Library will continue to take initiative in providing packaged data such as the book forms of the National Union Catalog, Films and Other Materials for Projection, Chinese Cooperative Catalog, and Monographic Series.

» pictorial data = información pictórica.

Example: There is a growing need for the storage and management of pictorial data.

» property data = datos en propiedad, datos privados, información privada.

Example: The author describes the design, structure, and use of numeric data bases for property data derived from photochemistry, photophysics, and radiation chemistry.

» raw data = datos en bruto.

Example: This project will benefit LC by supplying raw data relating to transaction loads and costs.

» rig + data = amañar los datos, manipular los datos.

Example: Scientists already know how to rig the data and the evidence, now they are learning how to rig the polls.

» sample data = información a modo de ejemplo.

Example: Sample data for the rest of the MARC record will be entered with the corresponding field indicator and subfield descriptions highlighted in the lower half of the screen.

» satellite image data = imágenes vía satélite.

Example: The article 'Data-mining the cosmos' describes a series of intelligent, trainable image analysis tools, for helping astronomers manage satellite image data = El artículo "El descubrimiendo de datos del cosmos" describe una serie de herramientas, inteligentes y capaces de aprender, para el análisis de las imágenes, con objeto de ayudar a los astrónomos a gestionar las imágenes vía satélite.

» SMDS (Switched Multimegabit Data Service) = SMDS (Servicio de Datos Conmutados para Multimegabits). [En Internet, norma nueva para la transferencia de datos a alta velocidad]

Example: SMDS (Switched Multimegabit Data Service) is a new standard for very high-speed data transfer.

» solicit + data = recabar datos.

Example: This article reports results of a questionnaire survey conducted to solicit data related to health professionals' image of librarians.

» source of data = fuente de información.

Example: The major sources of data are bibliographies and citations.

» statistical data = datos estadísticos, información estadística.

Example: Librarians must assess community needs by compiling a community profile based upon sources of local statistical data and administering questionnaires to community workers and those people living in the community.

» subject data = información sobre la materia.

Example: In UNIMARC the subject analysis block, block 6 -- , contains subject data constructed according to various systems, both verbal and notational.

» technical data = características técnicas.

Example: The final operator in this group is (g), denoting coordinate concepts: (1) sulphides (g) selenides $v & (g) tellurides (p) thermodynamic properties (6) technical data.

» terminological data bank = banco de datos terminológico.

Example: This paper describes the function of EURODICAUTAM terminological data bank designed to improve the efficiency of translations work.

» test data = resultados de pruebas.

Example: This means that it must be well documented, with for example user manuals, test data and guidance on setting up systems.

» textual data = información textual.

Example: Text-numeric databases contain a mixture of textual and numeric data (such as company annual reports) and handbook data.

» transborder data flow (TBDF) = transferencia de información entre países. [Intercambio o utilización de la información generada en un país por otros]

Example: The expression 'transborder data flows' (TBDF) encompasses a complex set of issues resulting from the electronic transfer or exchange of information across national boundaries.

» transborder data protection = protección de información entre fronteras. [Conjunto de medidas tomadas por un país para evitar que cierta información generada en un país sea asequible en otro u otros países]

Example: Some other countries, including Britain, are considering their position on both national and transborder data protection.

» unit of data = unidad de datos.

Example: The separating character in a bibliographic record is a control character used to separate and qualify units of data logically, and in some cases hierarchically.

» video data = imágenes.

Example: The video data are carried by a pitted spiral track, as shown in Fig. 12.

datum [data, -pl.] = dato, información. 

Example: Thus, having entered the authority datum correctly once, we could be sure that no matter how many bibliographic records used it they would all do so with mechanical consistency.

Datum synonyms

data point in spanish: punto de datos, pronunciation: deɪtəpɔɪnt part of speech: noun
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