Deadpan in spanish

Rostro sin expresión

pronunciation: roʊstɹ̩oʊsinekspɹ̩esioʊn part of speech: adjective
In gestures

deadpan = inexpresivo, deliberadamente inexpresivo, serio en apariencia. 

Example: The story is told with a kind of deadpan surrealism.


» deadpan expression = cara de póker, cara de póquer.

Example: Twain recited his material in careless dress and constant deadpan expression, often appearing to be unprepared or confused.

» deadpan humour = humor serio.

Example: Never sentimental, the movie has moments of droll, deadpan humor.

Deadpan synonyms

impassive in spanish: soy pasivo, pronunciation: ɪmpæsɪv part of speech: adjective expressionless in spanish: inexpresivo, pronunciation: ɪkspreʃənlɪs part of speech: adjective uncommunicative in spanish: poco comunicativo, pronunciation: ənkəmjunɪkətɪv part of speech: adjective poker-faced in spanish: cara de póker, pronunciation: poʊkɜrfeɪst part of speech: adjective unexpressive in spanish: inexpresivo, pronunciation: ənɪkspresɪv part of speech: adjective incommunicative in spanish: poco expansivo, pronunciation: ɪnkəmjunɪkətɪv part of speech: adjective
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