Deceased in spanish


pronunciation: fɑjeθidoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

deceased = fallecido, muerto, difunto. 

Example: Deceased persons of high renown in these fields will also be included.


» deceased person = difunto, fallecido.

Example: Most countries have an inheritance law regarding the bequests that a deceased person includes in a will or living trust.

» deceased + Publicación Periódica = Publicación Periódica + cesada.

Example: The 'Bulletin of Bibliography', 1897, regularly featured a section titled 'Births, Deaths, and Magazines Notes,' useful for information about new and 'deceased' periodicals.

» deceased, the = fallecido, el; difunto, el.

Example: In most instances, the next of kin is responsible for arranging the funeral of the deceased, for example: spouse, child, parent, legal partner or sibling.

Deceased synonyms

dead in spanish: muerto, pronunciation: ded part of speech: adjective gone in spanish: ido, pronunciation: gɔn part of speech: adjective asleep in spanish: dormido, pronunciation: əslip part of speech: adverb decedent in spanish: hombre muerto, pronunciation: desidənt part of speech: noun departed in spanish: salido, pronunciation: dɪpɑrtəd part of speech: noun, adjective at rest in spanish: en reposo, pronunciation: ætrest part of speech: adverb at peace in spanish: en paz, pronunciation: ætpis deceased person in spanish: persona fallecida, pronunciation: dɪsistpɜrsən part of speech: noun dead person in spanish: persona muerta, pronunciation: dedpɜrsən part of speech: noun dead soul in spanish: alma muerta, pronunciation: dedsoʊl part of speech: noun
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