Decision in spanish


pronunciation: deθisioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

decision = decisión. 

Example: However, once a decision has been made to group similar types of entries other difficulties emerge in defining the categories.


» abide by + a decision = acatar una decisión.

Example: Sisters, for example, who take a vow of obedience, are willing to abide by the decisions made by their superiors.

» accept + a decision = aceptar una decisión.

Example: In spite of their protestations to the contrary, most bosses prefer subordinates whom they get along with, who cause them no anxiety, who quietly accept their decisions, who praise them.

» adopt + a decision = adoptar una decisión, tomar una decisión.

Example: The European Commission has issued a time schedule for measures which will follow the decisions adopted = La Comisión Europea ha publicado un calendario de las medidas que se tomarán trás las decisiones adoptadas.

» affect + a decision = afectar a una decisión.

Example: All these bulletins include articles on current aspects of Community agriculture which are likely to affect the decisions of farmers and traders.

» appeal + a decision = recurrir una decisión, reclamar una decisión.

Example: Mechanisms for appealing decisions and filing complaints and grievances are also critical to the integrity of any accreditation process.

» arbitrary decision = decisión arbitraria.

Example: It is concluded that the choice of citation and co-citation thresholds can be influenced by formal considerations which ensure statistically meaningful partitions rather than arbitrary decision which can produce meaningless interpretations.

» arrive at + a decision = alcanzar una decisión, llegar a una decisión.

Example: The surest way to arrive at such a decision is to be guided by principles of helpful citation order.

» colour + a decision = afectar a una decisión.

Example: The purpose of the thesaurus will colour the decisions concerning many of the characteristics of the planned thesaurus.

» conscious decision = decisión consciente.

Example: Most everything that they do is done by force of habit rather than by instinct (as animals do) or by conscious decision or by whim.

» contest + a decision = recurrir una decisión, reclamar una decisión.

Example: While individual members could not contest the decision reached in the meeting, they could question the amount allocated to them.

» court decision = decisión judicial.

Example: The Supreme Court makes the final court decision in a case -- what they say is the last word.

» crisis decision = decisión precipitada ante un problema.

Example: The librarian should avoid crisis decisions by planning well ahead.

» decision maker [decision-maker] = responsable de tomar decisiones, dirigente, autoridad.

Example: This not only gives the decision maker an idea of the time frame involved but also aids in identifying potential weaknesses.

» decision making [decision-making] = toma de decisiones.

Example: DOBIS/LIBIS may replace the typewriter, the catalog card, and much leg work, but it cannot replace the decision-making capabilities of the library staff.

» decision making system = sistema de apoyo a la toma de decisiones.

Example: The role of computer-based information systems has evolved from focusing on data (transaction processing systems) and information (management information systems) to focusing on decision (decision support systems) and coordination (distributed decision-making systems).

» decision support = apoyo a la toma de decisiones.

Example: The article is entitled 'Clinical decision-support in the field of tetanus serology using an associative storage model implemented in LISP'.

» decision support system = sistema de apoyo a la toma de decisiones.

Example: Computer aids to decision making range from the personal computer-based financial planning ('spreadsheet') and cash management packages to large-scale decision support systems.

» decision taking = toma de decisiones.

Example: The regulatory hurdles of local education planning committees, national resource allocation systems and local and national validating schemes hamper swift decision taking.

» decision-theoretic model = modelo teórico para la toma de decisiones.

Example: This article proposes extensions of the decision-theoretic model using probability measures of fuzzy events.

» decision to adopt = decisión de adoptar.

Example: The paper devotes its attention to the library's decision to adopt OCLC Europe.

» decision to the contrary = decidir, tomar otra decisión.

Example: Unless a conscious decision has been made to the contrary, the abstractor should not introduce any new biases or emphases.

» decision tree = árbol para la toma de decisiones. [Sistema de representación de los pasos a seguir en cualquier proceso a modo de un árbol según el cual cada decisión nos lleva a varias alternativas o ramas y éstas a otras]

Example: The system uses decision trees to select a suitable action at each stage of a search, and it performs automatic Boolean function where appropriate.

» delegate + a decision = delegar una decisión.

Example: The librarian should delegate as many decisions as possible to the level of authority qualified and most interested in handling the problem.

» educated decision = decisión fundada, decisión con conocimiento de causa.

Example: This decision should be based on an educated decision not a blind guess.

» execute + a decision = ejecutar una decisión, llevar a cabo una decisión.

Example: Tell me about a time when you when you had to make an unfavorable decision and how did you go about executing the decision.

» govern + a decision = regir una decisión.

Example: The scope of the thesaurus, and the intended audience, should govern all decisions.

» hand down + decisions = dictar órdenes.

Example: They project themselves more easily into the roles of the characters who must frequently attempt to influence their superiors, rather than hand down decisions.

» implement + a decision = llevar a la práctica una decisión.

Example: In the second case, we are studying the structure and mechanics of politics: how decisions are reached and implemented.

» informed decision = decisión fundada, decisión con conocimiento de causa.

Example: The librarian librarian decided to examine the style and content of Enid Blyton's writing in an attempt to arrive at an informed decision about whether or not to stock Blyton titles in her library.

» informed decision making = toma de decisiones fundadas, toma de decisiones con conocimiento de causa.

Example: Change will only come about when informed decision making becomes a societal norm.

» irrevocable decision = decisión irrevocable.

Example: It is equally important that the attitudes of school media staff be ascertained before irrevocable decisions are made concerning the automation of technical services.

» last-minute decision = decisión de última hora.

Example: Last-minute decisions could have long-lasting effect.

» lead (up) to + a decision = llevar a tomar una decisión.

Example: A description of this process, including the background leading up to the decision to acquire an automated system and the selection process itself are reported.

» make + a decision = tomar una decisión.

Example: However, once a decision has been made to group similar types of entries other difficulties emerge in defining the categories.

» make + an educated decision = tomar una decisión con conocimiento de causa.

Example: Before you start this Atkins diet, you need to understand the potential negative effects as well as how to counteract them in order to make an educated decision.

» make + an uninformed decision = tomar una decisión sin conocer todos los datos.

Example: There is a concern that when presented too many information options, the individual begins to avoid being informed, and to relieve the anxiety, makes an uninformed decision.

» make + informed decisions = tomar decisiones fundadas, tomar decisiones con conocimiento de causa.

Example: The library must not take sides: its role is to buy and publicise the materials that will allow young people to make informed decisions about their own lives = La biblioteca no debe tomar partido: su función es adquirir y difundir el material que permite a los jóvenes tomar decisiones fundadas sobre sus propias vidas.

» make + policy decisions = adoptar una política.

Example: Each library must make policy decisions concerning whether it will indulge in analytical cataloguing.

» policy decision = decisión sobre qué política de actuación seguir.

Example: Critical and accurate analyses of citation figures is required when such data are used in policy decisions, such as library subscriptions.

» rash decision = decisión precipitada.

Example: Odysseus tends to make rash decisions and often finds it impossible to control his impulses.

» reach + a decision = tomar una decisión.

Example: From a social point of view, information technology promises changes in the way we communicate and reach decisions.

» Solomonic decision = decisión salomónica.

Example: The legal system cannot make these Solomonic decisions with assurance of a just outcome.

» split decision = decisión no unánime, división de opiniones. [Usado generalmente en el boxeo]

Example: Split decisions occur for approximately 60% of the manuscripts we receive.

» take + a decision = tomar una decisión.

Example: It is becoming urgently necessary for libraries to take a decision as to their role in information dissemination.

» take + decisions in + Posesivo + name = tomar decisiones por Alguien.

Example: Moreover, the citizens of Europe have a right to know about the various measures and decisions taken in their name and which can have a direct impact upon their private or professional lives.

Decision synonyms

conclusion in spanish: conclusión, pronunciation: kənkluʒən part of speech: noun determination in spanish: determinación, pronunciation: dɪtɜrməneɪʃən part of speech: noun decisiveness in spanish: decisión, pronunciation: dɪsaɪsɪvnəs part of speech: noun

Decision antonyms

indecision pronunciation: ɪndɪsɪʒən part of speech: noun indecisiveness pronunciation: ɪndesɪsɪvnəs part of speech: noun
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