Ecclesiastic in spanish


pronunciation: eklesiɑstikoʊ part of speech: noun, adjective
In gestures

ecclesiastic = eclesiástico. 

Example: The choice of entry for chiefs of state is the same as that for works by popes or other high ecclesiastical officials.


» ecclesiastic letter = carta apostólica, carta eclesiástica.

Example: Pope John Paul II, in an ecclesiastic letter to the Roman Catholic clergy, stressed celibacy as a prerequisite for the priesthood.

Ecclesiastic synonyms

divine in spanish: adivinar, pronunciation: dɪvaɪn part of speech: adjective, noun ecclesiastical in spanish: eclesiástico, pronunciation: ɪkliziæstɪkəl part of speech: adjective cleric in spanish: clérigo, pronunciation: klerɪk part of speech: noun churchman in spanish: eclesiástico, pronunciation: tʃɜrtʃmən part of speech: noun
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