Economic in spanish


pronunciation: ekoʊnoʊmikoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

economic = económico. 

Example: Generally, the availability of centralised cataloguing records will, if the economic aspects are favourable, encourage uniformity.


» bad economic times = crisis económica, recesión económica.

Example: With rare exceptions, law firms prosper during good and bad economic times.

» difficult economic times = crisis económica, recesión económica.

Example: This sector has been something of a social 'shock absorber' in recent difficult economic times.

» economic adversity = dificultades económicas.

Example: The article has the title 'A radical response to economic adversity'.

» economic background = características económicas, peculiaridades económicas.

Example: The development of the library and information sector in the South Pacific has been slow and unequal, reflecting very much the geographical, political, cultural and economic background of the region.

» economic benefit = beneficio económico.

Example: Researchers, administrators, and business people will derive economic benefit from following this approach.

» economic boom = boom económico.

Example: At the times of the economic boom airlines celebrated the abundance of passengers without paying due attention to assessing potential risks.

» economic circumstances = circunstancias económicas.

Example: The well-being of children depends greatly on the economic circumstances and material well-being of their families.

» economic climate = clima económico.

Example: His article casts doubt on the future of local technical libraries in the new economic climate.

» economic conditions = condiciones económicas.

Example: Current economic conditions emphasise the need for a compromise by both parties in the information process.

» economic constraints = limitaciones económicas.

Example: A recent study of library budgets indicates that, in times of economic constraint, libraries tend to continue to subscribe to secondary services while dropping primary journals.

» economic context = contexto económico.

Example: The author takes care to set the discussion in papermaking in the social and economic contexts of the times.

» economic crisis = crisis económica.

Example: During the economic crisis of the inter-war years, the development of Polish libraries was hampered by lack of funds and the inflationary cost of books.

» economic cuts = recortes económicos.

Example: Despite economic cuts, the impression American library workers give is one of optimism and desire to try untraditional ways of solving economic problems.

» economic depression = crisis económica, depresión económica, recesión económica.

Example: Due to economic depression, lap dog thievery is now on the increase.

» economic deprivation = penurias económicas.

Example: A converted mobile library vehicle is used to deliver tutor supported training to local communities suffering from economic deprivation and social exclusion.

» economic development = desarrollo económico.

Example: Technology transfers between developed and underdeveloped nations have been the mainstays of economic development for over 30 years.

» economic disaster = desastre económico.

Example: The article 'Biting the Bullet on Education' discusses the crisis in science education which reflects larger educational problems and signals a possible economic disaster.

» economic dividend = dividendo económico, beneficio económico.

Example: The existence of an economic dividend of the global devolutionary trend registered over the past three decades is still ambiguous.

» economic doldrums = depresión económica, mala racha económica, bache económico, crisis económica.

Example: People on both sides noted sardonically that economic doldrums were forcing Croats to turn to Serbs to help save them.

» economic downturn = recesión económica.

Example: The program focused on the chain reaction caused by the current economic downturn on publishers, librarians and vendors of library materials.

» economic efficiency = eficacia económica.

Example: The injection of foreign ownership into the debate over the privatisation of federal agencies has deflected attention from critical domestic concerns of economic efficiency and operational optimisation.

» economic emancipation = emancipación económica, independencia económica.

Example: Within less than 2 decades most African nations have become independent, but have not achieved full economic emancipation.

» economic forces = factores económicos.

Example: Destabilisation of the economic forces governing publishers' prices has meant that subscription agents no longer work on firm ground.

» economic gain = beneficio económico.

Example: It is time we gave up 'ideology' in favour of pure economic gains.

» economic gloom = pesimismo económico.

Example: With uncertainty over the country's government and the economic gloom only set to worsen, even the most patriotic amongst us must be thinking about emigrating.

» economic good = bien de consumo.

Example: As a result, laws which attempt to treat information as an economic good -- patent, trade secret, copyright or privacy laws, for instance -- run into continuing problems of interpretation and enforcement.

» economic growth = crecimiento económico.

Example: A new solution to the problem of predicting cyclical highs and lows in the economy enables one to gauge whether an incipient economic downswing will turn out to be a slowdown in economic growth or a real recession.

» economic health = salud económica.

Example: It is logical that the United States should do whatever it is able to do to assist in the return of normal economic health in the world.

» economic historian = historiador económico.

Example: Previous economic historians have, by and large, studiously ignored the British slave trade.

» economic impact = impacto económico.

Example: Its economic impact has been a disappointment & is totally incommensurate with the size of the investment.

» economic imperative = imperativo económico.

Example: Public institutions should be guided by economic imperatives.

» economic incentive = incentivo económico.

Example: One of the principles that was demonstrated in this study was that workers are more motivated by social rewards and sanctions than by economic incentives.

» economic index = índice económico.

Example: These key economic indexes have now touched the yellow alert point for the first time this year.

» economic influence = influencia económica.

Example: The political, social and economic influences driving the movement are described in broad terms.

» economic instability = inestabilidad económica.

Example: Economic instability can affect people from all walks of life.

» economic intelligence = información corporativa, inteligencia económica. [Información que una empresa recoge sobre sí misma para mejorar]

Example: This is a comparative study of economic intelligence systems in Quebec, Canada, in European countries, in the US and in Japan.

» economic interest = interés económico.

Example: When push comes to shove, it seems that short-term economic interests steamroller scientific arguments.

» economic issue = cuestión económica.

Example: Economic issues are of paramount importance, with the network's potential for public use and benefit being secondary.

» economic levelling = equiparación económica, nivelación económica.

Example: They believed in the 'inevitability of stratification, necessity of aristocracy, importance of religion and morality, sanctity of property, unwisdom of majority rule, urgency of constitutionalism, and folly of all attempts at social and economic leveling'.

» economic leverage = poder económico, fuerza económica.

Example: Large Japanese firms have the economic leverage to buy US data base producers.

» economic mainstay = pilar económico.

Example: The Vietnamese automobile industry is growing, but agricultural will always be its economic mainstay.

» economic measure = medida económica.

Example: We need alternative economic measures that reward positive growth while taxing growth that is harmful.

» economic meltdown = cataclismo económico, colapso económico, debacle económica, crisis económica.

Example: If you have the illusion that the global economic meltdown is over, you need to wake up to reality.

» economic model = modelo económico.

Example: Brazil has finally embraced modern capitalism and broken decisively with a sclerotic old economic model.

» economic necessity = necesidad económica.

Example: For most who moonlight, the extra income is an economic necessity, and for a great many more, the economic need to work a second job exists but the employment opportunity does not.

» economic need = necesidad económica.

Example: For most who moonlight, the extra income is an economic necessity, and for a great many more, the economic need to work a second job exists but the employment opportunity does not.

» economic penalty = sanción económica.

Example: Therefore, there exists an opportunity to reduce toxic emissions by the order of 15 to 20% without substantial economic penalties.

» economic power = potencia económica.

Example: Britain is on a roll -- the world's second military power and, by some recent estimates, the world's fourth economic power.

» economic pressure = presión económica.

Example: Public libraries, in common with other public services are not immune to political, economic and social pressures.

» economic problem = problema económico.

Example: The country's severe economic problems have cast a shadow over the book trade, yet its vigour and diversity are astonishing.

» economic prospects = expectativas económicas.

Example: Salvadorans have a long history of migration out of El Salvador, the most densely populated of the Central American countries, in search of better economic prospects.

» economic prosperity = prosperidad económica.

Example: Like the smartphone, the astrolabe came into being during times of economic prosperity.

» economic recession = recesión económica.

Example: Worse still, some EC countries, particularly in a period of world economic recession, become adept at bending the Community's rules to suit their own purposes.

» economic recovery = recuperación económica.

Example: Then Israeli Jewish supremacists, like their South African & US counterparts, may desire economic recovery over supremacist goals.

» economic reform = reforma económica.

Example: Conversely, the impact of IT has accelerated the economic reforms = Por el contrario, el impacto de las TI ha acelerado las reformas económicas.

» economic report = memoria económica, informe económico.

Example: The economic reports this past week eased both growth and inflation concerns, increasing the market's confidence.

» economic resources = recursos económicos, medios económicos.

Example: Owing to the lack of skilled staff and economic resources, traditional libraries are not always able to adequately collect, classify, record, preserve and store prints and negatives of historical importance.

» economic restraint = restricción económica.

Example: Ecomonic restraint has resulted in effective, efficient libraries and in an increased role for the special library in many organisations.

» economic restrictions = restricciones económicas.

Example: The economic restrictions of the 80s have contributed to an increase in quality of publications.

» economic retrenchment = recortes económicos.

Example: In the present climate of economic retrenchment some media centers may be experiencing staff cutbacks.

» economic return = beneficio económico.

Example: With the increasing demand for accountability, libraries should be able to justify budgetary requests by translating public investment in libraries into an economic return.

» economic revival = reactivación económica.

Example: The author considers the role of government in fostering economic revival as well as information transfer.

» economic sanction = sanción económica.

Example: This is yet another snub to the United Nations Security Council which has imposed economic sanctions on Iran over its refusal to suspend uranium enrichment.

» economic slowdown = ralentización económica, recesión económica.

Example: A team of seventy senior managers has been formed to strategise and chart the company's course in the current economic slowdown.

» economic slump = crisis económica.

Example: The mysterious decline in the profitability of the children's book market has less to do with an economic slump than with shifts in market share between established players and the newcomers.

» economic stability = estabilidad económica.

Example: Armed with powers to enforce the rules that have long underpinned international trade and economic stability, it was expected to play a central role in managing global integration.

» economic status = estatus económico, situación económica.

Example: The determination of Cypriot provenances for amphorae and roof tiles provide important evidence regarding the economic status of Cyprus at that time.

» economic system = sistema económico.

Example: Libraries are under the influence of the country's national debt and an economic system guided by political considerations rather than economic farsightednes.

» economic-technical = económico-técnico.

Example: One of the key concepts that permeate the field is a concern with economic-technical rather than psychosocial aspects = Uno de los conceptos principales que típico de la disciplina es una preocupación por los aspectos económico-técnicos que por los sicosociales.

» economic theory = teoría económica.

Example: At the other extreme is Mises, who describes economic theory as an essential element in the structure of human civilization.

» economic turmoil = confusión económica.

Example: During the economic turmoil that currently exists, scientists are finding their access to information restricted.

» economic uncertainty = incertidumbre económica, incertidumbre financiera.

Example: Despite today's economic uncertainty, there are organizations that continue to fund projects both locally and overseas.

» economic upheaval = trastorno económico.

Example: One product of that economic upheaval was an increasing problem of infanticides and infant abandonments.

» economic value = valor económico.

Example: Librarians tend to overestimate the social value of information and ignore its economic value.

» economic welfare = bienestar económico.

Example: Libraries are not longer seen as important cultural institutions and that their role will be judged according to contribution to the national economic welfare.

» economic well-being = bienestar económico.

Example: The 2001 foot and mouth disease outbreak in the UK had a significant impact on the economic and social well-being of rural communities.

» economic worries = preocupaciones económicas.

Example: And you might think Russia's economic worries would make Mr Putin more pliant.

» European Economic Community (EEC) = Comunidad Económica Europea (CEE).

Example: The European Economic Community (EEC) Treaty of 25 March 1957 endowed the European Parliament with 'advisory and supervisory powers'.

» General Industrial Classification of Economic Activities (NACE) = Clasificación Industrial General de las Actividades Económicas (NACE).

Example: In order to facilitate the compilation of comparable data on economic activity in the Community as a whole the Statistical Office devised the General Industrial Classification of Economic Activities within the European Communities (NACE).

» geoeconomic = geoeconómico.

Example: It was only beginning in the 1970s that interstate institutions began to play a significant role in these geoeconomic struggles.

» global economic slump = crisis económica mundial.

Example: Amidst increasing signs in some quarters that the worst of the global economic slump could be over, analysts are looking for signs that Russia is close to recovery.

» good economic times = bonanza económica.

Example: With rare exceptions, law firms prosper during good and bad economic times.

» macroeconomic [macro-economic] = macroeconómico.

Example: The author outlines the key macroeconomic factors influencing UK and German university libraries.

» microeconomic [micro-economic] = microeconómico.

Example: The author discusses the socioeconomic impact of information technology on the microeconomic level of private households.

» non-economic [noneconomic] = no económico.

Example: Many non-economic factors dominate the decision to subscribe to a journal.

» Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) = Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico (OCDE).

Example: The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the European Community in its various manifestations are very significant publishers = La Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico (OCDE), la Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte (OTAN) y la Comunidad Europea en sus diversas manifestaciones son editores muy importantes.

» politico-economic = político-económico.

Example: This article discusses the consequences of politico-economic change during the last decade and the impact of new technology on the library.

» societal and economic = socioeconómico.

Example: Information and knowledge have become a factor sui generis in societal and economic development.

» socioeconomic [socio-economic] = socioeconómico.

Example: By making a special effort to serve the needs of the lower socioeconomic groups, the public library is seen as fulfilling its duty to serve all the community.

» sustainable economic development = desarrollo económico sostenible.

Example: Education, innovation and internationalisation are key elements to successful sustainable economic development.

» uneconomic = antieconómico, no rentable.

Example: It would be uneconomic and foolish to persevere with human assignment of controlled-language terms.

Economic synonyms

efficient in spanish: eficiente, pronunciation: ɪfɪʃənt part of speech: adjective profitable in spanish: rentable, pronunciation: prɑfətəbəl part of speech: adjective economical in spanish: económico, pronunciation: ekənɑmɪkəl part of speech: adjective worldly in spanish: mundano, pronunciation: wɜrldli part of speech: adjective
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