Farinaceous in spanish


pronunciation: fɑɹ̩inɑθeoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

farinaceous = farináceo, rico en almidón. 

Example: Many fruits and seeds are sought by animals of all kinds for the sake of their farinaceous or oleaginous properties.

Farinaceous synonyms

coarse in spanish: grueso, pronunciation: kɔrs part of speech: adjective gritty in spanish: arenoso, pronunciation: grɪti part of speech: adjective granular in spanish: granular, pronunciation: grænjəlɜr part of speech: adjective mealy in spanish: harinoso, pronunciation: mili part of speech: adjective sandy in spanish: arenoso, pronunciation: sændi part of speech: adjective grainy in spanish: granoso, pronunciation: greɪni part of speech: adjective granulose in spanish: granulosa, pronunciation: grænəloʊz part of speech: adjective coarse-grained in spanish: de grano grueso, pronunciation: kɔrsgreɪnd part of speech: adjective
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