Farrow in spanish

Lechigada de puercos

pronunciation: letʃigɑdɑdepueɹ̩koʊs part of speech: noun
In gestures

farrow1 = cría, camada. [Aplicado específicamente a cerdos]

Example: Treated semen increased the number of farrows, but had no effect on the mean size of the litters.

farrow2 = parir. [Aplicado específicamente a cerdos]

Example: Sows that farrowed in winter had the highest number of stillborn piglets per litter and the lowest percentage born alive.

Farrow synonyms

pig in spanish: cerdo, pronunciation: pɪg part of speech: noun farrowing in spanish: parir, pronunciation: færoʊɪŋ part of speech: noun
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