Gap in spanish


pronunciation: bɹ̩etʃɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

gap1 = laguna, interrupción, intervalo, vacío, espacio, hueco, brecha, abertura, carencia. 

Example: New editions will be essentially cumulations and therefore a longer gap will exist between editions.


» credibility gap + arise = surgir un problema de credibilidad.

Example: Because of widely differing perceptions between public library users, authorities and public librarians on the relative importance of the social and informational role of the public library, a credibility gap has arisen which is seriously detrimental to the public library.

» fill + a gap = llenar un vacío, cubrir una laguna, llenar un hueco.

Example: In addition, secondary works are actively sought, while older materials is acquired to fill gaps in the collection.

» fill in + a gap = llenar un hueco, llenar un vacío.

Example: I'll need the rest of the time to fill in any gaps with specifics.

» gap-toothed = de dientes separados, de dientes mellados, mellado. 

Example: While not the picture of classic beauty, the gap-toothed look succeeds for some.

» gap year = año sabático. [Año que un estudiante se toma libre, principalmente para viajar por el mundo, antes de iniciar sus estudios universitarios]

Example: The author examines the effect on a student's focus of taking a 'gap year'.

» information gap = brecha informacional, laguna informativa.

Example: Moreover, the results show that the information gap between rich and poor nations seems to be greater than the social gap.

» leave + gap = dejar un hueco.

Example: Further, it is necessary to predict in advance the areas in which new subjects are likely to arise and to leave gaps accordingly; this forecasting is obviously difficult.

» overcome + the credibility gap = superar un problema de credibilidad.

Example: From experience, it does appear to help in overcoming the credibility gap that the public have in associating libraries with information to help them with everyday problems.

» stop-gap [stopgap] = medida provisional, parche.

Example: The author describes the role of CD-ROM technology as both temporary stopgap and long term solution to the problem of direct access to online databases.

gap2 = carencia. 

Example: The picture in many cities was a patchwork one, with frequent overlapping and often gaps in coverage.

gap3 = diferencia, desajuste. 

Example: The gap between what private and public institutions charge means that private schools are at a big disadvantage in recruiting students.


» bridge + the gap = salvar las distancias, reducir las diferencias, paliar las diferencias, tender puentes.

Example: This project aims to bridge the gap between academics and practitioners through the sharing of their experiences.

» close + the gap = acortar las diferencias, acortar las distancias, reducir las distancias, reducir las diferencias.

Example: During the 19 years that statistics have been gathered women have been gradually closing the earnings gap.

» gender gap = diferencia debida al género, diferencia debida al sexo.

Example: Despite good computer education in schools, a gender gap still exists in computer use.

» gender pay gap = diferencia de retribución entre mujeres y hombres.

Example: In accord with much existing literature, results indicate that a large part of the gender pay gap is unexplained, even when a wide range of variables are included.

» generation gap = diferencia generacional.

Example: This article considers the phenomenon of the generation gap as applied to users of the library who are over 65 years old.

» narrowing gap between ... and = reducción de las diferencias entre... y..., diferencia cada vez menor entre... y..., desajuste cada vez menor entre... y....

Example: Trends noted include the narrowing gap in interactive searching between Europe and the USA, and the inter-regional imbalance within Europe in volume of searches.

» narrowing of the gap between ... and = reducción de las diferencias entre... y..., diferencia cada vez menor entre... y..., desajuste cada vez menor entre... y....

Example: The result might be greater efficiency and the narrowing of the gap between different modes of thought regarding library classification.

» narrow + the gap between ... and = acortar las distancias entre... y..., reducir las diferencias entre... y....

Example: Their goal is to relate abstract management principles and theories to actual management practice, and to help narrow the gap between the classroom and the real world.

» Número + year gap = Número + años de diferencia.

Example: In the 10-year gap between the publication of her first book and her second, she stretched her imagination to match the diversity and ruggedness of America.

» social gap = diferencia social.

Example: Moreover, the results show that the information gap between rich and poor nations seems to be greater than the social gap.

» wealth gap, the = desigualdad entre ricos y pobres, la; desigualdad económica, la; brecha económica, la.

Example: The wealth gap between America's middle-income and upper-income families has never been greater in recorded history.

» widening gap between... and... = aumento de las diferencias entre... y..., diferencia cada vez mayor entre... y.., desajuste cada vez mayor entre... y..., distaciamiento cada vez mayor entre... y..., separación cada vez mayor entre... y....

Example: The author describes the widening gap between Europe on the one hand and the USA and Japan on the other in the size of their respective information technology industries.

» widening of the gap beween .... and = aumento de las diferencias entre... y..., diferencia cada vez mayor entre... y..., desajuste cada vez mayor entre... y..., distaciamiento entre... y..., separación entre... y....

Example: The dominance of cyberspace will lead to a widening of the gap between the industrialized and the developing world.

» widen + the gap between ... and = aumentar las diferencias entre... y..., separar aun más, distanciar aun más.

Example: There has been increasing concern that advances in high technology have widened the information gap between developed and developing countries.

gap4 = distanciar, separar. 

Example: For this reason, most experts recommend creating an escape path by gapping the second ring up to 1.25 times wider than the top ring gap.


» gap down = deslizarse. [Usado generalmente en el mercado bursátil]

Example: The market did the right thing today and punished this evil company by gapping down 12%.

» gap up = saltar, aumentar. [Usado generalmente en el mercado bursátil]

Example: The stock hit a new high on Monday after gapping up 7%.

gap5 = eliminar Algo dejando un hueco en su lugar. 

Example: Collect some short texts of your own and make a test by gapping grammatical words, eg prepositions, articles, pronouns etc.

Gap synonyms

break in spanish: descanso, pronunciation: breɪk part of speech: verb, noun spread in spanish: untado, pronunciation: spred part of speech: verb, noun breach in spanish: incumplimiento, pronunciation: britʃ part of speech: noun crack in spanish: grieta, pronunciation: kræk part of speech: noun, verb opening in spanish: apertura, pronunciation: oʊpənɪŋ part of speech: noun disruption in spanish: ruptura, pronunciation: dɪsrʌpʃən part of speech: noun col in spanish: columna, pronunciation: kɑl part of speech: noun interruption in spanish: interrupción, pronunciation: ɪntɜrʌpʃən part of speech: noun
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