Gape in spanish

Mirar boquiabierto

pronunciation: miɹ̩ɑɹ̩boʊkiɑbieɹ̩toʊ part of speech: verb, noun
In gestures

gape = abrirse. 

Example: This article argues that box designs for small books have 3 shortcomings: their corners tend to gape; strings, buttons and other fixing arrangements clutter the outside of the box; and the box flaps are too soft causing it to be pushed out of alignment.

Gape synonyms

goggle in spanish: mirada sorprendida, pronunciation: gɑgəl part of speech: verb gawk in spanish: papar moscas, pronunciation: gɔk part of speech: verb, noun yaw in spanish: guiñada, pronunciation: part of speech: noun yawn in spanish: bostezo, pronunciation: jɔn part of speech: noun, verb gawp in spanish: gawp, pronunciation: gɔp part of speech: verb
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