Garland in spanish


pronunciation: giɹ̩nɑldɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

garland1 = guirnalda. 

Example: The Red Room is decorated with garlands and topiaries made of pomegranates, pears and magnolia leaves.


» flower garland = guirnalda de flores, corona de flores.

Example: Sometimes the winner of an event would receive a garland of laurels -- even graves were adorned with flower garlands.

» garland of laurels = corona de laureles, guirnalda de laureles.

Example: Sometimes the winner of an event would receive a garland of laurels -- even graves were adorned with flower garlands.

garland2 = coplilla. [Pliego suelto sheet-book que contiene cancioncillas]

Example: Sheet-books containing songs were usually referred to as garlands.

garland3 = decorar, engalanar, decorar con guirnaldas, engalanar con guirnaldas, enguirnaldar. 

Example: Classrooms were draped with cloth and garlanded with lattices and vines.

Garland synonyms

wreath in spanish: guirnalda, pronunciation: riθ part of speech: noun lei in spanish: lei, pronunciation: leɪ part of speech: noun chaplet in spanish: guirnalda, pronunciation: tʃæplət part of speech: noun miscellany in spanish: miscelánea, pronunciation: mɪsəleɪni part of speech: noun coronal in spanish: coronal, pronunciation: kɜroʊnəl part of speech: noun florilegium in spanish: florilegio, pronunciation: flɔrəlidʒəm part of speech: noun
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