Genetic in spanish


pronunciation: xenetikoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

genetic = genético. 

Example: DEFORMITIES-GENETIC ASPECTS is an aspect of birth defects, and that has not yet become a standard LC heading.


» genetic abnormality = anormalidad genética.

Example: Some identified risk factors that increase the chances of developing duodenum cancer are: diabetes and obesity, smoking, exposure to chemicals, genetic abnormalities and hereditary conditions, and duodenal ulcer.

» genetic algorithm (GA) = algoritmo genético.

Example: The article 'Splashing in the gene pool' describes a recent project to investigate the use of genetic algorithms (GA) in some aspects of information retrieval.

» genetic code = código genético.

Example: We'd have to mature a long, long way before we're truly ready to start playing God with out own genetic code.

» genetic disease = enfermedad genética.

Example: Muscular dystrophy refers to a group of genetic diseases that cause progressive weakness and degeneration of skeletal muscles.

» genetic engineering = ingeniería genética.

Example: The article 'Future tense: science fiction confronts the new science' reviews recent science fiction novels for young adults that deal with artificial intelligence, robotics and genetic engineering.

» genetic fingerprint = huella genética.

Example: The genetic fingerprint is a species of personal bar-code, which allows the genetic identification of individuals as well as the analysis of biological kinship.

» genetic fingerprinting = identificación genética.

Example: For the first time, genetic fingerprinting would be used to exonerate a suspect and convict the guilty person.

» genetic makeup = herencia genética, dotación genética, estructura genética, composición genética.

Example: It is not that I wanted to be a chauvinistic pig, but I guess my genetic makeup and the environment I was involved with made me one.

» genetic manipulation = manipulación genética.

Example: In fact, neither Hitler's bungled attempts nor mad cow disease have anything to do with modern genetic manipulation.

» genetic material = material genético.

Example: These people should be shot on sight and all their genetic material vaporized... fucking losers.

» genetic pattern = perfil genético.

Example: Genetic patterns in organisms as diverse as willows and salamanders can be used to compare members of an ecosystem with disparate traits.

» genetic research = investigación genética.

Example: He makes science easy to understand and 'wows' the reader with terrific examples of how modern genetic research is lifting the curtain on human history.

» genetic technology = tecnología genética.

Example: Technologies that create risks that might have incommunicable global consequences include atomic energy, genetic technology, human genetics, nanotechnology, & computer science.

Genetic synonyms

hereditary in spanish: hereditario, pronunciation: hɜredəteri part of speech: adjective familial in spanish: familiar, pronunciation: fəmɪljəl part of speech: adjective inherited in spanish: heredado, pronunciation: ɪnherətɪd part of speech: adjective genic in spanish: genico, pronunciation: dʒenɪk part of speech: adjective heritable in spanish: heredable, pronunciation: herətəbəl part of speech: adjective transmitted in spanish: transmitido, pronunciation: trænsmɪtɪd part of speech: adjective transmissible in spanish: transmisible, pronunciation: trænzmɪsəbəl part of speech: adjective inheritable in spanish: heredable, pronunciation: ɪnherətəbəl part of speech: adjective genetical in spanish: genético, pronunciation: dʒənetɪkəl part of speech: adjective
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