Halo in spanish


pronunciation: ɑuɹ̩eoʊlɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

halo = halo, aura, aureola. 

Example: Halos arise from the way minute ice crystals in the atmosphere scatter sunlight (or moonlight) into different angles.


» halo effect, the = efecto del santo, el; efecto (de(l)) halo, el. [Influencia positiva que la opinión que una persona guarda de otra tiene sobre cualquier actuación de la misma o actitud "correcta" de las personas ante una entrevista o encuesta por la cual se dice lo que se piensa que el encuestador desea oír]

Example: The error of the 'halo effect': Supervisors often evaluate the employee in terms of their personal mental attitude about the employee rather than by careful attention to the individual factors of work performance.

Halo synonyms

ring in spanish: anillo, pronunciation: rɪŋ part of speech: noun aura in spanish: aura, pronunciation: ɔrə part of speech: noun glory in spanish: gloria, pronunciation: glɔri part of speech: noun nimbus in spanish: nimbo, pronunciation: nɪmbəs part of speech: noun doughnut in spanish: rosquilla, pronunciation: doʊnət part of speech: noun annulus in spanish: anillo, pronunciation: ænjələs part of speech: noun anulus in spanish: anulo, pronunciation: ænjələs part of speech: noun anchor ring in spanish: anillo de anclaje, pronunciation: æŋkɜrrɪŋ part of speech: noun
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