Hand in spanish


pronunciation: mɑnoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

hand1 = mano, persona. 

Example: Even with such a limitation and many later supplementations by various hands, by way of addition, correction and amplification, it falls far short of completeness.


» a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush = más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando, más vale malo conocido que bueno por conocer.

Example: Going by the idiom 'A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush' is not likely to be a successful strategy in an increasingly competitive environment.

» a cloud no bigger than a man's hand = problema pequeño.

Example: By 1980 I had decided that developments were moving sufficiently rapidly to justify a new edition, revised to take into account the growth in the use of computer-based services which in 1977 in Australia were a cloud no bigger than a man's hand.

» agree on + all hands = estar de acuerdo unánimemente, todos + estar de acuerdo.

Example: It is agreed on all hands that peace should be restored without delay and that law and order must be established and maintained at any cost.

» all hands on deck! = todos a cubierta.

Example: The article is entitled 'All hands on deck: navigating the political waters of off-campus library programs'.

» all hands on deck = todos a la faena, todos manos a la obra, todos al rescate.

Example: As this is a small yet growing company, it is all hands on deck and the term, 'that's not my job' should not be in your vocabulary!.

» all hands to the pump(s) = todos a la faena, todos al rescate, todos manos a la obra.

Example: There was much to be done in those first few months of 1990 and not many people to do it, so it was a case of all hands to the pump.

» at first hand = de primera mano.

Example: These enable students to work through the scheme largely on their own and thus to gain at first hand a reasonable appreciation of the structure and mode of use.

» at hand = en cuestión, entre manos, de marras.

Example: First, it guarantees that the form already in the catalog and the one to be added for the document at hand are identical, thus ensuring a consistent catalog.

» at + Posesivo + hands = en + Posesivo + manos.

Example: However, the changeover has happened, we're happily working along in our new environment, and I have a little more time at my hands.

» at the hands of = a manos de.

Example: Stanley C Holliday hammers home the same message by more whimsical means hinting darkly that a sticky end at the hands of irritated colleagues awaits all librarians who fail to make adequate and accurate notes.

» at the hands of enemies = en manos del enemigo, en manos enemigas.

Example: However, the stela remained unfinished when he died two years later under mysterious circumstances at the hands of enemies.

» at the hands of the enemy = en manos del enemigo, en manos enemigas.

Example: Many who were wounded and still alive when this was going on a suffered a horrible death at the hands of the enemy.

» backhand = revés, golpe de revés. [Usado generalmente en los juegos de raqueta]

Example: It is perfectly acceptable to hit the backhand with two hands.

» be a dab hand at = ser un manitas con, ser un artista con, ser un mañoso con, ser un hacha con, tener mucha maña para.

Example: Sally is a dab hand at interior design, often called upon by friends for eccentric design advice.

» be all hands = ser un sobón.

Example: The second we were out of my parents eyesight he was all hands -- groping and kissing and calling me baby.

» be at hand = estar disponible, estar próximo, estar cerca, estar al alcance de la mano.

Example: A shortage of books makes things slightly difficult but help is at hand from the USSR.

» beat + Nombre + hands down = ganar sobradamente, ganar de forma aplastante, ganar de forma abrumadora, ganar a Alguien sin apenas hacer ningún esfuerzo, darle cien mil vueltas a, ganar cómodamente, ganar fácilmente, ganar sin ninguna dificultad, merendarse, vencer fácilmente, ganar de sobra, ganar de calle, llevarse de calle.

Example: There is no contest in the head-to-head battle for information services supremacy and Google, with its information 'now' and 'fast', beats others hands down.

» beforehand = con antelación, de antemano.

Example: When possible expected interruptions should either be planned for or prevented beforehand.

» be hand in hand = ir al unísono, ir de la mano.

Example: A constant reminder that, these days, retrospective bibliography and technology are hand in hand is the realization that all of the items listed in both Pollard and Redgrave and Wing are available to purchase in microform editions.

» be in good hands = estar en buenas manos.

Example: The future is in good hands: look at the ends of your arms!.

» be in hand = estar realizándose.

Example: Such developments are in hand in several countries, although the cost of replacing the existing telephone network is quite considerable.

» be in + Posesivo + hands = estar en + Posesivo + manos, estar en + Posesivo + poder.

Example: She then realized the fate of the little girl was in her hands.

» be in safe hands = estar en buenas manos, estar a salvo.

Example: If you ever need hope that world is in safe hands, then my advice is to be in touch with young people.

» be like putty in + Posesivo + hands = tener a Alguien comiendo de la palma de + Posesivo + mano, tener a Alguien en el bolsillo, meterse a Alguien en el bolsillo, manejar a Alguien a + Posesivo + antojo, hacer con Alguien lo que Uno quiera.

Example: Women will like it because it shows how men are nothing more than putty in their hands.

» be on hand = estar a mano, estar cerca.

Example: Another rota system operates in some magistrates courts, whereby a duty solicitor is on hand to assist people facing criminal charges who otherwise would be unrepresented = En algunos juzgados de asuntos menores el sistema de turnos es diferente pues siempre hay un abogado procurador de guardia a mano para ayudar a la gente acusada de delito criminal que de lo contrario no tendrían representación.

» be out of + Posesivo + hands = estar fuera de + Posesivo + manos, estar fuera de + Posesivo + control.

Example: She may have had some say-so in the matter of whom she was going to marry, but for the most part, it was out of her hands.

» be + Posesivo + right hand = ser + Posesivo + mano derecha.

Example: Not only was he her right hand, he was accepted throughout the store as a manager who was firm, who would stand no nonsense, but who was fair.

» be something in the hand for = ser algo útil para.

Example: That book is a source document; it's something in the hand for somebody interested in censorship and secrecy in government.

» be to hand = tener a mano.

Example: The van has two main drawbacks, there is no telephone, which presents difficulties when a public callbox is not to hand, and the two interview rooms lack privacy as they are not soundproofed.

» bite + Posesivo + hand off = no dudar en aceptar una oferta, quitarle a Uno Algo de las manos.

Example: I nearly bit her hand off, who in their right mind would say no to a selection of underwear from one of the most luxurious knicker brands in the marketplace.

» bite + Posesivo + hand off = arrancar la mano de un bocado.

Example: During her trip to Yorkdale last week, she tried to pet a chihuahua and it nearly bit her hand off.

» bite + the hand that feeds + Pronombre = ser un ingrato, ser un desagradecido, ser un malagradecido, moder la mano del que + dar de comer.

Example: Moreover, it frees them from the fear that if they rattle the cages of city authorities they will be accused of biting the hand that feeds them.

» by a show of hands = a mano alzada.

Example: A second resolution, altering the number of members required for a meeting to be quorate was also passed by a show of hands.

» by hand = a mano.

Example: A screen is displayed which allows scanning of the bar-coded numbers or entry of the numbers by hand.

» cash + change hands = haber una transacción económica.

Example: However, whether you are for or against, and even if no cash actually changes hands, the whole process of assessing how much your information costs you to provide, who uses it and how, will give you a useful view of supply and demand.

» change + hands = cambiar de manos, cambiar de dueño, cambiar de propietario, venderse, comprarse.

Example: This handbook is a collector's guide to popular children's beanbag animal toys, rare examples of which change hands for thousand of dollars = Este manual es una guía para el coleccionista de animales de juguete rellenos de bolitas para niños, algunos de los cuales (los más raros) se llegan a vender por miles de dólares.

» change of hands = cambio de manos, cambio de dueño, cambio de propietario, cambio de dirección.

Example: Most importantly, though, the change of hands in the committee marks the transition from global warming denial to global warming activism.

» clap + Posesivo + hands (together) = hacer palmas, dar palmas, aplaudir, dar un aplauso.

Example: Female gorillas clap their hands to get the attention of male silverbacks and infants.

» clasp + hands = darse un apretón de manos.

Example: They clasped hands with a perfect understanding.

» clench + Posesivo + hand = apretar el puño.

Example: Every time she set her teeth and clenched her hands, determined to think calmly and to reason out the 'for' and 'against,' her mind wandered away again.

» close at hand = cerca, cercano.

Example: Material needed daily should be stored close at hand.

» cold hand of, the = mano fría de, la.

Example: But the people's justice is hasty, mean-spirited and based on vague feelings in the bones and we need the cold hand of the law to save us from ourselves.

» count + hands = contar las manos levantadas.

Example: If we have to start counting hands to see who likes and dislikes a rule change, we're all in trouble.

» count on + Posesivo + hands = contar con los dedos de la mano.

Example: I do have to also admit, that I can count on my hands how many purchases I've made this year at full price.

» cup + Posesivo + hand + over + Nombre = cubrir Algo con la mano.

Example: Garschine cupped his hand over the mouthpiece and uttered some muffled words.

» cup + Posesivo + hands = ahuecar las manos.

Example: Baba gave water from the flowing stream to the boys by cupping his hands and pouring a little of the water into their mouths.

» deal + Nombre + a bad hand = traer mala suerte.

Example: He couldn't understand why life had again dealt him a bad hand, threw him a curved ball -- why someone like her was now a mere name on a gravestone.

» dirty + Posesivo + hands = ensuciarse las manos, mancharse las manos. [Usado tanto en el sentido literal como figurativo]

Example: His trial heard he tried to 'avoid dirtying his hands' by hiring others to run the firm and adopting a false identity.

» dismiss + Nombre + out of hand = rechazar sin más.

Example: It is easy to sympathise with the critics but the contents cannot now be simply dismissed out of hand.

» dismiss + Nombre + with the wave of the hand = hacer caso omiso, desdeñar, desestimar, menospreciar, desechar, rechazar.

Example: International 'rules' are often dismissed with the wave of the hand or a snort of contempt one week, and gilded and placed on a pedestal the next.

» do + Nombre + by hand = hacer a mano.

Example: Traditional upholstery uses materials like coil springs, animal hair, coir, straw and hay, hessians, scrims, wadding, etc., and is done by hand.

» dry + Posesivo + hands = secarse las manos.

Example: Everyone who handles food must always thoroughly wash and dry their hands, especially after going to the toilet.

» end up in + the wrong hands = acabar en malas manos, terminar en malas manos.

Example: It is often very difficult to ensure that aid and money sent to war zones does not end up in the wrong hands.

» extend + Posesivo + hand = dar la mano.

Example: Putting on an acting-for-the-best demeanor, she approached him and extended her hand.

» fall into + enemy hands = caer en manos enemigas.

Example: Crucial information too important to be allowed to appear in periodicals, which might fall into enemy hands, was printed in the form of individual papers in a limited number of copies.

» fall into + the hands of = caer en manos de.

Example: I would rather a great book or a great picture fell into the hands of the corporation than into the hands of an individual.

» fall into + the wrong hands = no caer en buenas manos.

Example: Traditionally, placing information in print, CD-ROM or online database format runs the risk of the information falling into the wrong hands or of being illicitly copied.

» farm-hand = peón, gañán, labriego.

Example: The agricultural labourer receiving payment in kind was a married farm-hand with a one-year contract and whose wife had the duty to milk the cows morning and night.

» field hand = peón.

Example: During the harvest season the field hands work from sunrise to sunset.

» first-hand [firsthand] = de primera mano.

Example: This work also included a literature search and first-hand observation of library information services.

» forehand = drive. [Usado generalmente en los juegos de raqueta. Pincha en para ver otras palabras formadas añadiendo "fore" a otra palabra ya existente]

Example: do + Pronombre + a power of good.

» forehand = cuartos delanteros. 

Example: The horse's weight is distributed over its haunches and forehand.

» free hand = manos libres, carta blanca.

Example: In the past, architects were allowed a free hand in designing library buildings, which, until recently were measured by librarians mainly by their suitability to accommodate book collections.

» free + Posesivo + hands from = dejar las manos de uno libres de.

Example: It also frees an operator's hands from having to set switches, etc.

» future + be + in + Posesivo + hands = futuro + estar + en + Posesivo + manos.

Example: They realized that their future was in their hands and no one else could do for them what they could do for themselves.

» get (down) on + Posesivo + hands and knees = arrodillarse, ponerse de rodillas.

Example: I didn't give her a song and dance or get on my hands and knees begging for forgivenes.

» get out of + hand = írsele a Uno Algo de las manos, perder el control de Algo.

Example: He was glad that he had veered from the edge of possible conflict, and had not let his sense of hurt pride get out of hand.

» get + Posesivo + hands dirty = ensuciarse las manos, mancharse las manos, dar el callo. [Usado tanto en el sentido literal como figurativo]

Example: Booking agents need to get their hands dirty to fully understand how the business works.

» get + Posesivo + hands on = posar las manos sobre, poner la manos sobre, tocar, conseguir.

Example: A pensioner who had never been on a plane before has finally beaten her fear of flying -- and even got her hands on the cockpit controls.

» get + Posesivo + hands on = encontrar, averiguar.

Example: The stars aligned perfectly, and one of my best friends was able to get her hands on some of the best seats I've ever had at a concert.

» give + Nombre + a big hand = aplaudir, dar un (caluroso) aplauso, dar un fuerte aplauso, dar un gran aplauso.

Example: The two thousand-seat theater was almost full and the audience was receptive, laughed a lot and gave him a big hand for a number of the points he made.

» give + Nombre + a hand = echar una mano a Alguien, ayudar.

Example: These centres help women rebuild lives by giving them a hand up, not a handout.

» give + Nombre + a (helping) hand = echar una mano, ayudar, colaborar, prestar ayuda, arrimar el hombro, tirar del carro, echar un cable, echar un cabo.

Example: It's a smart move on Jade's part to let Donna give her a helping hand in getting back on her feet.

» go + hand in glove with = ir a la par con, ir al unísono con, corresponderse con.

Example: It is also the case that successful quality initiatives go hand in glove with greater work force participation.

» go + hand in hand (with) = ir de la mano, ir a la par (con), ir al unísono (con), corresponderse con.

Example: Arts development can go hand in hand with libraries and information, but for librarians new to the field there can be pitfalls.

» green hand = novato.

Example: I'm a green hand on the library/information field and I would like to know what's the meaning of information nowadays.

» hand and glove with = en estrecha colaboración con, conchabado con, uña y carne con.

Example: We believe that emergency relief in Haiti goes hand and glove with economic development and reconstruction.

» handbag = bolso.

Example: Books can be slipped so easily into a pocket or handbag that losses are high unless preventive measures are taken.

» hand baggage = equipaje de mano.

Example: Passengers will not be allowed to carry in their hand baggage liquids, gels, or aerosols.

» hand basin = lavamanos.

Example: For the ladies there are two toilets and two hand basins; for the gents, one toilet, two urinals and one hand basin.

» hand-beating = golpeo a mano.

Example: The earliest binding machines replaced the wearisome hand-beating of the sheets in order to fold them.

» hand blender = minipímer, batidora de mano, picadora.

Example: Making healthy, family-friendly veggie soups and fruit smoothies or whipping cream is fast and fuss-free with a hand blender.

» hand brake [handbrake] = freno de mano.

Example: Chapter 14 covers the following: checking brakes, disc brakes, drum brakes, hand/emergency brake, and ignition timing; and replacing brake pads and the timing chain.

» hand-carved = tallado a mano.

Example: This hand-carved wood rooster is bright turquoise blue with white, yellow and red designs.

» handcleaner = crema limpiadora de manos.

Example: Materials covered in this booklet include: aerosols; deodorizers; cleaners; drain cleaners; fingernail polish/remover; handcleaners; moth crystals; oven cleaners; and wood preservatives.

» hand-code = codificar a mano.

Example: This partially relieves the designer of the burden of hand-coding all the libraries.

» hand-correct = corregir a mano.

Example: Rather than hand-correcting hundreds of records, have you considered modifying the import filters so that the information is imported more cleanly?.

» handcraft = hacer a mano, hacer artesanalmente.

Example: This exquisitely unique water fountain is handcrafted of 200 million year old slate.

» handcrafted = hecho a mano, artesanal.

Example: Their hairslides are very unique and beautifully handcrafted.

» hand crank = manivela.

Example: This hand crank clothes wringer may look antique, but it's brand new.

» hand cream = crema de manos.

Example: It details steps to be taken to salvage discs which have been damaged by spilled substances such as coffee with cream and sugar, Classic Coke, hamburger and french fries, and hand cream.

» hand crochet = croché a mano, ganchillo a mano.

Example: This type of hand crochet is almost a lost art.

» hand-drawn = hecho a mano.

Example: Surprisingly enough, expert hand-drawn facsimiles are amongst the hardest to spot.

» hand-finished = acabado a mano, terminado a mano.

Example: This detailed and hand-finished Athena statue shows the warrior Goddess in full regalia with sword and snake shield.

» hand grenade = granada de mano.

Example: My hand looks like a hand grenade went off near it -- all cut up, bruised and with perforations by small bits of flying glass.

» hand grinder = radial.

Example: I used a hand grinder to cut away the excess metal and a serrated knife to shape the foam to how I wanted it.

» hand-holding = cogerse de la mano.

Example: Just because he doesn't like hand-holding doesn't make him gay.

» hand-in-glove with = en estrecha colaboración con, conchabado con, uña y carne con.

Example: Thereafter, it became clear to the city police that the hotel owners acted hand-in-glove with the abettors of prostitution.

» hand in hand (with) = junto (a), a la par (que), a la vez (que).

Example: Hand in hand with this comes the need for nurses to be able to question, evaluate and reflect on existing practice.

» hand job = paja, masturbación. [Generalmente realizada a otra persona]

Example: Hand jobs are better than blow jobs and deserve more recognition.

» hand lens = lupa, lente de aumento.

Example: If the lining of the stomach is examined with a hand lens, one can see that it is covered with numerous small holes.

» handlist = lista, listado.

Example: In their search for information, they had until this time been able to pick their way by relying on the handlists or catalogues provided by the librarian.

» hand lotion = loción para las manos, loción de manos.

Example: Buying hand lotion during the winter months is a tough task with so many brands.

» hand luggage = equipaje de mano.

Example: For the carriage of medication in your hand luggage please bring the prescription with you to allow security clearance.

» hand-made paper = papel hecho a mano.

Example: Early-nineteenth-century hand-made paper, however, differed from that of the hand-press period on account both of new methods of bleaching, and of changes in the form of the hand mould.

» handmaid = sirviente, sierva, criada.

Example: Wine was presented both to matrons and virgins at an Egyptian feast and they were waited upon by handmaids and female slaves.

» handmaiden = criada, sirvienta, sierva.

Example: We need, on behalf of our students, indeed on our own behalf, to be bridges into that future and not handmaidens to the past.

» hand-me-down = ropa usada, ropa heredada. [Generalmente, prenda de vestir u objeto que se pasa de un familiar a otro al quedarse pequeño, obsoleto, etc]

Example: What's obsolete in one department could be just the thing for another, and hand-me-down computers are becoming the next stop in sophisticated inventory management.

» hand muff = manguito para las manos. [Usado generalmente para protegerse del frío]

Example: You might think hand muffs faded out in the early 1900's, but some of the world's most exquisite brands are incorporating them as essential parts of their winter collections.

» hand-operated = manual. [Que funciona manualmente]

Example: Hand-operated stabbing machines, which forced three stabbing needles simultaneously through the side of a pamphlet, ready for subsequent sewing by hand, appeared early in the century.

» handout [hand-out] = folleto, hoja suelta.

Example: Many libraries attempt to predict their users' questions and have material ready for sale, or hand-outs to answer them.

» handover [hand-over] = entrega, cesión, paso, traspaso, transferencia.

Example: The author assesses the prospects of Hong Kong after the handover of the colony to China in 1997 when it will once again be competing with Shanghai as the publishing hub of the Orient.

» hand-painted = pintado a mano.

Example: The book presents the history of the techniques, production, and styles of hand-painted ceramic tiles and of their use in architecture in Europe.

» hand-pick = escoger selectivamente, seleccionar cuidadosamente, escoger cuidadosamente, nombrar a dedo, elegir a dedo, designar a dedo.

Example: Every rally the president goes to everyone is cheering for him because they're hand-picked.

» hand-picked = escogido selectivamente, escogido cuidadosamente, seleccionado cuidadosamente, nombrado a dedo, elegido a dedo, designado a dedo.

Example: Iraqis recognize a hand-picked council of stooges when they see it.

» hand-picked = cogido a mano, recogido a mano.

Example: It takes 225000 hand-picked stigmas from the saffron crocus to make a single pound, making saffron the world's most expensive spice.

» hand-powered = accionado a mano, impulsado a mano.

Example: All printers used what was substantially the same sort of printing press throughout the hand-press period, a hand-powered screw press built in a wooden frame = Durante el periodo de la imprenta manual, todos los impresores utilizaron fundamentalmente el mismo tipo de prensa; era ésta una prensa de tornillo accionada a mano y encajada en un armazón de madera.

» hand-press = prensa manual.

Example: Early-nineteenth-century hand-made paper, however, differed from that of the hand-press period on account both of new methods of bleaching, and of changes in the form of the hand mould.

» hand pump = bomba de mano.

Example: Those who drink groundwater from hand pumps may be at increased risk of infection and disease from pathogenic bacteria.

» hand puppet = marioneta.

Example: Examples of types of specific material designation that would be described in the physical description area are: hand puppet, jigsaw puzzle, film loop, film reel, paperweight, stereograph reel, and so on.

» handrail = pasamanos.

Example: The library has installed handrails to guide handicapped patrons to automatic sliding doors.

» hand + reach for = extender la mano para coger algo.

Example: Pope studied him with questioning eyes, his hand reaching for the coolish remainder of his coffee.

» hand-reared = cultivado a mano.

Example: Other lumbermen remained and revived the stripped acres with hand-reared trees, or turned to dairying.

» hands down = sobradamente, con mucho, sin duda, indiscutible, indiscutiblemente.

Example: The absolute, hands down, without question best social network in the blogosphere.

» hands-free = manos libres.

Example: This new law prohibits all drivers from using a handheld wireless telephone while operating a motor vehicle, although the use of a hands-free device is permitted.

» handshake = apretón de manos.

Example: The article 'A handshake is not enough' presents the dangers of concluding publishing agreements without a written and signed contract.

» hand-sized = del tamaño de la palma de la mano, tamaño bolsillo, de tamaño bolsillo, del tamaño del bolsillo.

Example: This article describes the Psion Organiser, a small hand-sized computer, and provides an assessment of its in-built facilities -- Calculator, personal data base facilities and diary facility.

» hands off = no tocar.

Example: She brandishes a 'Hands Off' sign whenever that topic is brought up.

» hands-off = no intervencionista.

Example: In these days of heightened awareness of individual rights, the traditional librarian's hands-off attitude to the provision of legal and medical advice is frequently challenged within the professional literature.

» hands-on = práctico, participativo.

Example: As an aid to evaluation, hands-on practical work is rarely cost effective, even in undertaken by inexperienced staff.

» handstand = hacer el pino (con las manos).

Example: Yesterday she was handstanding and singing really happy songs at the same time.

» hand to hand = mano a mano, cuerpo a cuerpo.

Example: Just because it's hand to hand doesn't mean a hand counts as a weapon.

» hand wash = lavar a mano.

Example: We recommend you hand wash your suspenders using a mild soap.

» hand-waving = discusión acalorada.

Example: These will not be easy studies, but facts are a far better basis for planning than are the techno-boosterism and hand-waving that characterize most discussions of these topics.

» handwork = trabajo, intervención.

Example: The newspaper's suppression after the first issue was not, as some historians have declared, the handwork of Massachusetts' Puritan clergy = La supresión del periódico después de su primer número no fue, como algunos historiadores han declarado, por la intervención del clero puritano de Massachussetts.

» hand-wringing = lamentación, lamento, queja.

Example: The book is simply an occasion for ritual hand-wringing about Northern Ireland's troubled past and present troubles = El libro es simplemente una ocasión para lamentarse sobre los problemas pasados y presentes de Irlanda del Norte.

» harvest hand = peón, temporero.

Example: So thousands of harvest hands come and go every year like birds of passage.

» have + a hand in = intervenir, participar, tener que ver con.

Example: For the benefit of all users of the thesaurus who have not had a hand in its initial compilation some written record describing the anticipated use of the thesaurus is valuable.

» have + a lot of time in + Posesivo + hands = tener mucho tiempo libre. [También se usa have + lots of time in + Posesivo + hands]

Example: She's a good actress and she's still quite young so she still has a lot of time in her hands.

» have + blood on + Posesivo + hands = tener las manos manchadas de sangre, tener sangre en las manos.

Example: I put you on notice that you may argue till the cows come home about Jabari having blood on his hands, but the plain truth in this case is that Jabari and Hamas were honoring the ceasefire.

» have + Nombre + eating out of + Posesivo + hand = tener a Alguien comiendo de la palma de + Posesivo + mano, tener a Alguien en el bolsillo, meterse a Alguien en el bolsillo, manejar a Alguien a + Posesivo + antojo, hacer con Alguien lo que Uno quiera, tener a Alguien en el saco.

Example: Even though her performance lasted less than an hour, by the end she had them eating out of her hand and she received a standing ovation.

» have + Nombre + on hand = tener Algo a mano.

Example: We have three kids and you have to have a couple of travel-sick bags on hand for long trips, learnt the hard way.

» have + Nombre + to hand = tener a mano.

Example: In the artificial situation of not having actual documents to hand to work with, it may be wise to remind ourselves that classification cannot usually be done by relying on the title alone.

» have + plenty of time in + Posesivo + hands = tener mucho tiempo libre.

Example: Now that she has plenty of time in her hands there are many things she could do to fill up her day and build a new life for herself.

» have + Posesivo + hands full = estar muy ocupado, estar muy atareado, estar ocupadísimo, estar atareadísimo, tener mucho que hacer, tenerlo difícil, vérselas y deseárselas para, tener tela que cortar, no dar abasto.

Example: Firefighters will again have their hands full as southerly winds pick up in central, northeast and eastern Victoria.

» have + Posesivo + hands tied = tener las manos atadas, no poder hacer nada.

Example: Italy's Prime Minister has voiced his opposition to NATO intervention in Libya, but said he had his hands tied by parliament.

» hear + second-hand = oír por segundas personas.

Example: I'm only reporting to you what I've heard second-hand.

» helping hand = mano amiga, ayuda.

Example: Fish hawks needed a helping hand and their comeback is one of the great wildlife success stories of our time.

» hold + hands = cogerse de la mano.

Example: Adult children and their elderly parents also hold hands, for balance, support and as a sign of love.

» hold in + private hands = estar en manos privadas.

Example: The author outlines a pilot project to identify manuscript and archives collections held in private hands.

» hold out + Posesivo + (a) hand = extender la mano.

Example: She daintily held out a hand towards Red, her whole manner as if they had just been introduced at a party.

» hold out + Posesivo + hand = ofrecer + Posesivo + mano.

Example: Unconsciously, she lifted her face as though wanting a kiss, but he held out his hand.

» hold + Posesivo + hand = coger de la mano, coger la mano.

Example: The article 'Hold my hand, but not too tight: the next generation of Web creation software' reviews some of the latest generation of HTML Web page authoring tools.

» hold + Posesivo + hand = guiar.

Example: They sent me an update for the file and held my hand over the phone when I modified it.

» hold + Posesivo + head in + Posesivo + hands = con la cabeza entre las manos, cogerse la cabeza con las manos.

Example: She came in holding her head in her hands, wondering what she had done to deserve the venom her daughter spewed at her.

» idle hands are the devil's workshop/tools/playground = cuando el diablo no tiene qué hacer, con el rabo mata moscas; cuando el diablo está aburrido mata moscas con el rabo.

Example: The saying the 'idle hands are the devil's workshop' may be particularly apt in the case of Islamic rioters and terrorists.

» in hand = en cuestión.

Example: A collection is two or more independent works or parts of works by one or more than one author published together and not written for the same occasion or for the publication in hand = Una colección son dos o más obras o partes de obras independientes de uno o más autores publicadas juntas y que no ha sido escritas para la misma ocasión o para la publicación en cuestión.

» in hand = en mano, entre manos.

Example: It shows a military soldier in full gear with gas mask on and weapon in hand standing near a strip of deserted road.

» in the hands of = en manos de.

Example: To this end printing presses were limited in number and, with the exception of the university presses, were concentrated in the hands of the guild in London.

» in the wrong hands = en malas manos.

Example: So in the wrong hands, this technology could spell doom for many innocent people.

» invisible hand, the = mano invisible, la. [Principio económico que postula que el interés privado del individuo a la larga repercute en el bien de los demás]

Example: This paper considers how far the 'invisible hand' can work in radically reducing hunger under current economic conditions.

» iron hand = puño de hierro, mano de hierro, mano dura.

Example: The government will crush foreign elements trying to disrupt peace in the country with an iron hand.

» join + hands = aunar esfuerzos, unir esfuerzos, darse la mano, cogerse la mano.

Example: The ability of the profession to meet the library service needs of the next generation requires that library educators and practitioners join hands in educational programmes.

» keep + Nombre + out of the hands of = mantener Algo fuera del alcance de, mantener Algo fuera de las manos de, mantener Algo lejos del alcance de, mantener Algo lejos de las manos de.

Example: We should be protecting our technology at all costs and keeping it out of the hands of our enemies.

» keep + Posesivo + hand in = conservar la práctica de, seguir con la práctica de, no perder la práctica de.

Example: I certainly think there are a lot of reasons why all of the other schools, academic libraries and, I presume, public libraries, too, would want to keep their hands in the cataloging business.

» keep + Posesivo + hands off = mantenerse alejado de.

Example: 'No man could keep his hands off a foxy lady like you forever,' she said with a wink as she headed back to work = "Nunca ningún hombre podría mantenerse alejado de una chica tan sexi como tú," dijo guiñándome mientras se dirigía de vuelta al trabajo .

» keep to + hand = mantener a mano.

Example: It is worthwhile therefore keeping to hand a selection of biographies of authors and illustrators.

» know + Algo + like the back of + Posesivo + hand = conocer Algo como la palma de + Posesivo + mano.

Example: Having lived there practically all of his life, he reveals that he knows the place like the back of his hand.

» laid hand-made paper = papel verjurado manual.

Example: Towards the end of the century a few makers exploited the antiquarian appeal of laid hand-made paper by reviving the single-faced laid mould.

» lay + Posesivo + hands on = encontrar, averiguar.

Example: It is, therefore, expedient to look into history to lay hands on the root of the problem.

» lay + Posesivo + hands on = posar las manos sobre, poner la manos sobre, tocar, conseguir.

Example: She would lay her hands on my head and the pain, dizziness & nausea would dissipate.

» leave + Nombre + in + Posesivo + hands = dejar Algo en + Posesivo + manos.

Example: I was completely comfortable leaving it in her hands and just writing checks to cover the costs.

» left hand = izquierda, siniestra, mano izquierda.

Example: Entry words may be aligned in a centre column or in a left hand column.

» lend + a (helping) hand = echar una mano, ayudar, colaborar, prestar ayuda, arrimar el hombro, tirar del carro, echar un cable, echar un cabo.

Example: In a small shop the master would lend a hand with the work, certainly as a corrector and often as a compositor as well.

» let go of + Posesivo + hand = soltar la mano.

Example: Whatever happens, don't let go of my hand.

» line in/on the palm of + Posesivo + hand = línea de la palma de la mano.

Example: Interesting stories can be invented using a spread of cards, tea leaves, or the lines on the palm of your hand.

» live (from) + hand to mouth = vivir al día, vivir con lo puesto.

Example: The two protagonists are used to represent a large number of people in this world who are forced to live from hand to mouth in a life void of dreams and aspirations.

» make + Posesivo + way into the hands of = caer en las manos de.

Example: A number of these rifles made their way across the Atlantic and into the hands of Confederate sharpshooters.

» money + change hands = haber una transacción económica de por medio, haber dinero de por medio.

Example: The key issues are: whether the recipient is relying on the information provided; whether money changed hands; and whether the institution is under a statutory obligation to provide the information = Las cuestiones claven era: si el destinatario depende de la información que se le suministrar, si hay un transacción económica de por medio y de si la institución tiene la obligación legal de ofrecer la información.

» near at hand = cerca, cercano.

Example: The firm does not have to be near at hand, but there must be plenty of cooperation and consultation as to selection of stock.

» off-hand [offhand] = asistemático, improvisado, automático, sin parar a pensárselo, así de pronto, así de improviso.

Example: They suggest that instead of undergoing off-hand destruction, ephemera be considered a necessary part of a comprehensive archival collection.

» off-hand [offhand] = brusco, grosero, insolente, impertinente, irascible.

Example: The osteopath was accused of being off-hand with a female patient and not putting her at ease.

» old hand = veterano.

Example: This collection of essays on Garcia Marquez is aimed at readers new to his work, but there is plenty here to interest old hands.

» on (the) one hand = por un lado, por una parte.

Example: On the one hand, the world is in a continuous state of change -- always seeking, as it were, to find the equilibrium of its natural state.

» on the other (hand) = por otro lado, por otra parte, en contraposición.

Example: The nature of the information, on the other hand, may determine its inclusion in a special collection of statistics or quick reference materials.

» on the third hand = en tercer lugar.

Example: On the third hand, as befits robots, we have on-going work on the appropriate use of 'intelligent' machines in relation to the human work-force they are supposed to replace.

» operate under + an autonomous hand = funcionar de un modo autónomo.

Example: Special libraries which operate under an autonomous hand may not fall under the purview of the local civil service agency.

» out of hand = sin más, sin más explicaciones.

Example: Collections housed in this way are, it is true, preserved for posterity but are almost as effectively lost to contemporary scholars as if they had been destroyed out of hand.

» overplay + Posesivo + hand = exagerar, írsele la mano a Uno.

Example: Whatever the situation, prepared for or unexpected, it is always too easy to overplay one's hand, praising a book so extravagantly, so effusively, that many children are put off.

» palm of + Posesivo + hand = palma de la mano.

Example: Then he unlocked the forme on the stone and, with a bodkin in the palm of his right hand, he lifted out the wrong letters and put the right ones in their place.

» play + a strong hand in = ejercer una gran influencia en.

Example: Economic issues play a strong hand in suggesting its demise.

» play into + the hands of = facilitarle Algo a Alguien, hacerlas las cosas fáciles a Alguien.

Example: Unfortunately the process on both sides has become sluggish and is playing into the hands of the antiquarian book trade, which is now dealing in trophy books on a large scale.

» put forth + Posesivo + hand = extender la mano, ofrecer la mano.

Example: And it was so, that when any man came nigh to him to do him obeisance, he put forth his hand, and took him, and kissed him.

» put out + Posesivo + hand = extender la mano.

Example: With a sudden uncontrollable outburst of feeling which staggered while it satisfied him, he put out his hand.

» put + Posesivo + hands together = juntar las manos, juntar las palmas de las manos.

Example: What does it mean when Hindu put their hands together like in Christian prayer?.

» put + Posesivo + hands together = aplaudir.

Example: When the bride and groom are ready to make their big entrance, the toastmaster will request all guests to put their hands together for the newlyweds.

» put + Posesivo + life in the hands of = poner + Posesivo + vida en manos de, confiar + Posesivo + vida en manos de.

Example: He didn't settle for the cancer doctor at his local hospital -- instead, he put his life in the hands of one of America's best cancer doctors.

» raise + Posesivo + hand = levantar la mano.

Example: A smart-alec guy in the back of the room raised his hand and asked, 'What would you say if tomorrow I said I was suffering from complete and utter sexual exhaustion?'.

» regain + the upper hand = recobrar la ventaja, recuperar la delantera.

Example: We must regain the upper hand by ensuring that they who fight terrorists are equipped with the very best technology.

» right hand = derecha, mano derecha.

Example: The examples cited to date have used right hand truncation, which results in the amalgamation of words with different suffixes.

» second-hand [secondhand] = de segunda mano, de ocasión, ya usado, usado antes.

Example: A list of 100 significant Canadian novels was checked against the holdings of a new bookstores, second-hand bookstores, and academic libraries.

» shake + hands with = darle la mano a.

Example: If you want to be one of the 20 percent of Americans who catch the flu this season, shake hands with a lot of sick people.

» shake + Posesivo + hand = darse la mano, dar un apretón de manos.

Example: 'We'll get started as soon as everyone arrives,' the executive director shook her hand and smiled graciously.

» show of hands = votación a mano alzada.

Example: The Captain asked for a show of hands as to whether we should go on.

» sit on + Posesivo + hands = no hacer nada, estar mano sobre mano, cruzarse de brazos, sentarse cruzado de brazos.

Example: She was all excited about the relationship and possibly the engagement but she sat on her hands and did nothing to make things better.

» sleight-of-hand = truco, juego de manos, prestidigitación.

Example: This volume tellingly reveals the many negotiations, improvisations, sleights-of-hand, and slipknots that were a part of the crafting of Hitchcock's films.

» slip out of + Posesivo + hand(s) = caerse de la(s) mano(s).

Example: Worse case ever, my phone slipped out of my hand and the case dropped into pieces flying in every direction of the store.

» span of a hand = palmo, palmo de la mano.

Example: For example, Gibson indicated that to be graspable, an object must have opposite surfaces separated by a distance less than the span of the hand'.

» spread out + hands = separar las manos.

Example: 'Are you sure that's what you want?' 'I'm at my wit's end', he said and spread out his hands in a gesture of hopelessness.


Hand synonyms

pass in spanish: pasar, pronunciation: pæs part of speech: verb, noun deal in spanish: acuerdo, pronunciation: dil part of speech: noun, verb give in spanish: dar, pronunciation: gɪv part of speech: verb hook in spanish: gancho, pronunciation: hʊk part of speech: noun reach in spanish: alcanzar, pronunciation: ritʃ part of speech: verb, noun script in spanish: guión, pronunciation: skrɪpt part of speech: noun paw in spanish: pata, pronunciation: part of speech: noun mitt in spanish: guante, pronunciation: mɪt part of speech: noun pass on in spanish: Transmitir, pronunciation: pæsɑn part of speech: verb turn over in spanish: entregar, pronunciation: tɜrnoʊvɜr part of speech: verb handwriting in spanish: escritura, pronunciation: hændraɪtɪŋ part of speech: noun manus in spanish: manuscrito, pronunciation: meɪnɪs part of speech: noun helping hand in spanish: mano amiga, pronunciation: helpɪŋhænd part of speech: noun mauler in spanish: torturador, pronunciation: mɔlɜr part of speech: noun hired hand in spanish: mano contratada, pronunciation: haɪɜrdhænd part of speech: noun hired man in spanish: hombre contratado, pronunciation: haɪɜrdmæn part of speech: noun bridge player in spanish: jugador de bridge, pronunciation: brɪdʒpleɪɜr part of speech: noun
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