Hankering in spanish


pronunciation: ɑneloʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

hanker (for/after) = anhelar, ansiar, desear, añorar. 

Example: More than hankering after the past, I am worried about the future.

hankering = deseo, anhelo, ansia, añoranza. 

Example: In order to keep her girlish figure, she is on a prescription weight diet, but hasn't solved her hankering for cheese.


» have + a hankering for = anhelar, ansiar, desear, añorar.

Example: If you have a hankering for dill pickles, your body may be trying to do a better job of controlling your blood sugar and weight.

Hankering synonyms

yen in spanish: yen, pronunciation: jen part of speech: noun
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