Illiterate in spanish


pronunciation: ɑnɑlfɑbetoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

illiterate1 = analfabeto. [Nombre]

Example: In India, libraries have the added task of educating millions of illiterates.

illiterate2 = analfabeto. [Adjetivo]

Example: An illiterate is a person who cannot read, write or do mathematical calculations well enough to be integrated into society as an individual with full rights.


» functionally illiterate = analfabeto funcional.

Example: 30 million Americans are classed as functionally illiterate.

» illiterate home = familia analfabeta.

Example: There is, however, no reason to despair of schools having an influence on children from subliterate and illiterate homes.

» illiterate, the = analfabetos, los. [Expresión normalmente acompañada del artículo]

Example: The public library began to extend services to the previously unserved: minorities, the disabled, the aged, the illiterate, the institutionalized, and the economically deprived.

» musically-illiterate = analfabeto musical.

Example: The aim of the tunebooks was to improve the congregational singing of musically-illiterate churchgoers.

» near-illiterate = casi analfabeto.

Example: A borrowing of a non-fiction book could be the autobiography of a near-illiterate footballer ghosted by a hack journalist.

Illiterate synonyms

ignorant in spanish: ignorante, pronunciation: ɪgnɜrənt part of speech: adjective uneducated in spanish: deseducado, pronunciation: ənedʒʊkeɪtɪd part of speech: adjective unlettered in spanish: analfabeto, pronunciation: ənletɜrd part of speech: adjective preliterate in spanish: preliterar, pronunciation: prilɪtɜreɪt part of speech: adjective analphabetic in spanish: analfabético, pronunciation: ænælfəbetɪk part of speech: adjective, noun semiliterate in spanish: semiliterado, pronunciation: seməlɪtɜrət part of speech: adjective illiterate person in spanish: persona analfabeta, pronunciation: ɪlɪtɜrətpɜrsən part of speech: noun functionally illiterate in spanish: analfabeto funcional, pronunciation: fʌŋkʃənəliɪlɪtɜrət part of speech: adjective

Illiterate antonyms

literate pronunciation: lɪtɜrət part of speech: adjective
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