Jewel in spanish


pronunciation: xoʊiɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

jewel = joya. 

Example: The article 'Part-time librarians: jewels of the profession' reports the results of a survey of US part time library staff.


» architectural jewel = joya arquitectónica.

Example: The conference takes place at the Semper-Depot, an architectural jewel, in the centre of Vienna.

» crowning jewel = joya, emblema, insignia, blasón.

Example: In this fully updated work, nearly 500 species and cultivars of the crowning jewels of water gardens, the water lilies and lotuses, are described.

» crown jewels = joyas de la corona.

Example: So it is by no means uncommon to find a book being published about the person who, for example, stole the British crown jewels which is described as 'in collaboration with' or 'assisted by' a professional writer, usually a journalist.

» Posesivo + crown jewels = Posesivo + partes privadas.

Example: He was unconcious and drunk as a newt but still with enough presence of mind to protect his crown jewels.

» Posesivo + family jewels = Posesivo + partes, Posesivo + partes privadas, Posesivo + partes pudendas, Posesivos + intimidades, Posesivo + partes íntimas. [Generalmente usado para los órganos genitales masculinos]

Example: His tunic was so short that he showed his family jewels.

» family jewels, the = joyas de la familia, las.

Example: Today's parents have to hock the family jewels to afford the list of back-to-school items now requested by teachers and schools.

» hidden jewel = joya escondida, joya oculta, joya desconocida.

Example: Restored and relit in 1998, the Sapelo Lighthouse is a hidden jewel of Georgia's coast.

» jewel box = funda de CD-ROM. [Generalmente hecha de plástico duro transparente]

Example: The article 'Are the jewel box's days numbered?' reports on new methods of improving jewel cases for the packaging of CD-ROMs.

» jewel box = joyero.

Example: The first photographs were kept in jewel boxes lined with velvet because they were precious.

» jewel case = funda de CD-ROM. [Generalmente hecha de plástico duro transparente]

Example: The article 'Are the jewel box's days numbered?' reports on new methods of improving jewel cases for the packaging of CD-ROMs.

» jewel casket = joyero.

Example: Sometimes a jewel casket can be as valuable as the jewels it contains.

» prize(d) jewel = joya preciada.

Example: When they decided they would get married, Richard raised money for the wedding by selling one of his prized jewels.

» Posesivo + prize(d) jewels = Posesivo + partes privadas.

Example: I was fascinated by the monkey's bright blue scrotum and dark pink penis, and by its ability to unashamedly show his prized jewels off.

Jewel synonyms

gem in spanish: joya, pronunciation: dʒem part of speech: noun precious stone in spanish: piedra preciosa, pronunciation: preʃəsstoʊn part of speech: noun
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