Jinx in spanish


pronunciation: gɑfe part of speech: noun
In gestures

jinx = maleficio, maldición, gafe, cenizo. 

Example: Most of the people interviewed saw marriage as the ideal relationship whereas some thought of it as a jinx.

jinx2 = gafar, echar el cenizo, echar el gafe, traer el gafe, traer mala suerte, echar el mal de ojo. 

Example: She's afraid of becoming too involved with anyone for fear that she'll 'jinx' them like she 'jinxed' her husband.

Jinx synonyms

curse in spanish: maldición, pronunciation: kɜrs part of speech: noun, verb witch in spanish: bruja, pronunciation: wɪtʃ part of speech: noun glamour in spanish: glamour, pronunciation: glæmɜr part of speech: noun hex in spanish: maleficio, pronunciation: heks part of speech: noun enchant in spanish: encantar, pronunciation: entʃænt part of speech: verb bewitch in spanish: hechizar, pronunciation: bɪwɪtʃ part of speech: verb jonah in spanish: Jonás, pronunciation: dʒoʊnə part of speech: noun
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