Judiciary in spanish


pronunciation: xudiθiɑl part of speech: noun
In gestures

judiciary, the = judicatura, la; magistratura, la; poder judicial, el. [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]

Example: This article examines, through a discussion of Provincial legislation and relevant case law, how the Canadian judiciary has defined unauthorised practice and whether reference librarians who dispense legal information contravene the law.

Judiciary synonyms

bench in spanish: banco, pronunciation: bentʃ part of speech: noun judicature in spanish: judicatura, pronunciation: dʒudɪkətʃɜr part of speech: noun judicatory in spanish: judicial, pronunciation: dʒudɪkətɔri part of speech: noun judicial system in spanish: sistema judicial, pronunciation: dʒudɪʃəlsɪstəm part of speech: noun
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