Jungle in spanish


pronunciation: selbɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

jungle = jungla, selva. 

Example: In preparing for the management 'jungle,' one should keep in mind that anyone who is supervising another -- whether another professional, a paraprofessional, a clerical worker, or a student assistant -- is involved in the management process.


» asphalt jungle = jungla del asfalto.

Example: John Huston directed some classic examples of film noir, including The Maltese Falcon and The Asphalt Jungle.

» concrete jungle = jungla del asfalto.

Example: People living in concrete jungles surrounded by graffiti are more likely to be obese than those from more green and pleasant areas.

» jungle fighter = mercenario.

Example: The jungle fighter views his life and work in terms of winners and losers, with power as his goal.

» jungle gym = estructura para trepar. [Estructuras de diferentes formas que se ubican en diferentes tipos de parques o zonas públicas o privadas para que la gente haga ejercicio trepando por ella]

Example: Jungle gyms also come in many different forms and structures, having in common only that they allow for climbing around.

» law of the jungle, the = ley de la selva, la; ley del más fuerte, la.

Example: The only law despots, megalomaniacs, and retrograde fanatics understand is the law of the jungle.

» urban jungle = jungla urbana.

Example: In what looks like a scene from post-apocalyptic film, a Swedish developer has transformed towns and cities around the world into urban jungles.
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