Kidney in spanish


pronunciation: rinjoʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

kidney = riñón. 

Example: All the phenomena within this facet, -- heart, liver, lungs, brain, kidneys etc -- share this characteristic in common.


» kidney bean = judía, alubia, habichuela.

Example: A cup of kidney beans provides 15.3 grams of protein -- that's 30.7% of the daily value for protein.

» kidney cancer = cáncer del riñón.

Example: The author examines the relationship between tea consumption and oesophageal, stomach, colorectal, skin, bladder and kidney cancers, and leukoplakia.

» kidney colic = cólico nefrítico, cólico renal.

Example: Up to 10 % of the population is estimated to suffer from kidney colic at least once in their lifetime.

» kidney disease = enfermedad de los riñones, enfermedad del riñón, enfermedad renal, nefropatía.

Example: The possible causes for itchiness range from internal illnesses, such as kidney or liver disease, to skin rashes, allergies, and dermatitis.

» kidney failure = fracaso renal, insuficiencia renal.

Example: Kidney failure is a serious disease which can have a major impact on life, and can ultimately be fatal.

» kidney spasm = espasmo renal, espasmo nefrítico.

Example: If it ruptures, the patient may experience pain similar to that of kidney spasms.

» kidney stone = piedra renal, cálculo, cálculo renal.

Example: The author examines the relationship between tea consumption and oral health, bone health, thermogenesis, cognitive function, and kidney stones.

» kidney transplant = transplante de riñón.

Example: Her life was on hold for almost 18 months as she waited for a kidney transplant.
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