Kink in spanish


pronunciation: pliege part of speech: noun
In gestures

kink1 = enredo. 

Example: She died at 37 weeks due to a kink in her umbilical cord.

kink2 = problema, dificultad. 

Example: However, like any emerging technology, there are still a few kinks in the system.


» work out + a kink = resolver un problema, eliminar un problema.

Example: The new geothermal system still has a few kinks that need to be worked out.

kink3 = enredarse. 

Example: Wire rope tends to kink during uncoiling or unreeling, especially if it has been in service for a long time.

Kink synonyms

curve in spanish: curva, pronunciation: kɜrv part of speech: noun twist in spanish: giro, pronunciation: twɪst part of speech: noun, verb crimp in spanish: rizar, pronunciation: krɪmp part of speech: noun, verb curl in spanish: rizo, pronunciation: kɜrl part of speech: noun, verb twirl in spanish: giro, pronunciation: twɜrl part of speech: verb, noun crape in spanish: crespón, pronunciation: kreɪp part of speech: noun frizzle in spanish: rizar, pronunciation: frɪzəl part of speech: verb frizz in spanish: rizos, pronunciation: frɪz part of speech: verb kink up in spanish: torcerse, pronunciation: kɪŋkəp part of speech: verb
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