Knickerbockers in spanish

Pantalones cortos

pronunciation: pɑntɑloʊneskoʊɹ̩toʊs part of speech: noun
In gestures

knickerbockers = pantalones bombachos. 

Example: We have not been able to find a good, clear account of the origins of knickerbockers or knickers as Americans call them.

Knickerbockers synonyms

knickers in spanish: bragas, pronunciation: nɪkɜrz part of speech: noun breeches in spanish: pantalones, pronunciation: britʃɪz part of speech: noun knee pants in spanish: pantalones de rodilla, pronunciation: nipænts part of speech: noun knee breeches in spanish: calzones de rodilla, pronunciation: nibritʃɪz part of speech: noun
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