Koala in spanish


pronunciation: koʊɑlɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

koala = koala. 

Example: Koalas are threatened by the rising level of carbon dioxide pollution in the atmosphere because it saps nutrients from the eucalyptus leaves they feed on.

Koala synonyms

koala bear in spanish: oso koala, pronunciation: koʊɑləber part of speech: noun native bear in spanish: oso nativo, pronunciation: neɪtɪvber part of speech: noun phascolarctos cinereus in spanish: fascolarctos cinereus, pronunciation: fæskəlɑrktoʊzsaɪnɜriəs part of speech: noun kangaroo bear in spanish: oso canguro, pronunciation: kæŋgɜruber part of speech: noun
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