Language in spanish


pronunciation: idioʊmɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

language = lengua, idioma, lenguaje. [Sistema de símbolos para la comunicación que consta normalmente de vocabulario y reglas]

Example: A paraphrase is an interpretation of the concepts featured in a document, written in the language of the writer of the paraphrase.


» access language = lenguaje de consulta.

Example: Whether the item of information is in an encyclopaedia article, a textbook, a patent specification, an autograph letter, a citation in a bibliographic data-base, a trade catalogue, a newspaper article, an audio-cassette, or any possible alternative, it can only be traced by employing the access language of the collection.

» adult language = lenguaje vulgar.

Example: Also, note that ten of the top fifty portray excessive violence, adult language, or themes unsuitable for younger readers = Además, diez de estos cincuenta contienen violencia, lenguaje vulgar o temas que no son adecuados para los lectores más jóvenes.

» agglutinative language = lengua aglutinante.

Example: Basque is an agglutinative language -- meaning that multiple prefixes or suffixes can be added to a root word to create phrases or even sentences.

» algorithmic language = lenguaje algorítmico. [Lenguaje utilizado para expresar algoritmos]

Example: This article discusses its links with algorithmic languages and automatic language translation with Esperanto as a catalyst.

» algorithmic programming language = lenguaje de programación algorítmico.

Example: This article outlines the advantages of logical programming or defining all relevant knowledge to satisfy logical conditions or IF-THEN rules, instead of a traditional algorithmic programming language.

» alphabetical indexing language = lenguaje de indización alfabética. [Conjunto de términos utilizados para describir el contenido de los documentos para su almacenamiento (indización) y recuperación; por ejemplo, una lista de encabezamientos de materia o un tesauro]

Example: Alphabetical indexing languages specialise in establishing specific labels for subjects, and providing direct access to individual subjects.

» artificial language = lenguaje artificial. [Lengua elaborada a partir de un conjunto de reglas prescritas]

Example: An artificial language is that which is constructed or controlled based on a set of prescribed rules.

» assembly language = lenguaje ensamblador.

Example: Assembler is the colloquial term for assembly language which lies between the low-level machine code and high-level languages.

» Basque language, the = euskera, el; eusquera, el.

Example: The Basque language is an inflected language whose origin is still somewhat puzzling.

» body language = lenguaje corporal.

Example: It has been discovered that head-nods, gaze-shifts, physical posture, and most of all facial expression, do make up in fact a patterned body-language.

» coding language = lenguaje de codificación.

Example: HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the coding language used to create hypertext documents for use on the World Wide Web.

» colloquial language = lenguaje coloquial, lenguaje familiar.

Example: Documentation systems have suffered from the use of descriptors insufficiently keyed to colloquial language.

» command language = lenguaje de órdenes.

Example: A command language is the set of commands or instructions that the searcher uses to instruct the computer to perform certain operations.

» computer language = lenguaje de programación.

Example: Today, it is difficult to conceive of a library school that neglects to offer its students a chance to experiment with databases and gain at least a nodding acquaintance with programming and a computer language.

» contract language = lenguaje de los contratos.

Example: 'I sure wish I had a better handle on this contract language,' he said.

» controlled indexing language = lenguaje de indización controlado. [Léxico construido o controlado con la ayuda de un conjunto de reglas, que puede unívoca y limitadamente representar el contenido de documentos y demandas]

Example: Controlled indexing languages are indexing languages in which both the terms that are used to represent subjects, and the process whereby terms are assigned to a particular document are controlled or executed by a person.

» controlled language = lenguaje controlado.

Example: Research into controlled and free language is essential for achiever greater exactness in on-line searching.

» cross-language = multilingüe, en varias lenguas.

Example: This conference minitrack will cover theoretical and application issues related to cross-language document search.

» cross-language information retrieval (CLIR) = recuperación de información en varias lenguas.

Example: Cross-language information retrieval (CLIR) is the circumstance in which a user tries to search a set of documents written in one language for a query in another language.

» crude language = ordinarieces, groserías, lenguaje ordinario, lenguaje grosero, lenguaje soez.

Example: Should violent lyrics in songs and crude, rude language on TV programs and movies be regulated?.

» dead language = lengua muerta.

Example: Unfortunately, the only dead language included is Latin.

» DSSSL (Document Style Semantics and Specification Language) = DSSSL (Semántica y Lenguaje de Especificación del Estilo de los Documentos).

Example: The Document Style Semantics and Specification Language (DSSSL) is an International Standard for the formatting and other processing of SGML documents.

» English language = lengua inglesa.

Example: This type of subject approach is reasonably successful in the German language but presents problems in the English language.

» ESL (English as a Second Language) = ESL (Inglés como Segunda Lengua).

Example: The similarities in narrative style, the emphasis on incident and the use of colourful themes such as the supernatural, horror and fantasy, enable Chinese ESL (English-as-a-second-language) readers to identify with these novels.

» EURONET Common Command Language = Lenguaje Común de Instrucción de EURONET.

Example: This set of commands forms the basis for the EURONET Common Command Language, which is available for searching on some of the European hosts.

» everyday language = lenguaje cotidiano.

Example: In summary, 'work' in everyday language means earning a living out of necessity.

» exchange language = idioma de intercambio, lengua de intercambio. [En un sistema multilingüe, lengua utilizada para el intercambio de datos]

Example: An exchange language is the language used as a medium for data exchange in those multilingual systems which, as a matter of policy, decide to use terms selected from only one language for this purpose.

» extinct language = lengua extinta.

Example: An extinct language is a language which no longer has any native speakers.

» familiar language = lenguaje familiar, lenguaje coloquial.

Example: Boolean logic should be properly explained and jargon kept to a minimum, preferring the familiar language of print resources.

» foreign language = lengua extranjera.

Example: An algorithmic procedure is put forward by which a foreign language equivalent is found for an input word or expression.

» formal language = lenguaje formal, lenguaje culto.

Example: In academic writing we use formal language, avoiding the use of slang and colloquial language.

» foul language = ordinarieces, groserías, lenguaje ordinario, lenguaje grosero, lenguaje soez.

Example: Overt abuse definitions included put-downs, criticism, foul language, explosive anger, and neglect.

» free indexing language = lenguaje de indización libre.

Example: Free indexing language again, is not a listed language of terms which is distinct from the terms used to describe concepts in a subject area.

» free language = lenguaje libre.

Example: Research into controlled and free language is essential for achiever greater exactness in on-line searching.

» free language indexing = indización en lenguaje libre.

Example: Free language indexing is distinct from natural language indexing in that natural indexing is constrained by the language of the document being indexed; free language indexing does not even recognise these constraints.

» have + a (good) ear for languages = tener (buen) oído para los idiomas.

Example: He doesn't have an ear for languages but he had the ambition to try.

» HTML (HyperText Markup Language) = HTML (Lenguaje de Hipertexto a través de Códigos). [En Internet, lenguaje de códigos que se utiliza para crear documentos de hipertexto para su uso en el World Wide Web]

Example: HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the coding language used to create hypertext documents for use on the World Wide Web.

» human language = lenguaje humano.

Example: Unlike traditional data, multimedia has a very free format and has mostly lost the constraint of human language.

» HyTime (Hypermedia/Time-based Structuring Language) = HyTime (Lenguaje Hipermedia/con Estructuración Temporal). [Lenguaje de programación que permite especificar en un entorno hipermedia el tiempo de duración de un vídeo o una grabación sonora]

Example: In November 1992 the Hypermedia/Time-based Structuring Language (HyTime) detailed in ISO 10744 was introduced for the interchange of multimedia and hypermedia = En noviembre de 1992, se introdujo el Lenguaje Hipermedia/con Esctructuración Temporal (HyTime) especificado en la ISO 10744 para el intercambio de multimedia e hipermedia.

» indexing language = lenguaje documental, lenguaje de indización. [Lenguaje formalizado usado para describir y representar información o el contenido de los documentos para su almacenamiento y recuperación]

Example: An indexing language is simply defined as a list of terms or notation that might be used as access points in an index or as the set of terms (the vocabulary) and the devices for handling the relationships between them in a system for providing index descriptions.

» index language = lenguaje de indización, lenguaje documental.

Example: Such an extreme form of control would achieve an index language which, like pidgin English, would be capable of being easily learned and used.

» indigenous language = lengua indígena, lengua autóctona.

Example: In South Africa, since 1990, the right sort of material in Afrikaans, Xhosa, Zulu, and other indigenous languages is gradually starting to appear.

» inflected language = lengua flexionada.

Example: The Basque language is an inflected language whose origin is still somewhat puzzling.

» in plain language = en lenguaje sencillo, en lenguaje claro, sin rodeos.

Example: Clear writing in plain language saves time, money, and lives.

» intermediate language = lenguaje mediador.

Example: This switching language is a notation that can be used by people or computers to translate terms in all natural languages into, and as an intermediate language between, the various languages.

» International Standard for Command Languages = Norma Internacional para los Lenguajes de Instrucción.

Example: The same functions are also seen to be important in framing the International Standard for Command Languages.

» language barrier = barrera lingüística.

Example: Abstract may also make a contribution to overcoming the language barrier for they make it easier to judge the necessity of translation, and may, on occasions, remove the need for a translation.

» language behaviour = comportamiento lingüístico.

Example: The field of computational linguistics is exciting insomuch as it permits linguists of different stripes to model language behaviour.

» language boundary = frontera lingüística.

Example: We hope you can attend these webinars, as our speakers share their experiences that cross geographic, time, and language boundaries.

» language community = comunidad lingüística.

Example: The paper argues that autochthonous language communities should be formally recognised as distinct ethnic groups.

» language competence = competencia lingüística.

Example: Qualification requirements for area bibliographers, which include relevant language competence and area knowledge, could have restricted the number of library school programmes in the field.

» language corpus = corpus lingüístico.

Example: A large language corpus represents roughly the amount and variety of language that a native-speaker experiences in a whole lifetime.

» language difference = diferencia lingüística.

Example: There are also language differences and poor communication.

» language disorder = trastorno del lenguaje.

Example: Sometimes kids with this language disorder sound like they have a cold or like they're talking through their noses.

» language diversity = diversidad lingüística.

Example: The form this 'hypothesis' has come to take is easily dismissed as a straw figure and serious consideration of the relation between language diversity and thinking has largely tumbled with it.

» language exchange = intercambio lingüístico, intercambio de conversación.

Example: This type of language exchange is known as conversation exchange.

» language lab = laboratorio de idiomas.

Example: Its various services include: a children's library; language lab; media suite and reading areas.

» language laboratory = laboratorio de idiomas.

Example: We can give advice on all major makes of language laboratory and language learning software.

» language-learning sofware = programa para el aprendizaje de idiomas, software para el aprendizaje de idiomas.

Example: We can give advice on all major makes of language laboratory and language learning software.

» language minority = minoría lingüística.

Example: The 20 chapters cover essential issues and controversies about language minorities and bilingual education. .

» language proficiency = dominio de una lengua extranjera. [Generalmente se sobreentiende lengua 'extranjera']

Example: As far as work abroad is concerned, preference should be given to librarians under the age of 45 with foreign language proficiency who are willing to cover at least part of their travel costs.

» language skill = destreza lingüística, capacidad lingüística, conocimiento lingüístico, conocimiento de lengua.

Example: There is need for library staff to have language and computer skills, training in librarianship, and in the specific subject area in which they work.

» language user = usuario de la lengua, hablante.

Example: The average language user relies on a dictionary as authoritative source of information.

» markup language = lenguaje para el análisis formal de documentos web.

Example: The author considers the need for standardisation to facilitate the interchange of data and describes how this might be achieved through a markup language such as SGML.

» micro-language = microlenguaje de programación.

Example: This article defines a user friendly micro-language, baptized MILAMU, that facilitates both access to these multimedia databases and formulation of multimedia queries = Este artículo explica un microlenguaje de programación, denominado MILAMU, que facilita tanto el acceso a estas bases de datos multimedia como la formulación de enunciados de búsqueda de documentos multimedia.

» minority language = lengua minoritaria.

Example: Furthermore, the area represents one of the last strongholds of a minority language, since it forms the inland area of the principality of Wales.

» Modern Language Association (MLA) = Asociación de Lenguas Modernas (MLA). [Asociación americana]

Example: Organizations such as the American Chemical Society, the American Library Association, the Bibliographical Society of America, the Modern Language Association (MLA), the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), and many other similar groups publish some outstanding bibliographical tools.

» national language = lengua nacional, idioma nacional.

Example: If you establish a principle of using the national language, where do you start off?.

» native language = lengua nativa.

Example: Schoolchildren, students, and other whose native language is written in a non-Roman script may find alphabetical order according to Roman characters an almost insurmountable hurdle in the use of catalogues and indexes.

» natural indexing language = lenguaje de indización natural. [Léxico en lenguaje natural, entresacado del documento y no manipulado por el documentalista]

Example: Natural indexing languages are not really a separate language at all, but the 'natural language' or ordinary language of the document being indexed.

» natural language = lenguaje natural. [Lengua que evoluciona y cuyas reglas reflejan el uso natural y no necesariamente necesitan tener una formulación explícita]

Example: A switching language, in the form of a notation, may be used to translate terms from all natural languages, and as an intermediate language between the various languages.

» natural language index = índice en lenguaje natural.

Example: Natural language indexes are based on the premise that titles, or more specifically the words in titles, convey the subject content of the document to which the title pertains.

» natural language indexing = indización en lenguaje natural.

Example: Natural language indexing has its own solutions for the problems identified below.

» natural language interface = interfaz en lenguaje natural.

Example: Except in systems with natural language interfaces, Boolean operators must still be used.

» natural language processing = procesamiento en lenguaje natural.

Example: This article sketches a general interdisciplinary research effort in information retrieval which would take into account the methodologies, formalisms, and/or findings from natural language processing and linguistic theory.

» natural language searching = búsqueda en lenguaje natural.

Example: Natural language searching of full text data bases does not solve this problem, because the aspect of a topic of interest to researchers is often inexpressible in concrete terms = La búsqueda en lenguaje natural en las bases de datos de texto completo no resuelve este problema, ya que ciertos aspectos del tema que le interesa al investigador con frecuencia son inexpresables en palabras concretas.

» natural language system = sistema en lenguaje natural.

Example: A natural language system takes index terms directly from titles, abstracts, citations or full text.

» object language = lenguaje de objetos.

Example: Object language comprises all intentional and non-intentional display of material things, such as implements, machines, art objects, architectural structures, and last but not least, the human body and whatever clothes cover it.

» offensive language = lenguaje ofensivo, lenguaje grosero, groserías.

Example: The rules also crack down on sexual innuendo, 'off-colour' jokes and offensive language.

» para-language = paralenguaje.

Example: Non-verbal communication also includes para-language (grunts, sighs, tone of voice, silent pauses, etc), proxemics (concerned with the significance of physical distance between individuals), touching, and so on.

» plain language = lenguaje normal.

Example: STATUS has been developed by the Computer Science and Systems Division at AERE Harwell to provide an easily installed system, with which users can interact in plain language.

» Polish language = polaco.

Example: This article discusses the functioning of the term 'information science' in Polish language as well as the use of this term in English-language and Soviet lexicographical sources.

» programming language = lenguaje de programación.

Example: A programming language is the language in which computer programs are written.

» query language = lenguaje de consulta, lenguaje de interrogación.

Example: Some DBMS systems have 'query language' auxiliary systems which make them more amenable to a non-programmer.

» retrieval language = lenguaje de recuperación. [Lenguaje formalizado usado para describir y representar información o el contenido de los documentos para su almacenamiento y recuperación]

Example: As indexing languages are used both in the indexing of documents and in the search programming which leads to their subsequent retrieval they are sometimes referred to as retrieval languages.

» romance language = lengua romance.

Example: The English language is rich in synonyms and near-synonyms, because it has roots in both Teutonic and romance languages.

» rude language = ordinarieces, groserías, lenguaje ordinario, lenguaje grosero, lenguaje soez.

Example: Should violent lyrics in songs and crude, rude language on TV programs and movies be regulated?.

» scientific language = lenguaje científico.

Example: And so in scientific language -- in all purely fact-communicating uses of language -- we try to employ words in as objective and unvarying a way as possible.

» scripting language = lenguaje de programación.

Example: The author assesses how successful XML is in its aim of achieving ease-of-processing by scripting languages.

» search language = lenguaje de búsqueda.

Example: Command Search is easy to use, but requires knowledge of the DIALOG search language.

» sexist language = lenguaje sexista.

Example: The author discusses problems of sexism and sexist language relevant to teachers and librarians.

» SGML (Standard Generalised Markup Language) = SGML (Lenguaje Estándar Universal para el Análisis Formal de Documentos). [Sistema automatizado para identificar las partes de las que se compone un documento como título, resumen, introducción, resultados, etc]

Example: The documents in the archive are encoded with the Standard Generalized Markup Language, which views a document as a hierarchical organisation of document elements.

» sign language = lenguaje de signos.

Example: One service for the deaf is addition of sign language or subtitles to films.

» sign language interpreter = intérprete de lenguaje de signos.

Example: Its aim is to provide information services for deaf people through telematics facilities and sign language interpreters.

» Spanish-language speaker = hispanohablante.

Example: We have bilingual staff that can assist with Spanish-language speakers.

» speech-language pathologist = logopeda.

Example: Once limited to correcting articulation and lisps, speech-language pathologists now work with students with wide-ranging disabilities and educational needs.

» speech-language therapist = logopeda.

Example: This manual presents an assessment instrument designed to help speech-language therapists evaluate the communication skills of children.

» spoken language = lengua hablada.

Example: In the drama of spoken language pauses frame words, form them into significant phrases, can even alter meaning, and infuse emotion.

» SQL (Structured Query Language) = SQL (Lenguaje Estructurado de Consulta). [Lenguaje de programación especializado para consultar las bases de datos]

Example: SQL (Structured Query Language) is a specialized programming language for sending queries to databases.

» switching language = lenguaje de conversión. [Lenguaje que permite la traducción de encabezamientos de materias a otra lengua a través de notaciones de clasificación]

Example: This switching language is a notation that can be used by people or computers to translate terms in all natural languages into, and as an intermediate language between, the various languages.

» TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) = TOEFL (Examen de Inglés como Segunda Lengua). [Examen de inglés que todo estudiante extranjero debe hacer como requisito para su entrada en una universidad americana]

Example: Results of the Pearson Product Moment Test showed a moderate correlation between the students' exit TOEFL scores and the post-test lirary skills scores.

» universal language = lenguaje universal.

Example: More and more communicators are turning to graphics as a universal language = Cada vez más comunicadores están recurriendo al uso de los gráficos como lenguaje universal.

» vernacular language = lengua vernácula.

Example: Then came Gutenberg and the modern book, composed in vernacular languages and printed on paper by a press with movable type.

» vulgar language = lenguaje vulgar.

Example: This essay traces the changing status of cant and vulgar languages in eighteenth-century Britain.

» watch your language! = ¡qué palabras son esas!, ¡no digas palabrotas!.

Example: The article 'Watch your language!' is part 2 of an article on user friendly programming languages.

» working language = lengua oficial común. [En una situación multilingüe, lengua común utilizada para comunicarse]

Example: Lacking a universal working language, information managers around the world cannot now deal reliably and efficiently with multilingual documentation.

» written language = lenguaje escrito, lengua escrita.

Example: The development of alphabets altered human consciousness and the linearity of written language clouding our minds to the multidimensionality of human thought.

» XML (Extensible Markup Language) = XML (Lenguaje Extensible para el Análisis de Documentos).

Example: XML (Extensible Markup Language) is an extension of HTML which simplifies the creation of specialized markup languages for any application domain without requiring knowledge of Standard Generalized Markup Language.

Language synonyms

speech in spanish: habla, pronunciation: spitʃ part of speech: noun words in spanish: palabras, pronunciation: wɜrdz part of speech: noun nomenclature in spanish: nomenclatura, pronunciation: noʊmənkleɪtʃɜr part of speech: noun terminology in spanish: terminología, pronunciation: tɜrmɪnɑlədʒi part of speech: noun lyric in spanish: lírica, pronunciation: lɪrɪk part of speech: noun linguistic process in spanish: proceso lingüístico, pronunciation: lɪŋgwɪstɪkprɑses part of speech: noun oral communication in spanish: comunicación oral, pronunciation: ɔrəlkəmjunəkeɪʃən part of speech: noun linguistic communication in spanish: comunicación lingüística, pronunciation: lɪŋgwɪstɪkkəmjunəkeɪʃən part of speech: noun spoken language in spanish: lengua hablada, pronunciation: spoʊkənlæŋgwədʒ part of speech: noun
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