Magician in spanish


pronunciation: mɑgoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

magician = mago, prestidigitador. 

Example: One teacher I knew used to poke his head round the door just at the end of the day and say something like, 'Tomorrow when we meet I am going to tell you about the evil magician,' and then he would disappear leaving us all agog.

Magician synonyms

wizard in spanish: mago, pronunciation: wɪzɜrd part of speech: noun necromancer in spanish: nigromante, pronunciation: nekrəmænsɜr part of speech: noun sorcerer in spanish: hechicero, pronunciation: sɔrsɜrɜr part of speech: noun conjurer in spanish: prestidigitador, pronunciation: kɑndʒɜrɜr part of speech: noun conjuror in spanish: prestidigitador, pronunciation: kɑndʒɜrɜr part of speech: noun prestidigitator in spanish: prestidigitador, pronunciation: prestɪdɪdʒəteɪtɜr part of speech: noun illusionist in spanish: ilusionista, pronunciation: ɪluʒənəst part of speech: noun
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