Maiden in spanish


pronunciation: doʊnθejɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

maiden = doncella. 

Example: If the analogy with the fairy story is taken a little further it can be noted that no author really believes in dragons, wicked queens, fair maidens locked in high towers and the like.


» handmaiden = criada, sirvienta, sierva.

Example: We need, on behalf of our students, indeed on our own behalf, to be bridges into that future and not handmaidens to the past.

» maidenhead = himen, virginidad.

Example: She was afraid of losing her virginity and made him promise to put in just the head of his penis and to stop when he got to her maidenhead.

» maidenhood = juventud, mocedad, soltería. [Aplicado a la mujer. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]

Example: Early marriage and a brief maidenhood makes use of the full female reproductive span and thus is preferred by cultures in which large families are valued.

» maidenhood = virginidad. [Aplicado a la mujer. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]

Example: The demise of maidenhood and the overthrow of our previously ingrained restrained sexual mores also began gradually.

» maiden name = apellido de soltera.

Example: Authors must register in their own name and not a pseudonym or maiden name under which the book may be written.

» maiden voyage = primera travesía, primer viaje.

Example: A solar-powered airplane that one day will attempt an around the world non-stop flight took its maiden voyage yesterday in Switzerland.

Maiden synonyms

initiative in spanish: iniciativa, pronunciation: ɪnɪʃətɪv part of speech: noun first in spanish: primero, pronunciation: fɜrst part of speech: adjective, adverb opening in spanish: apertura, pronunciation: oʊpənɪŋ part of speech: noun inaugural in spanish: inaugural, pronunciation: ɪnɔgɜrəl part of speech: adjective, noun maid in spanish: mucama, pronunciation: meɪd part of speech: noun initiatory in spanish: iniciador, pronunciation: ɪnɪʃətɔri part of speech: adjective maiden over in spanish: la doncella ha terminado, pronunciation: meɪdənoʊvɜr part of speech: noun
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