Maker in spanish


pronunciation: fɑbɹ̩ikɑnte part of speech: noun
In gestures

maker1 = artífice, creador, fabricante. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación]

Example: The first decision in establishing headings for the works of corporate bodies is the one over which code makers have wavered.


» automaker = fabricante de coches, fabricante de automóviles. 

Example: The table below measures sales satisfaction ratings among the major automakers.

» barrel maker = tonelero, barrilero, fabricante de barriles.

Example: A barrel maker was commonly called a cooper and he started by planing narrow wood strips or staves from imported wood often from Thailand = A los fabricantes de barriles se les conocía como toneleros y lo primero que hacían era cepillar tiras de madera estrechas conocidas como 'duelas' que generalmente se importaban de los bosques de Tailandia.

» block-maker = xilógrafo. [En imprenta antigua, persona que grababa en bloques de madera el objeto de impresión]

Example: Despite the incompetence of most eighteenth-century block-makers, woodcuts never quite disappeared, and they returned to favour in the delicate form called 'wood-engraving' at the end of the hand-press period.

» bookmaker = impresor de libros. 

Example: The survey revealed a collection that was basically intact and reaffirmed the skill and craftmanship of the traditional Chinese bookmaker.

» bookmaker = corredor de apuestas, casa de apuestas.

Example: Some smart bookmakers use their successful bettors and adjust their odds depending on these customers' bets.

» cabinet maker = ebanista. 

Example: Selection, in this broad sense, is a stone adze in the hands of a cabinet maker = Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación.

» carmaker = fabricante de coches, fabricante de automóviles. 

Example: California filed suit against carmakers charging that greenhouse gases from their vehicles have cost the state millions of dollars.

» coffee maker = cafetera.

Example: It is a grinder/coffee maker all in one.

» decision maker [decision-maker] = responsable de tomar decisiones, dirigente, autoridad.

Example: This not only gives the decision maker an idea of the time frame involved but also aids in identifying potential weaknesses.

» dressmaker = modista.

Example: Make sure to choose a dressmaker specializing in wedding gowns.

» film maker [filmmaker/film-maker] = productor de cine.

Example: Additional attemps have been made to standardize terms for categories of audiences and film makers through the creation of thesauri.

» holiday-maker = turista.

Example: Holiday-makers using the library are divided into 5 main types: book borrowers; book buyers; ancestor hunters; serious tourists; and art enthusiasts.

» holidaymaker = turista, visitante, veraneante.

Example: Forecasters hope holidaymakers will gain some respite in time for tonight's festivities, but cannot rule out frequent showers and gales.

» homemaker = amo de casa, ama de casa. [Expresión neutra para referirse tanto al hombre como a la mujer que se encarga principalmente de las tareas domésticas de la casa. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación]

Example: Homemaker, widow and volunteer are acceptable terms and roles.

» image maker = creador de imagen.

Example: The article 'The image makers' comments on the idea being perpetuated by the mass media that librarianship is a nice, clean leisurely profession = El artículo "El creador de imagen" comenta la idea que ha sido perpetuada por los medios de comunicación de masas de que la biblioteconomía es una profesión de ocio bonita y limpia.

» lawmaker [law-maker] = legislador, jurista.

Example: A survey of state legislators finds that lawmakers support expanding television coverage of legislative proceedings to include gavel to gavel programming.

» makerspace = espacio creativo, espacio para creadores.

Example: There are many different ways to define a 'makerspace' but essentially it is a place where people can come together to use, and learn to use materials as well as develop creative projects.

» matchmaker = celestina, alcahueta, trotaconventos.

Example: Matchmakers have paired up couples for centuries, and it doesn't seem as though their market has slackened.

» money-maker = fuente de ganancias, negocio muy rentable, negocio muy lucrativo, gallina de los huevos de oro.

Example: Today, tourism is becoming the big money-maker, with rubbernecks preferring Fiji to overcrowded Hawaii.

» money-maker = persona que gana mucho dinero.

Example: He is considered to be one of the most successful players of the last decade and is among the highest 'money-makers' in the world of poker.

» moviemaker [movie maker] = productor de cine.

Example: Filled with an overwhelming inspiration, the two moviemakers decided to take a stab at the world of television by turning the camera on themselves.

» opinion-maker = líder.

Example: Peers and adults who are admired, for whatever reasons, tend to be copied and followed, and a wise teacher will try to draw in to the book environment those adults and children who are opinion-makers and trendsetters.

» paperboard maker = fabricante de cartón.

Example: Europe's leading paperboard maker, Stora Enso, Helsinki, Finland, will eliminate 1700 jobs as part of plans to improve profits.

» policy maker [policy-maker/policymaker] = responsable de tomar decisiones, político.

Example: The library can offer well-informed service to policy-makers, analysts, students, the media and political groups.

» printmaker = grabador.

Example: This article discusses Benson's life, work, and critical reputation as a printmaker specializing in images of hunters and wild game birds.

» profit maker = comerciante.

Example: Ethics was embodied by ivory-towered theoreticians with an undisguised contempt for profit makers.

» rainmaker = artífice del tiempo, hacedor de lluvias, líder.

Example: Rather than rainmakers, the electorate increasingly views politicians as scapegoats for economic consequences.

» rule-maker [rulemaker] = legislador, creador de leyes, normalizador.

Example: We need rule-makers to be independent of the insurance industry, and the NAIC clearly does not meet this vital standard.

» science policy makers = responsables de la política científica.

Example: Information on current research and development is vital to science policy makers.

» soapmaker = fabricante de jabón.

Example: Born to a family of Jewish soapmakers, Bronner also had a keen interest in religion and politics.

» syllabus maker = persona que elabora el plan de estudios.

Example: Clearly this must become part of the education of librarians, and that puts the onus on the teaching agencies and the syllabus makers.

» toasted sandwich maker = sandwichera.

Example: The toasted sandwich made with a toasted sandwich maker has been long revered as the staple diet of many students.

» troublemaker = buscapleitos, alborotador, agitador, persona problemática.

Example: The employee must feel that any problem or complaint will be objectively heard and fairly resolved and that the supervisor will not hold it against the employee or consider him or her a troublemaker.

» war-maker = belicista, amante de la guerra.

Example: The politics of memory becomes apparent in the words of Tom Hayden, an early activist against the war: 'the war-makers could win on the battlefield of memory what they lost on the battlefields of war'.

» weather-maker = artífice del tiempo.

Example: There are personalities in any collection of people who are at one and the same time barometers, indicating the climate within the social group they tend to dominate, and weather-makers, determining the climate as the influencers I mentioned above.

» winemaker = vinatero, productor de vino.

Example: This new machine will bring winemaking and winemakers in Australia into line with the type of technology being used by major bottlers around the world.

» yoghurt maker = yogurtera.

Example: Anyway, I was living there for a while (in New Zealand) and couldn't help but notice lots of people using these yoghurt makers.

maker2 = alabrén, obrero sacador. [En la fabricación de papel, persona encargada de las operaciones relacionadas con la tina en donde se mantiene la pasta de papel y de su secado para obtener los pliegos de papel]

Example: Two sheets were made each time the two-sheet mould was dipped by the maker into the vat, and they were turned out together on to a single felt by the coucher.

Maker3 = Creador. 

Example: He went back into the house, addressing his Maker in low agonized tones, changed, and started out again.

Maker synonyms

manufacturer in spanish: fabricante, pronunciation: mænjəfæktʃɜrɜr part of speech: noun shaper in spanish: moldeador, pronunciation: ʃeɪpɜr part of speech: noun manufacturing business in spanish: negocio de manufactura, pronunciation: mænjəfæktʃɜrɪŋbɪznəs part of speech: noun
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