Maleficent in spanish


pronunciation: peɹ̩niθioʊsoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

maleficent = maléfico, perverso, maligno, pernicioso. 

Example: The wicked Morgan cursed him centuries ago and he'll die in fourteen days if her maleficent spell is not broken.

Maleficent synonyms

malevolent in spanish: malévolo, pronunciation: məlevələnt part of speech: adjective evil in spanish: mal, pronunciation: ivəl part of speech: noun, adjective malign in spanish: maligno, pronunciation: məlaɪn part of speech: adjective, verb baleful in spanish: funesto, pronunciation: beɪlfəl part of speech: adjective baneful in spanish: funesto, pronunciation: beɪnfəl part of speech: adjective malefic in spanish: maléfico, pronunciation: məlefɪk part of speech: adjective

Maleficent antonyms

beneficent pronunciation: benəfɪʃənt part of speech: adjective
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