Necessity in spanish


pronunciation: neθesidɑd part of speech: noun
In gestures

necessity1 = necesidad. 

Example: The main inconveniences of item record indexes arise from the necessity of searching the entire file.


» born of necessity = producto de la necesidad.

Example: Though born of necessity, the positive results of the programme have implications for the organisation, housing, and preservation of collections.

» by necessity = por la necesidad.

Example: Spurred at first by curiosity, then by necessity, Barbara takes it upon herself to discover what actually happened to Lucrezia and therefore vouchsafe her own safety.

» economic necessity = necesidad económica.

Example: For most who moonlight, the extra income is an economic necessity, and for a great many more, the economic need to work a second job exists but the employment opportunity does not.

» insist on + the necessity of = insistir en la necesidad de.

Example: He particularly insisted on the necessity of assuring military protection for the Archaeological Museum of Baghdad.

» necessity is the mother of invention = la necesidad agudiza el ingenio.

Example: Necessity is the mother of invention, and the Internet, as the next big computer marketplace, has created an urgent need for low bandwidth multimedia.

» necessity mothers invention = la necesidad agudiza el ingenio.

Example: Necessity mothers invention, and certainly invention in the presentation of books mothers surprised interest.

» of necessity = forzosamente, a la fuerza, por necesidad.

Example: The quantity of scientific information available must of necessity grow with the increasing number of scientists doing research in an increasing number of disciplines.

» out of necessity = por necesidad.

Example: In summary, 'work' in everyday language means earning a living out of necessity.

» relieve + Nombre + of a necessity = librar de la necesidad de.

Example: If entries are arranged alphabetically by a significant qualifying term the index user is relieved of the necessity of scanning every entry under a term.

necessity2 = necesidad, algo básico. 

Example: Books may be useful to many people, but it is by no means common for them to be necessities.


» bare necessities, the = lo mínimo, lo esencial, lo imprescindible, lo básico, lo indispensable.

Example: The captain's living quarters in a warship were furnished according to his pocket, the bare necessities in the case of an officer without private means, and luxury for a noble or wealthy man.

» be a necessity = ser una necesidad, ser necesario.

Example: Aluminium is generally employed for armouring of vehicles when light weight is a necessity.

Necessity synonyms

essential in spanish: esencial, pronunciation: ɪsenʃəl part of speech: adjective necessary in spanish: necesario, pronunciation: nesəseri part of speech: adjective requisite in spanish: requisito, pronunciation: rekwəzət part of speech: adjective requirement in spanish: requisito, pronunciation: rɪkwaɪrmənt part of speech: noun

Necessity antonyms

nonessential pronunciation: nɑnɪsentʃəl part of speech: adjective inessential pronunciation: ɪnɪsenʃəl part of speech: adjective
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