Obsessive in spanish


pronunciation: oʊbsesioʊnɑnte part of speech: adjective
In gestures

obsessive = obsesivo. 

Example: His obsessive concern for detail precluded the delegation of responsibility to others.


» obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) = trastorno obsesivo compulsivo (TOC).

Example: Children and adults with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) suffer from unwanted and intrusive thoughts that they can't seem to get out of their heads (obsessions).

» obsessive thought = pensamiento obsesivo.

Example: Trying to reason out or make sense from an obsessive thought usually only strengthens the thought.

Obsessive synonyms

neurotic in spanish: neurótico, pronunciation: nʊrɑtɪk part of speech: adjective psychoneurotic in spanish: psiconeurótico, pronunciation: saɪkoʊnjɜrɑtɪk part of speech: adjective obsessional in spanish: obsesivo, pronunciation: əbseʃənəl part of speech: adjective
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