Ocean in spanish


pronunciation: oʊθeɑnoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

ocean = océano. 

Example: This organisation pools information available in all countries that have an interest in the optimal use of global ocean resources.


» a drop in the ocean = un grano de arena en el desierto.

Example: The article 'Shipboard libraries: a drop in the ocean?' stresses the importance of shipboard libraries to present-day crews.

» Atlantic Ocean, the = Oceano Atlántico, el. [Expresión normalmente acompañada del artículo]

Example: Not only are there different interpretations of terminology, but particular words, such as kit, have different meanings on each side of the Atlantic Ocean.

» by the ocean = junto al oceano.

Example: I was glad to hear that he seemed to be living the good life by the ocean -- I owe him so much.

» cry + an ocean (of tears) = llorar a lágrima viva, llorar como una ma(g)dalena, llorar a mares, emberracarse, inflarse de llorar.

Example: We have cried an ocean of tears but the pain never goes away.

» Indian Ocean, the = Oceano Indico, el. [Expresión normalmente acompañada del artículo]

Example: A collection of materials on the Seychelles and the Indian Ocean was started in 1981 and now has over 400 volumes.

» ocean acidification = acidificación del oceano.

Example: Fresh water is an increasingly scarce resource and pesticides pollute the soil, contaminate groundwater and contribute to ocean acidification.

» ocean bed = fondo del océano.

Example: Implications of marine legislation and laws of the sea related to ocean bed exploration are described in detail.

» ocean current = corriente oceánica.

Example: Wind-driven ocean currents behave in ways that, at first appearance do not make sense.

» ocean energy = energía del mar.

Example: Projects eligible for support in alternative energy sources are geothermal energy, solar energy, biomass, wind and ocean energy and hydro-electric power.

» ocean floor = lecho marino, fondo del mar, fondo del océano.

Example: The continental shelf regions also contain the highest amount of benthic life (plants and animals that live on the ocean floor).

» ocean freight = flete marítimo, transporte marítimo.

Example: Thus you can rest assured your goods by air cargo, bulk ocean freight or containerized shipment will receive the very best care at all times.

» oceanfront = frente al océano, a orillas del océano.

Example: A man and a woman were killed at a luxury oceanfront resort when police fired into their bungalow after they refused to drop a handgun.

» ocean-going = oceánico, transatlántico, de alta mar.

Example: By mobile library we mean any system of taking books out to scattered communities and at its most basic this could be by carrying books on the librarians back right up to service on an ocean going ship.

» ocean liner = crucero, buque de pasajeros, transatlántico.

Example: This is a collection of ocean liner postcards from the late 19th and early 20th century.

» ocean organism = organismo marino.

Example: Global warming may have been the cause of the wipeout of an estimated 70 percent of land plants and animals, along with 84 percent of ocean organisms, during the Permian.

» ocean perch = gallineta, rosada.

Example: Also known as ocean perch or rosefish in North America and as Norway haddock in Europe, the redfish is one of a number of red-coloured scorpion fish.

» ocean sciences, the = ciencias del mar, las.

Example: 141 data bases were observed, most of them had been developed in the life sciences as well as in the earth, ocean and space sciences.

» ocean view = vista al océano, vista al mar.

Example: The hotel features luxurious accommodations, breathtaking ocean views, and easy access to beaches, restaurants, shopping malls, and nightspots.

» ocean view room = habitación con vistas al océano, habitación con vistas al mar.

Example: Our ocean view rooms have a king size bed that can be split into twins if you require.

» on both sides of the ocean = a ambos lados del Altántico, a ambas orillas del Atlántico.

Example: In the period between the copyright legislation of 1891 and that of 1957 resetting remained the normal practice on both sides of the ocean.

» open ocean = altamar, mar abierto.

Example: Krill is a general term used to describe about 85 species of open-ocean crustaceans known as euphausiids.

» Pacific Ocean, the = Océano Pacífico, el.

Example: The Pacific Rim encompasses an enormous geographical area composed of all of the nations bordering the Pacific Ocean, east and west, from the Bering Straits to Antarctica.

» pollute + the ocean = contaminar el oceano.

Example: Stop polluting the ocean because once we kill the coral reefs and the rain forest, the earth is toast!.

» tropical ocean = océano tropical.

Example: Tropical cyclones are intense low pressure systems that form over tropical oceans.

» with an ocean view = con vistas al océano, con vistas al mar.

Example: Room opens to a generous private terrace and sundeck with an ocean view, and will accommodate 2 adults and 1 infant under the age of four.

Ocean synonyms

sea in spanish: mar, pronunciation: si part of speech: noun
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