Offstage in spanish

Entre bastidores

pronunciation: entɹ̩ebɑstidoʊɹ̩es part of speech: noun, adverb
In gestures

off stage = fuera del escenario. 

Example: He was a caustic yet perceptive actor-comedian who lived dangerously close to the edge both on stage and off.

offstage = entre bastidores, entre bambalinas. 

Example: More through inattention than any attempt at concealment, the shaping of the twenty-first century is happening offstage, out of sight.

Offstage synonyms

wing in spanish: ala, pronunciation: wɪŋ part of speech: noun private in spanish: privado, pronunciation: praɪvət part of speech: adjective backstage in spanish: entre bastidores, pronunciation: bæksteɪdʒ part of speech: adverb, noun, adjective

Offstage antonyms

onstage pronunciation: ɑnsteɪdʒ part of speech: adverb
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