Palaver in spanish


pronunciation: pɑlɑbɹ̩eɹ̩iɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

palaver1 = tonterías, estupideces, parloteo. 

Example: To speak the argot, one of the main rules is called 'police palaver' -- never use a short word where a long one will do.

palaver2 = encuentro entre exploradores e indígenas, encuentro entre indígenas. 

Example: Unlike most Western systems, the palaver is focused on reconciliation & community harmony rather than punishment.

palaver3 = follón, lío, desmadre, jaleo. 

Example: Most fashion-conscious shoppers will beaware of the palaver caused last month by the swastika design embroidered on a Zara handbag.


» what a palaver! = ¡qué rollo macabeo!, ¡qué lío!, ¡qué follón!, ¡qué jaleo!.

Example: I never realised what a palaver finding the owner to something you found could cause.

Palaver synonyms

rhetoric in spanish: retórica, pronunciation: retɜrɪk part of speech: noun cajole in spanish: engatusar, pronunciation: kədʒoʊl part of speech: verb coax in spanish: engatusar, pronunciation: koʊks part of speech: verb, noun inveigle in spanish: seducir, pronunciation: ɪnvigəl part of speech: verb chatter in spanish: charla, pronunciation: tʃætɜr part of speech: noun wheedle in spanish: engatusar, pronunciation: hwidəl part of speech: verb prattle in spanish: parloteo, pronunciation: prætəl part of speech: noun, verb prate in spanish: parlotear, pronunciation: preɪt part of speech: verb, noun twaddle in spanish: bobadas, pronunciation: twɑdəl part of speech: noun tattle in spanish: chismes, pronunciation: tætəl part of speech: noun, verb clack in spanish: charla, pronunciation: klæk part of speech: noun gabble in spanish: algarabía, pronunciation: gæbəl part of speech: noun, verb blarney in spanish: labia, pronunciation: blɑrni part of speech: noun blandishment in spanish: halago, pronunciation: blændɪʃmənt part of speech: noun maunder in spanish: divagar, pronunciation: mɔndɜr part of speech: verb piffle in spanish: disparate, pronunciation: pɪfəl part of speech: noun gibber in spanish: farfullar, pronunciation: gɪbɜr part of speech: noun blabber in spanish: chismoso, pronunciation: blæbɜr part of speech: noun, verb cajolery in spanish: halagos, pronunciation: kədʒoʊlɜri part of speech: noun tittle-tattle in spanish: chinche, pronunciation: tɪtəltætəl part of speech: noun, verb empty talk in spanish: charla vacía, pronunciation: emptitɔk part of speech: noun sweet-talk in spanish: dulce charla, pronunciation: swittɔk part of speech: verb hot air in spanish: aire caliente, pronunciation: hɑter part of speech: noun empty words in spanish: palabras vacías, pronunciation: emptiwɜrdz part of speech: noun
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