Pale in spanish


pronunciation: pɑlidoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

pale [paler -comp., palest -sup.]1 = pálido, lívido. [Pincha en o en para ver otros adjetivos cuyo grados comparativos y superlativos se formas añadiendo "-er" o "-est" (o sus variantes "-r" o "-st") al final]

Example: There may be pale drip marks in the neighbourhood of the tranchefiles, where drops of water fell from the deckle or from the maker's hand on to the new-made sheet.


» be a pale reflection of = ser un pálido reflejo de.

Example: Reactionaries and renegades alike of all shades and hues might scoff and mock at the LSSP Party, now a pale reflection of its former revolutionary self, but the LSSP does have its historians and archivists.

» be pale with fear = estar pálido de miedo.

Example: Her face was pale with fear and her steps were rapid, as if there was some invisible rapist after her.

» beyond the pale = fuera de las normas comúnmente aceptadas, fuera del redil.

Example: How long, and to what extent, can a library operate beyond the pale and still make use of any of the Library of Congress's bibliographic data?.

» deathly pale = pálido como un muerto, pálido sepulcral, blanco como la pared, blanco como el papel.

Example: He was deathly pale, just like a waxen image, and the red eyes glared with the horrible vindictive look which I knew so well.

» get + pale = ponerse pálido, palidecer.

Example: I have a friend who, as soon as she is under stress, goes off her oats, and gets all pale.

» make + Nombre + pale by comparison = hacer que Algo sea insignificante.

Example: The article is entitled 'Digital library will make today's Internet pale by comparison'.

» milky pale = blanco como la leche.

Example: Kevla glimpsed milky pale skin dotted with freckles before Copper dove like a sea hawk into the ocean.

» paleface = rostro pálido, carapálida.

Example: White-skinned people with blue eyes aren't just responsible for the current crisis; the blue-eyed palefaces are responsible for saddling the world with a financial system that has a built-in tendency to crash.

» pale pink = rosa pálido.

Example: Amid the pale pink blossoms poised on turquoise green leaves, the swaying image of the sky above has the unreal quality of a dream.

» pale yellow = amarillo claro, amarillo pálido.

Example: This beer is pale yellow, a bit fizzy, and it doesn't smell like much.

» turn + pale = palidecer.

Example: The he turned pale, nibbled his lips, and she could see tears in his eyes.

» turn + pale with fear = palidecer de miedo, ponerse pálido de miedo.

Example: His teeth chattered, and he turned pale with fear.

» within the pale of = dentro del seno de.

Example: His political rhetoric on religion, finance, and peace allowed working men to be brought within the pale of the constitution.

pale2 = palidecer. 

Example: At these words Jeanne Leforte gave a little gasp of amazement, and her cheeks paled.


» pale by + comparison = parecer insignificante en comparación.

Example: No matter how good you are, there's a significant chance of paling by comparison.

» pale into + insignificance = volverse insignificante, perder relevancia, perder importancia.

Example: Even this pales into insignificance against the magnetic disc drive which can transfer data at 200,000 characters per second, with the discs rotating at 2,400 rpm.

Pale synonyms

light in spanish: ligero, pronunciation: laɪt part of speech: noun, adjective thin in spanish: Delgado, pronunciation: θɪn part of speech: adjective weak in spanish: débiles, pronunciation: wik part of speech: adjective wan in spanish: pálido, pronunciation: wɑn part of speech: noun pallid in spanish: pálido, pronunciation: pæləd part of speech: adjective blanch in spanish: blanquear, pronunciation: blæntʃ part of speech: verb picket in spanish: piquete, pronunciation: pɪkɪt part of speech: noun blench in spanish: recular, pronunciation: blentʃ part of speech: verb colorless in spanish: incoloro, pronunciation: kʌlɜrləs part of speech: adjective colourless in spanish: incoloro, pronunciation: kɑlɜrləs part of speech: adjective
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