Pan in spanish


pronunciation: pɑn part of speech: noun
In gestures

pan1 = vista panorámica. 

Example: An example is a pan of Niagara Falls from the Canadian side.

pan2 = platillo. [De balanza]

Example: It indicates the changes and limitations which fill the other pan of the scales and which are frequently only discovered by bitter experience.


» bedpan = cuña, chata, bacinilla, orinal de cama.

Example: These bedpans are designed specifically for patients who have had a hip fracture or recovering from hip replacement.

» cake pan = molde para pasteles.

Example: Established in 1996, the company specialises in the manufacture of non-stick cookware, air beds, food mincers, coffee cups, cake pans, chicken roaster pans, etc.

» chicken roaster pan = sartén para asar pollos.

Example: Established in 1996, the company specialises in the manufacture of non-stick cookware, air beds, food mincers, coffee cups, cake pans, chicken roaster pans, etc.

» dustpan [dust-pan] = recogedor.

Example: If you've spilled a lot of hair shampoo on the carpet, you will find it easier to remove it with a dustpan (but not the brush) rather than trying to wipe it.

» flash in the pan = visto y no visto, moda pasajera, flor de un día.

Example: The article is entitled 'WAP: a new phase in the technological revolution or a flash in the pan?'.

» frying pan = sartén.

Example: A total of 32 infants were habituated to six stimuli in which a picture of a male or female face was paired with one of six objects such as a football or frying pan.

» out of the fire and into the frying pan = de mal en peor, salir de Guatemala para meterse en Guatapeor.

Example: The article is titled 'Out of the fire and into the frying pan'.

» out of the frying pan and into the fire = de mal en peor, salir de Guatemala para meterse en Guatapeor.

Example: Further, your question about using hydrocortisone cream makes me think of the saying, 'out of the frying pan and into the fire'.

» paella pan = paellera.

Example: In the paella pan, sauté the red pepper, head of garlic, and garlic cloves until the peppers are quite soft but not brown, 15 to 20 min.

» panhandler = mendigo, pordioseo. 

Example: Through a survey conducted last year, the city found over 400 panhandlers on the streets, of whom nearly three in four were homeless.

» pots and pans = las ollas y las sartenes, cacharros de cocina.

Example: Pots and pans are the most essential part of cookware.

» pots and pans set = batería de cocina.

Example: There are many advantages and disadvantages to using a stainless steel pots and pans set.

» Tin Pan Alley = mundo de la música popular, el.

Example: The 1920s and 1930s have come to stand out as the golden age of the Tin Pan Alley song.



» pan for + gold = buscar oro. [Utilizando un plato grande de metal para lavar la tierra]

Example: They didn't go there because life was good, but because there, in the back of beyond, you could pan for gold without the threat of being robbed.

» pan out = salir bien, dar resultado, resultar, salir.

Example: It took some time, but his strategy is finally starting to pan out.

» pan out = alejar una toma.

Example: While the camera was focused in the viewers couldn't see the whole set but as it started to pan out the situation changed significantly, for the worse.

» pan to = acercar una toma.

Example: The camera pans to each of the four actors, but when it gets to Tara, you see her flirtatiously looking at the camera and primping her hair.

pan4 [Prefijo]


» PADIS (Pan-African Development Information System) = PADIS (Sistema de Información para el Desarrollo de Africa).

Example: PADIS (Pan-African Development Information System) is concerned with the identification, gathering, collecting, processing and dissemination of socio-economic development information produced in and about Africa.

» Pan-African = panafricano.

Example: The article is entitled 'Marketing children's books in the Pan-African context'.

» pan-European = paneuropeo.

Example: This is a pan-European standard for digital cordless communications.

Pan5 = Pan; dios Pan, el. 

Example: Followers of Pan and other wild gods sometimes practiced their orgiastic rites outside cities because they included drinking alcohol, nudity and having sex.

Pan synonyms

trash in spanish: basura, pronunciation: træʃ part of speech: noun pan out in spanish: salir, pronunciation: pænaʊt part of speech: verb tear apart in spanish: desgarrar, pronunciation: terəpɑrt part of speech: verb pan off in spanish: pan fuera, pronunciation: pænɔf part of speech: verb genus pan in spanish: pan de genero, pronunciation: dʒinəspæn part of speech: noun the goat god in spanish: el dios cabra, pronunciation: ðəgoʊtgɑd part of speech: noun
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