Question in spanish


pronunciation: pɹ̩eguntɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

question1 = pregunta, interrogación. 

Example: One argument against including a list of questions is that often analysts will think they are the only questions that might be asked.


» air + questions = hacer preguntas.

Example: After an additional brief discussion, during which several questions and comments were aired, a motion was made that an ad hoc committee be appointed 'to investigate the issue of employee performance appraisal systems'.

» answerable question = pregunta con respuesta.

Example: The article is entitled 'Research: turning research priorities into answerable questions'.

» answer + a question = responder una pregunta.

Example: The head of the circulation was asked to investigate the desirability of theft detection devices and to answer questions about their legality and health risk.

» articulate + a question = formular una pregunta.

Example: And he carefully articulated certain questions which were surely in his mind about whether technological developments and computerization would allow the preservation and retention of these values.

» ask no questions and hear no lies = no preguntes porque no te puedo decir la verdad.

Example: It is a case of ask no questions and hear no lies: if you have not been asked for it, then you will not be required to tell the truth.

» ask + questions = hacer preguntas.

Example: And let me stress yet again that I do not mean we should be constantly stopping in midstream during a reading to ask questions and provoke discussion.

» awkward question = pregunta delicada.

Example: The press spokesman 'ominously warned' Americans to 'watch what they say,' which amounted to telling citizens 'to accept the administration's version of events, not ask awkward questions'.

» be open to question = ser discutible, ser debatible.

Example: The research described in this chapter tends to show that many of the ideas regarding semantic and syntactic relationships discussed in this text are open to question.

» bombard + Nombre + with questions = bombardear a/con preguntas, acribillar a/con preguntas, acosar a/con preguntas, asediar a/con preguntas.

Example: The students grabbed the opportunity to bombard her with questions and came away inspired by her humility and her humour.

» closed-ended question = pregunta cerrada. [Generalmente, pregunta usada en un cuestionario que consta de varias alternativas como respuesta para que el encuestado escoja una]

Example: The written survey consisted of 30 closed- and open-ended questions developed in consultation with librarians = El cuestionario escrito constaba de 30 preguntas abiertas y cerradas hechas en colaboración con bibliotecarios.

» couch + question = expresar una pregunta.

Example: The question was innocently and diplomatically couched.

» discussion question = preguntas para incitar el debate.

Example: The stories are accompanied by learning activities and discussion questions for students and are arranged under the headings of bear, mountain goat and deer, and seal and sea lion.

» dispatch + question = responder una pregunta.

Example: Library staff should be provided with the opportunity to see blunders which they occasionally commit as well as the laudable 'savoir faire' with which they dispatch some reference question.

» dodge + a question = esquivar una pregunta, evadir una pregunta.

Example: They had dragged her there and they weren't even giving her an explanation, just going around the houses and dodging every question she asked.

» entertain + questions = responder a preguntas.

Example: The student will give an oral presentation summarizing the written report and will entertain questions from the members of the committee.

» FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) = FAQs (Preguntas Más Frecuentes). [En Internet, tipo especial de documentos que contienen respuestas a las preguntas más solicitadas sobre un tema concreto]

Example: FAQs are documents that list and answer the most common questions on a particular subject.

» field + a question = sortear un pregunta, responder a una pregunta.

Example: Questions concerning stock, hours, staffing and so on cannot be fielded at random, nor with any degree of authority, if institutional priorities are not solidly in place.

» formulate + a question = formular una pregunta.

Example: If his decision is to ask about his need, then it becomes necessary to give it a sharper intellectual shape, to describe it in words, and to formulate it as a question.

» frame + Posesivo + question = formular una pregunta.

Example: It is not always correct to conclude that if users fail to frame their questions more specifically it is because they are incapable of doing so.

» leave + a question unanswered = dejar una pregunta sin responder, dejar una pregunta sin contestar.

Example: It is important to note that not all questions were required for completion of the survey, so some items were left unanswered by some respondents.

» multiple choice question = pregunta cerrada, pregunta tipo test.

Example: For example, a multiple choice question and an open-ended question that each ask the willingness to pay for a particular good or service can result in different estimates.

» obey without + question(ing) = obedecer sin rechistar, acatar sin rechistar.

Example: If you blindly obey without question, you run the risk of being responsible for what someone else decided you should do.

» open-ended question = pregunta abierta, pregunta de respuesta libre. [Pregunta que le permite al interlocutor una gran libertad en cuanto al contenido de la respuesta]

Example: The technique of questioning at these interviews is that you start with the general or open-ended question to get the candidate talking.

» pepper + Nombre + with questions = acribillar a/con preguntas, acosar a/con preguntas, asediar a/con preguntas, bombardear a/con preguntas.

Example: She spent long hours in a cramped conference room, her fractured ankle propped on a trash can, as lawyers took turns peppering her with questions.

» pop + the question = proponer matrimonio.

Example: She ended up moving to Alberta with him earlier this year and ultimately said "yes" when he wisely popped the question this spring.

» post + a question = enviar una pregunta a una lista de correo.

Example: An email discussion list that allows subscribers to post questions to hundreds of users.

» pursue + a question = intentar responder a una pregunta.

Example: It is important to ensure that one is pursuing the patron's question and has not gone off on another track.

» put + Posesivo + question = hacer una pregunta, preguntar.

Example: But the moment he puts his question to the librarian his problem becomes shared and the reference process enters its second phase.

» Q&A session [question and answer session] = turno de preguntas, debate.

Example: The delivery of each presentation should last 15-20 minutes which should include a Q&A session.

» question mark (?) = signo de interrogación (¿?).

Example: Question marks on the extreme left of the printout are prompts from the host computer.

» question paper = examen, preguntas de examen.

Example: There is an old joke that examiners in economics need never set the candidates new question papers because the answers change every year = Existe una vieja broma que dice que los profesores de económicas nunca necesitan ponerle a los alumnos nuevas preguntas de examen ya que las respuestas cambian cada año.

» question + pop into + Posesivo + mind = pregunta + ocurrir.

Example: The question that popped into my mind, is that I don't believe any of our users ever saw our card catalogues as an integrated point of access to all the information they needed.

» questions and answers [Q&A] = preguntas y respuestas.

Example: The following questions and answers (Q&A) pertain to these laws and how they may affect you.

» reference question = pregunta de referencia.

Example: From the analysis of some 5760 questions, Wilkinson and Miller developed a 'step approach' to differentiate reference questions according to how many judgmental steps were required to answer them.

» take + questions = responder preguntas, contestar preguntas.

Example: Thank you for listening and now I'll be happy to take any questions = Gracias por su atención y ahora estaré encantado de responder a sus preguntas.

» there + be + no question (that) = no haber duda (que), no caber duda (de que).

Example: As Musiker indicates there is no question that librarians must take full account of non-print media in their collection building and exploitation.

» trick question = pregunta con truco, pregunta trucada

pregunta con truco, pregunta trucada.

Example: The person conducting the interview will most likely ask you trick questions, just to see how you react to surprise situations.

» tricky question = pregunta con trampa, pregunta capciosa.

Example: Tricky questions help you improve your thinking abilities and are the right food for critical thinking.

» unanswerable question = pregunta sin respuesta.

Example: These unanswerable questions arise because it is impossible to forecast with complete accuracy the sale of any one book.

» without question = sin cuestionar Algo, sin poner Algo en entredicho, sin quejarse, sin decir ni pío, sin rechistar.

Example: The nature of science is that one should not accept anything without question and if you are accepting scientific theory without question.

question2 = cuestión, tema, asunto. 

Example: The question is not how much time we have, but what we do with it and how we utilize it.


» a case in question = un ejemplo claro.

Example: The banning of The Times newspapers by some local authorities has been a case in question.

» address + a question = tratar una cuestión.

Example: We cannot address these questions in this discussion, as they would lead us far from our topic.

» be an open question = estar por ver, ser algo por ver, ser una interrogante, quedar por ver, ser una cuestión debatible.

Example: Whether such a solution would be agreed by users, and in particular the users of the Library of Congress itself, is still an open question.

» be a question of = tratarse de, tener que ver con, depender de.

Example: I think it's not a question of putting people out of work; it's redeploying people.

» be beside the question = no venir al caso, no venir a cuento, ser irrelevante, no venir a pelo.

Example: It is quite beside the question to ask which is the better.

» beg + the question = dar por sentado Algo que realmente no lo está.

Example: Vague phrases such as `the right book to the right person' or `the public library should serve all the people' simply beg the question.

» be in question = estar en duda, estar en peligro, estar en riesgo.

Example: The introduction sums up the present situation: The fate of the American institutional phenomenon, the public library, is in question.

» be out of the question = no admitir discusión, ser imposible, estar fuera de lo posible.

Example: Since a freeze on all hiring was in effect, taking on new people was out of the question.

» bring into + question the validity of = poner en duda la validez de, cuestionar la validez de.

Example: Moreover, the findings bring into question the validity of any locally developed system.

» broach + a question = tratar una cuestión.

Example: This question has alrady been broached.

» burning question = asunto candente, tema candente, cuestión candente.

Example: A panel of experts representing the various sectors of the serials industry -- librarians, publishers, and subscription agents -- gave participants the chance to answer a number of burning questions.

» call into + question = poner en cuestión, poner en duda, poner en entredicho.

Example: Some of the work discussed in chapter 28 may seem to call into question the value of this research.

» confront + a question = enfrentarse a un problema.

Example: The National Archives confronted the difficult question of how burgeoning electronic records should be appraised.

» explore + a question = analizar una cuestión.

Example: Which is a more effective location is a question that can be explored, but we do need to avoid the situation faced by other in situations developed in past ages, like the Church of England, whose physical plant (the church buildings) is over-provided for the denuded rural areas and under-provided for the city.

» get behind + the question = responder la cuestión.

Example: But such a response is deficient, not only because it is abrupt, but also because it makes no attempt to get behind the question.

» heart of the question, the = meollo de la cuestión, el; quid de la cuestión, el. [Expresión generalmente usada con el artículo]

Example: This is the heart of the question and the answer holds no surprises.

» in question = en cuestión, del que estamos hablando, de marras.

Example: The user may page through the record in question, either forward or backward, by entering the appropriate codes.

» leave + open the question of = abrir una interrogante sobre.

Example: Moreover, the use of a computer for privacy transformation leaves open the question of how to protect the code (key) used in the scrambling process.

» leave + the question open = dejar la cuestión abierta.

Example: He was even prepared, in 1945, to leave the question open for future discussion as to 'whether a phonographic record is a book'.

» pose + a question = plantear una cuestión.

Example: The commentary poses questions to help a library think through a project.

» prickly question = cuestión difícil, asunto difícil, asunto espinoso, problema espinoso, problema peliagudo.

Example: Who should judge the judges has always been a prickly question.

» put + Nombre + out of the question = descartar.

Example: My first intention was to prepare the third edition for publication in 1976, to celebrate the centenary of Dewey and Cutter, but a stroke in June 1975 put this out of the question.

» question + arise = surgir una cuestión.

Example: Since the question of arrangement no longer arose, there was no need to use the role operators retroactively, and they were reorganized to give the normal sequence.

» question + revolve around = cuestión + girar en torno a.

Example: Industry questions usually revolve around either: what is this industry about; or what is the future of this industry.

» raise + a question = plantear un problema, suscitar una pregunta, hacer una pregunta.

Example: Instead, one might raise the question: 'Why do we need all the works of an author together?'.

» research question = tema de investigación.

Example: It is an issue that directly impacts upon us as information professionals, and one that offers us a large number of potential research questions that need answering.

» resolve + a question = resolver una cuestión.

Example: The current environment in higher education is providing an opportunity for librarians to define a future that will ensure their central role in the educational process and thus resolve these remaining age-old questions.

» the crux of the question = el fondo de la cuestión, el fondo del asunto, el quid de la cuestión, el quid del asunto, el meollo de la cuestión, el meollo del asunto.

Example: So the crux of the question is when life begins, a debate that cannot be settled by science.

» the nub of the question = el fondo de la cuestión, el fondo del asunto, el quid de la cuestión, el quid del asunto, el meollo de la cuestión, el meollo del asunto.

Example: The nub of the question is the relationship between truth and history.

» there + be + no question of = no ser necesario, no ser cuestión de.

Example: There is no question of stringing together simple concepts in a preferred citation order to produce a single index description of the summarized subject content of a document.

» thorny question = cuestión difícil, asunto difícil, asunto espinoso, problema espinoso, problema peliagudo.

Example: Indeed, one reason for the reluctance of librarians to donate weeded materials to less-advantaged groups may be that such donations raise the thorny question of intrinsic worth.

» vexed question = cuestión polémica, cuestión controvertida.

Example: The author addresses the vexed question of the appropriateness of information technology in developing countries.

» vexing question = cuestión polémica, cuestión controvertida.

Example: The author examines the rapid growth in Internet-based electronic commerce and considers the vexing question of whether or not the Internet should be taxed.

» without question = sin ninguna duda, sin lugar a dudas, indudablemente.

Example: Without question, information has most assuredly become the competitive edge for business and industry.

question3 = preguntar, cuestionar, indagar, examinar, analizar, poner en duda, poner en entredicho. 

Example: If this appears to be excessively difficult, maybe it is time to question whether the tool is too complex.


» question + Posesivo + authority = cuestionar + Posesivo + autoridad.

Example: Even if she hadn't shouldered that role, few would have questioned her authority to rule the roost.

» question + the validity of = poner en cuestión la validez de, cuestionar la validez de.

Example: This article questions the validity of information management and classification.

Question synonyms

head in spanish: , pronunciation: hed part of speech: noun wonder in spanish: , pronunciation: wʌndɜr part of speech: verb, noun query in spanish: , pronunciation: kwɪri part of speech: noun motion in spanish: , pronunciation: moʊʃən part of speech: noun inquiry in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪnkwaɪri part of speech: noun doubt in spanish: , pronunciation: daʊt part of speech: noun, verb enquiry in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪnkwaɪri part of speech: noun interview in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪntɜrvju part of speech: noun interrogate in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪnterəgeɪt part of speech: verb interrogation in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪnterəgeɪʃən part of speech: noun oppugn in spanish: , pronunciation: ɑpən part of speech: verb interrogative in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪntɜrɑgətɪv part of speech: adjective, noun dubiousness in spanish: , pronunciation: dubiusnəs part of speech: noun doubtfulness in spanish: , pronunciation: daʊtfəlnəs part of speech: noun interrogative sentence in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪntɜrɑgətɪvsentəns part of speech: noun

Question antonyms

answer pronunciation: ænsɜr part of speech: noun, verb
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