Quiet! in spanish


pronunciation: tɹ̩ɑnkiloʊ part of speech: none
In gestures

quiet1 = calma, tranquilidad, silencio, quietud. 

Example: During the parliamentary debates he pointed out the advantages to the public that would accrue from such havens of quiet and reasonableness as the library.


» be quiet = callarse.

Example: Each of the 33 complainants were awarded $1500 in damages from being told to be quiet during the movie.

» disquiet = inquietud, desasosiego, intranquilidad. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]

Example: There is not any great disquiet or discomfort.

» have + a bit of peace and quiet = tener un poco de paz y tranquilidad.

Example: Many young people genuinely can't understand why most people over 25 prefer a bit of peace and quiet to constant noise.

» keep + quiet = mantenerse callado, estar callado, callarse, no decir nada, mantener la boca cerrada.

Example: How to know when to keep quiet is an art.

» on the quiet = a escondidas, con disimulo.

Example: Lee is normally a very quiet member of the crew, although we suspect that on the quiet he is a bit of a lad.

» peace and quiet = paz y tranquilidad.

Example: Here are some common idiomatic pairs in English: peace and quiet, body and soul, life and limb, grin and bear it, bow and scrape, rant and rave.

quiet [quieter -comp., quietest -sup.]2 = tranquilo, sosegado, calmado, callado. [Pincha en o en para ver otros adjetivos cuyo grados comparativos y superlativos se formas añadiendo "-er" o "-est" (o sus variantes "-r" o "-st") al final]

Example: Properly read, live literature -- even the quietest or most light-hearted -- may be disturbing, may subvert our view of life.


» as quiet as a mouse = sigilosamente, con sigilo, sin apenas ser oído, sin hacer ruido, sin decir ni mu, sin decir ni pío.

Example: Quiet as a mouse, she had crept in to see what they were doing.

» disquiet = inquietar, turbar, desasosegar. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]

Example: You must each have been deeply disquieted by the miserable scenes which have been acted in your native Ireland.

» go + quiet = callarse.

Example: I have found in reading extracts from Scott's diary of his trip to the South Pole that pupils interrupted all the time to ask questions, until the final entries were reached, when everyone went very quiet, moved deeply by Scott's words and unwilling to bruise the emotion they felt.

» have + a quiet word with = hablar a solas con, hablar en privado con.

Example: If you feel it's safe, have a quiet word with the person who is bullying your friend.

» say in + a quiet voice = decir en voz baja.

Example: You don't have to be bombastic to be powerful [he says in a loud voice], you can be more intimate [he says in a quieter voice].

» stay + quiet = mantener la boca cerrada, mantenerse callado, estar callado, callarse, no decir nada.

Example: The lady alleged that he threatened her to stay quiet or else she would be killed.

quiet3 = acallar, silenciar, disipar. 

Example: This trepidation is somewhat quieted when students discover the abundance of bibliographical guides that list and describe reference works.
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