Raise in spanish


pronunciation: ɑumentoʊ part of speech: verb
In gestures

raise1 = subida, subida salarial. 

Example: The article has the tile 'Look out bosses! Union power's going to get your employees a raise!'.

raise2 = subir, aumentar, enarbolar, elevar, levantar. 

Example: The speaker said that James estimated people function at only 20% of their capacity, and concluded that they could raise this percentage considerable if they knew how to manage their time more efficiently.


» raise + a caveat = hacer una advertencia, dar una advertencia, advertir.

Example: As a footnote, two caveats should be raised.

» raise + a concern = plantear un problema, suscitar un problema, levantar sospechas, levantar , levantar suspicacias.

Example: Light use of library information resources raises the concern that students are developing an inadequate base of retrieval skills for finding information on new procedures, diseases and drugs.

» raise + a debate = suscitar un debate.

Example: The article 'Sealing criminal history records: shall we let the fox guard the henhouse in the name of privacy?' has once again raised the debate on the consequences of allowing press and public to view such data.

» raise + a flag = advertir, avisar.

Example: Regrettably, hardly any flags have been raised as to what it all will mean for our offspring.

» raise + a hullabaloo = montar un follón, montar un número, montar un cirio, armar un follón, armar un escándalo, armar un lío, armar una bronca, armar la de San Quintín, armar bulla, hacer bulla, meter bulla, armarla.

Example: He would steal from the hawkers just for the devil of it, raising a hullabaloo in the dense, crowded streets.

» raise + an argument = plantear una cuestión.

Example: These examples do raise a major argument: by identifying these areas for action are we not promoting certain ideas and views?.

» raise + an eyebrow = sorprenderse, extrañarse, asombrarse, mostrar sorpresa, mostrar extrañeza, mostrar asombro, dar de qué hablar, dar que hablar. [Arqueando las cejas]

Example: We may indeed raise an eyebrow when we find in Botany and Zoology the note 'Further systematic subdivisions, alphabetically arranged'.

» raise + an idea = plantear una idea.

Example: This article discusses ideas raised at a weekend school in Sheffield 1984 examining the role of librarians in public libraries.

» raise + an issue = plantear una cuestión, plantear un problema.

Example: This chapter attempts to raise some of the issues that are common to any citation standard.

» raise + an objection = hacer una objeción, objetar, poner peros, poner reparos, poner pegas.

Example: The objection that is always raised against our subject access reflecting a multiplicity of points of view is that the reader's expectations concerning access will often not be met.

» raise + a point = plantear una cuestión, exponer una cuestión.

Example: I agree generally with the points raised by Professor Lubetzky.

» raise + a problem = suscitar un problema, plantear un problema.

Example: Other problems raised by this example will be dealt with as you proceed with the course and refine the procedures of chain indexing.

» raise + a question = plantear un problema, suscitar una pregunta, hacer una pregunta.

Example: Instead, one might raise the question: 'Why do we need all the works of an author together?'.

» raise + a red flag = dar la señal de alarma, dar la voz de alarma, dar la alarma.

Example: Research raises red flags suggesting that policies adopted may be increasing children's risk of maltreatment.

» raise + a ruckus = montar un follón, montar un número, montar un cirio, armar un escándalo, armar un lío, armar una bronca, armar la de San Quintín, armar bulla, hacer bulla, meter bulla, poner el grito en el cielo, armarla, ponerse (hecho/como) un energúmeno, ponerse (como/hecho) un diablo, llevar a Uno el diablo, llevar a Uno (todos) los diablos, ponerse (hecho/como) un demonio, llevar a Uno el demonio, llevar a Uno (todos) los demonios.

Example: Here's to a night of endless shenanigans, raising a ruckus, and any other tomfoolery we can get into.

» raise + a stink = montar un follón, montar un número, montar un cirio, armar un escándalo, armar un lío, armar una bronca, armar la de San Quintín, armar bulla, hacer bulla, meter bulla, armarla.

Example: 'I'll call the young fellow and tell him there's been a mix-up -- I hope his parents don't raise a stink -- and I want you to know that it really sticks in my craw, it violates all my principles' = "Llamaré al joven y le diré que ha habido una confusión (espero que sus padres no me armen un escándalo) y quiero que sepas que es algo que me da patadas en el estómago, va en contra de todos mis principios".

» raise + awareness = concienciar a la gente, llamar la atención sobre, tener alcance.

Example: All libraries must clearly help to raise awareness in this way.

» raise + a warning flag = advertir, avisar.

Example: Some of the barriers and limitations identified do raise warning flags, but they did not negate the largely positive trends in the evidence presented.

» raise + brows = fruncir el ceño. [Normalmente como muestra de desacuerdo o sorpresa]

Example: Several members of the group raised polite brows and implored him to go on.

» raise + Cain = armar un gran revuelo, montar un follón, armar la de Dios, armar la de San Quintín, alborotar el palomar, revolver el palomar, meter el lobo en el redil, revolver el gallinero, alborotar el gallinero, levantar un gran revuelo, causar un gran revuelo, provocar un gran revuelo, armar una de mil demonios.

Example: Her husband and his father and stepmother owe you an apology for raising Cain at your wedding.

» raise + capital = conseguir capital.

Example: Half his adult life had been spent in a struggle to raise that capital -- a fruitless struggle, for he had not yet found a single man of substance to share his vision.

» raise + cautionary flags = advertir, avisar.

Example: This experience should raise cautionary flags about seeking private-sector candidate.

» raise + consciousness = concienciar a la gente.

Example: The Internet was obviously the ideal vehicle for alerting the public, raising consciousness and providing educational materials about alternative medicine research.

» raise + criticism = criticar, hacer una crítica, realizar una crítica, suscitar crítica, levantar crítica.

Example: The author raises some criticisms of the international standard ISO 2709.

» raise + difficulties = plantear dificultades.

Example: The terrible difficulties raised when a particular group is offended is painfully evident in the controversy created within the American Library Association.

» raise + doubts = plantear dudas, suscitar dudas.

Example: This subject is in fact by no means as complex as many to be found in the literature of aeronautics, but it does raise doubts concerning its suitability for shelf arrangement.

» raise + expectations = dar esperanzas.

Example: Virtually no publicity was given to the service, since the library administration did not want to raise expectations, as they were unsure whether it was going to be possible to continue the service, due to budgetary restrictions at the time.

» raise + funds = recabar fondos, recaudar fondos.

Example: This article examines Sika's successes in raising funds for the restoration of historic buildings, as well as his involvement in mining events and the education of miners.

» raise + hell = armar un gran revuelo, montar un follón, armar la de Dios, armar la de San Quintín, alborotar el palomar, revolver el palomar, meter el lobo en el redil, revolver el gallinero, alborotar el gallinero, levantar un gran revuelo, causar un gran revuelo, provocar un gran revuelo.

Example: American progressives have in recent decades gotten too shy, or too afraid, to raise hell about injustice and unfairness.

» raise + hopes = dar esperanzas.

Example: There has lately been a bit of a conservative resurgence, but it has not been large enough to raise hopes very high.

» raise + information awareness = concienciar a Alguien de la importancia de la información.

Example: It is hoped that this will raise the information awareness of society and in turn speed the country's economic growth.

» raise + interest = despertar interés, fomentar el interés.

Example: I might also use some information from it to help raise interest.

» raise + money = recaudar dinero, reunir dinero.

Example: Extra money for books is raised in a variety of ways, not least through the efforts of active parent/teachers' associations.

» raise + people's awareness = concienciar a la gente.

Example: Also, the mass media play an important role in raising people's awareness.

» raise + Posesivo + eyebrow(s) = arquear las cejas.

Example: She looked at him, raising her eyebrows, and trying to screw her lips into a formal smile.

» raise + Posesivo + eyes = levantar la vista, alzar la vista, levantar la mirada, alzar la mirada.

Example: You grew up and you learnt to keep your eyes lowered because if you raised your eyes you didn't know whether you were going to get an insult or a box in the ear.

» raise + Posesivo + glass = brindar.

Example: And when the New Year celebrations were in full swing at the moment Britain entered the Community, how many people remember raising their glasses to Europe?.

» raise + Posesivo hackles = irritar, enojar, exasperar, enervar, cabrear, levantar ampollas, dar rabia, dar coraje.

Example: But be prepared to raise some hackles if you take this approach, because it is essential you do it openly and not behind your boss' back.

» raise + Posesivo + hackles = erizar la crin.

Example: A dog standing in the middle of the road raised his hackles and growled as the line of filthy, gaunt humans marched down the dusty street towards him.

» raise + Posesivo + hand = levantar la mano.

Example: A smart-alec guy in the back of the room raised his hand and asked, 'What would you say if tomorrow I said I was suffering from complete and utter sexual exhaustion?'.

» raise + Posesivo + head = levantar la cabeza.

Example: He could not raise his head or stir a finger for the trance that held him, and Peroo was smiling vacantly at the lightning.

» raise + Posesivo + head above the parapet = salir de + Posesivo + escondite, salir de + Posesivo + refugio.

Example: As Scots we are sometimes shy; we are sometimes afraid to raise our heads above the parapet; we are sometimes afraid to raise our voices.

» raise + Posesivo + living standards = mejorar la calidad de vida, elevar la calidad de vida.

Example: The book sales have certainly raised his living standards.

» raise + Posesivo + middle finger = mandar a tomar por culo. [Mostrando el dedo medio en el aire con la mano hacia arriba]

Example: Lady GaGa recently raised her middle finger to the paparazzi waiting for her at an airport.

» raise + Posesivo + profile = mejorar + Posesivo + imagen.

Example: This project has enabled the information centre to raise its company profile and market its services.

» raise + Posesivo + quality of living = mejorar + Posesivo + calidad de vida.

Example: The public library can indeed play an important role in enabling the disadvantaged to raise their quality of daily living.

» raise + Posesivo + voice = levantar la voz, alzar la voz, protestar.

Example: As Scots we are sometimes shy; we are sometimes afraid to raise our heads above the parapet; we are sometimes afraid to raise our voices.

» raise + public awareness = concienciar a la gente.

Example: All publicity material was designed to raise public awareness of the library's image.

» raise + standards = mejorar la calidad, subir el nivel.

Example: To raise standards of production, 3 methods of appraisal involving collected unique and complex indicators are being used.

» raise + suspicion(s) = levantar sospechas, levantar suspicacias, hacer sospechar.

Example: What is the most amount of cash that can be deposited into a bank account without raising suspicion?.

» raise + the bar = subir el nivel, subir el listón.

Example: The article 'Can the Internet raise the bar for CME?' describes the development of a Web site designed to deliver continuing medical education (CME).

» raise + the dead = resucitar a los muertos.

Example: EU leaders are trying to raise the dead by taking the rejected constitution and tinkering around the edges.

» raise + the flag = izar la bandera.

Example: To improve Friday attendance, the class with the highest weekly attendance was allowed to raise the flag the following week.

» raise + the flag of = defender.

Example: The Augustinian order kept his theological tradition, and raised the flag of the Augustinian thought before and after the German reformer.

» raise + the possibility = plantear la posibilidad.

Example: The text raises the possibility that there might be something unwholesome in the Buddhist obsession with hell.

» raise + the price = subir el precio.

Example: Publishers are likely to react to economic difficulties by raising their prices and reducing the number of published titles.

» raise + the quality = mejorar la calidad.

Example: The public library can play an important role in enabling the disadvantaged to raise the quality of their lives.

» raise + the roof = subir el techo.

Example: To do so, he raised the roof of the house and added a second story.

» raise + the roof = causar furor, causar sensación, ser todo un éxito, ser todo un exitazo.

Example: It's impossible to know where her big voice comes from, but she raised the roof and earned a standing ovation.

» raise + the roof = poner el grito en el cielo, ponerse (hecho/como) un energúmeno, montar un número, montar un cirio, armar un escándalo, armar un lío, armar una bronca, armar la de San Quintín, armar bulla, hacer bulla, meter bulla, armarla, ponerse (como/hecho) un diablo, llevar a Uno el diablo, llevar a Uno (todos) los diablos, ponerse (hecho/como) un demonio, llevar a Uno el demonio, llevar a Uno (todos) los demonios.

Example: I understand he raised the roof when he read the report.

» raise + the standard of living = mejorar la calidad de vida, elevar la calidad de vida.

Example: African governments are at the coalface of trying to raise the standards of living of their people = Los gobiernos africanos están trabajando a pie de obra intentando elevar la calidad de vida de sus habitantes.

» raise + the white flag = enarbolar la bandera blanca, ondear la bandera blanca, enarbolar la bandera de la paz, ondear la banadera de la paz.

Example: The Iraqi army still cannot give the order to put down weapons and to raise white flags.

» raise to + greater heights = alcanzar cotas más altas, llevar a cotas más altas, mejorar considerablemente.

Example: Data storage for microcomputers will be raised to greater heights by the development of the video disc, and particularly the digital optical disc, which can store up to 2 Gigabytes, or 2 thousand million characters.

raise3 = educar, criar. 

Example: The current generation of young adults were raised on television, video games, music videos, and other highly visual media = La generación actual de jóvenes se han educado con la televisión, los vídeojuegos, los vídeos musicales y otros medios visuales.


» raise + Animales = criar.

Example: New animal husbandry systems should be developed that provide opportunities for livestock animals to be raised in environments where they are permitted to engage in 'natural behaviour'.

» raise + chickens = criar pollos.

Example: Sure, fresh eggs are a great reason to raise chickens, but it doesn't end there.

» raise + children = criar niños.

Example: In a promotional brochure Junctionville is vaunted as 'an attractive city to live in and a nice place to raise children'.

» raise + livestock = criar ganado.

Example: Every year millions of acres of tropical forest are burned, primarily to raise livestock, releasing millions of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

» raise + pigs = criar cerdos.

Example: For pork that tastes better than plastic-wrapped meat and costs only pennies per pound, consider raising pigs of your own.

Raise synonyms

fire in spanish: , pronunciation: faɪɜr part of speech: noun rise in spanish: , pronunciation: raɪz part of speech: noun, verb elicit in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪlɪsɪt part of speech: verb enhance in spanish: , pronunciation: enhæns part of speech: verb advance in spanish: , pronunciation: ədvæns part of speech: noun, verb grow in spanish: , pronunciation: groʊ part of speech: verb promote in spanish: , pronunciation: prəmoʊt part of speech: verb lift in spanish: , pronunciation: lɪft part of speech: verb, noun invoke in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪnvoʊk part of speech: verb produce in spanish: , pronunciation: prədus part of speech: verb prove in spanish: , pronunciation: pruv part of speech: verb evoke in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪvoʊk part of speech: verb farm in spanish: , pronunciation: fɑrm part of speech: noun levy in spanish: , pronunciation: levi part of speech: noun nurture in spanish: , pronunciation: nɜrtʃɜr part of speech: verb, noun kindle in spanish: , pronunciation: kɪndəl part of speech: verb stir in spanish: , pronunciation: stɜr part of speech: verb conjure in spanish: , pronunciation: kɑndʒɜr part of speech: verb provoke in spanish: , pronunciation: prəvoʊk part of speech: verb heave in spanish: , pronunciation: hiv part of speech: verb, noun rear in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪr part of speech: noun recruit in spanish: , pronunciation: rəkrut part of speech: verb, noun arouse in spanish: , pronunciation: ɜraʊz part of speech: verb elevate in spanish: , pronunciation: eləveɪt part of speech: verb upgrade in spanish: , pronunciation: əpgreɪd part of speech: verb, noun hike in spanish: , pronunciation: haɪk part of speech: noun, verb parent in spanish: , pronunciation: perənt part of speech: noun set up in spanish: , pronunciation: setʌp part of speech: verb, adjective climb in spanish: , pronunciation: klaɪm part of speech: verb, noun ascent in spanish: , pronunciation: əsent part of speech: noun elevation in spanish: , pronunciation: eləveɪʃən part of speech: noun put up in spanish: , pronunciation: pʊtʌp part of speech: verb erect in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪrekt part of speech: adjective, verb leaven in spanish: , pronunciation: levən part of speech: noun resurrect in spanish: , pronunciation: rezɜrekt part of speech: verb heighten in spanish: , pronunciation: haɪtən part of speech: verb bring up in spanish: , pronunciation: brɪŋʌp part of speech: verb put forward in spanish: , pronunciation: pʊtfɔrwɜrd part of speech: verb conscript in spanish: , pronunciation: kɑnskrɪpt part of speech: noun, verb enkindle in spanish: , pronunciation: enkɪndəl part of speech: verb acclivity in spanish: , pronunciation: æklɪvɪti part of speech: noun conjure up in spanish: , pronunciation: kɑndʒɜrʌp part of speech: verb get up in spanish: , pronunciation: getʌp part of speech: verb upraise in spanish: , pronunciation: əpreɪz part of speech: verb call forth in spanish: , pronunciation: kɔlfɔrθ part of speech: verb call down in spanish: , pronunciation: kɔldaʊn part of speech: verb kick upstairs in spanish: , pronunciation: kɪkəpsterz part of speech: verb

Raise antonyms

break pronunciation: breɪk part of speech: verb, noun fall pronunciation: fɔl part of speech: verb, noun level pronunciation: levəl part of speech: noun decline pronunciation: dɪklaɪn part of speech: noun, verb bump pronunciation: bʌmp part of speech: noun, verb descent pronunciation: dɪsent part of speech: noun relegate pronunciation: reləgeɪt part of speech: verb dismantle pronunciation: dɪsmæntəl part of speech: verb raze pronunciation: reɪz part of speech: verb lower pronunciation: loʊɜr part of speech: adjective demote pronunciation: dɪmoʊt part of speech: verb rase pronunciation: reɪz part of speech: verb let down pronunciation: letdaʊn part of speech: verb take down pronunciation: teɪkdaʊn part of speech: verb get down pronunciation: getdaʊn part of speech: verb downslope pronunciation: daʊnsloʊp part of speech: noun declivity pronunciation: dɪklɪvɪti part of speech: noun bring down pronunciation: brɪŋdaʊn part of speech: verb tear down pronunciation: terdaʊn part of speech: verb pull down pronunciation: pʊldaʊn part of speech: verb kick downstairs pronunciation: kɪkdaʊnsterz part of speech: verb
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