Rape in spanish


pronunciation: bioʊlɑθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

rape1 = violación, rapto. 

Example: Crimes against the person include homicide, rape, assault and robbery.


» date rape = violación cometida por la persona con quien se ha tenido una cita.

Example: The method is illustrated with reference to a programme devoted to the circumstances that can lead to date rape and alternative actions that can prevent its occurrence.

» gang rape = violación en grupo, violación grupal.

Example: The reference librarian gives a brief description of recent books under the headings of community policing; criminology; gang rape; hate speech and control of narcotics.

» rape alarm = alarma personal.

Example: Baby alarms, smoke alarms, alarm clocks, and rape alarms were used for testing consumers' shopping habits.

» rape charges = cargos de violación, acusaciones de violación.

Example: He faces six rape charges, as well as three others of aggravated robbery and kidnapping.

» rape myth = mito de la violación. [Creencia de que en su interior las mujeres sueñan con ser violadas y disfrutan de que las fuercen sexualmente contra su voluntad]

Example: The author quantitatively summarizes the literature examining the association between acceptance of rape myths and exposure to pornography.

» rapist = violador. 

Example: Hundreds of prisoners, including murderers, rapists and robbers, have absconded from open prisons since 1999.

» spousal rape = violación marital, violación conyugal, violación matrimonial, violación en el matrimonio.

Example: Spousal rape wasn't completely illegal in the United States until 1993.

» statutory rape = estupro, violación de menores.

Example: Most probably Bernhard will be charged with statutory rape, and perhaps face a gaol sentence.

rape2 = colza. [Planta de la que se obtiene aceite]

Example: The treatment was also applied to applied to sugarbeet, rape, potato, ryegrass, maize, wheat and barley.


» rape oil = aceite de colza.

Example: The low saturated fatty acid concentration of rape oil relative to other vegetable oils has resulted in a favourable market share for rape.

» rapeseed = semilla de colza.

Example: These properties can be applied to the determine the medicinal value of extracts from rapeseed, rapeseed oil and white mustard.

rape3 = violar. 

Example: The second case involved a complaint by a woman claiming that she had been raped by Boston Celtics rookie, Marcus Smith, just after he broke off their three month relationship.


» gang-rape = violar en grupo.

Example: Everyone is demanding justice for a 23-year-old physiotherapist who was brutally gang-raped and is battling for her life.

Rape synonyms

assault in spanish: , pronunciation: əsɔlt part of speech: noun plunder in spanish: , pronunciation: plʌndɜr part of speech: noun, verb outrage in spanish: , pronunciation: aʊtreɪdʒ part of speech: noun violate in spanish: , pronunciation: vaɪəleɪt part of speech: verb ravish in spanish: , pronunciation: rævɪʃ part of speech: verb violation in spanish: , pronunciation: vaɪəleɪʃən part of speech: noun rapine in spanish: , pronunciation: rəpin part of speech: noun despoil in spanish: , pronunciation: despɔɪl part of speech: verb dishonor in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪsɑnɜr part of speech: noun, verb colza in spanish: , pronunciation: koʊlzə part of speech: noun dishonour in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪʃənʊr part of speech: noun, verb sexual assault in spanish: , pronunciation: sekʃuələsɔlt part of speech: noun ravishment in spanish: , pronunciation: rævɪʃmənt part of speech: noun brassica napus in spanish: , pronunciation: brəsikənæpəs part of speech: noun
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