Rash in spanish


pronunciation: eɹ̩upθioʊn part of speech: noun, adjective
In gestures

rash1 = sarpullido, erupción, escocedura, urticaria. 

Example: The specific health problems investigated were a rash, a sore throat, a toothache, bleeding gums, an upset stomach, a cavity, and a bad headache.


» a rash of = un rosario de, una racha de, un aluvión de.

Example: The prolonged and often passionate debate on Community membership provoked not only a rash of polemical and partisan literature but also more balanced and informative texts for public consumption as well as more reflective academic evaluations.

» break out in + a rash = salir un sarpullido, salir ronchas, salir una erupción.

Example: I just recently got a tattoo, and I'm now breaking out in a rash.

» come out in + a rash = salir un sarpullido, salir ronchas.

Example: My son who is 3 always comes out in a rash when he's had a cold, tummy bug or temperature.

» diaper rash = escocedura de la piel del bebé causada por el pañal, irritación de la piel del bébé causada por el pañal.

Example: Most diaper rash is caused by friction that develops when sensitive baby skin is rubbed by wet diapers.

» itchy rash = urticaria, erupción cutánea con picazón, erupción cutánea con picor.

Example: At one point the plastic coating on my eyeglass temples wore away, and I got an itchy rash over the tops of my ears.

» nappy rash = escocedura de la piel del bebé causada por el pañal, irritación de la piel del bebé causada por el pañal.

Example: Clearly nappy rashes occur in the area where the nappy is being worn, i.e. in the groin, on the buttocks and on the thighs.

» nettlerash = urticaria.

Example: I have had nettlerash on and off since the birth in 1990 of my son.

» skin rash = sarpullido.

Example: The following categories of complaints are considered: eye strain and visual fatigue; migraine; epilepsy; muscle pain, aches, and strains; skin rashes; and stress.

rash2 = precipitado, imprudente, temerario. 

Example: And some way down the list of benefits was a rash promise to 'slash the red tape that hinders our trade with Europe -- and thereby safeguard the 2 1/2 million jobs involved'.


» rash act = actuación precipitada.

Example: She should have but I sweet-talked her out of such a rash act = Ella lo debería haber hecho pero yo la persuadí con labia y zalamerías para que desistiera de llevar a cabo una actuación tan precipitada.

» rash decision = decisión precipitada.

Example: Odysseus tends to make rash decisions and often finds it impossible to control his impulses.

Rash synonyms

bold in spanish: , pronunciation: boʊld part of speech: adjective reckless in spanish: , pronunciation: rekləs part of speech: adjective efflorescence in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪflɔrssəns part of speech: noun imprudent in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪmprudənt part of speech: adjective eruption in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪrʌpʃən part of speech: noun foolhardy in spanish: , pronunciation: fulhɑrdi part of speech: adjective skin rash in spanish: , pronunciation: skɪnræʃ part of speech: noun skin eruption in spanish: , pronunciation: skɪnɪrʌpʃən part of speech: noun
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