Solid in spanish


pronunciation: soʊlidoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

solid1 = sólido. 

Example: The properties of a solid depend heavily on the forces between the particles within it.


» eat + solids = comer alimentos sólidos.

Example: After your baby has started to eat solids, stewed fruit is a healthy snack or meal choice.

» milk solid = sólido lácteo.

Example: An account is given of the manufacture of caramel, toffee and fudge products, which contain milk solids and milk fat as basic ingredients.

» soluble solid = sólido soluble.

Example: Freezable beverages can be made using a small amount of alcohol and a reduced amount of sorbitol or other soluble solids.

solid2 = sólido, consistente, recio, robusto. 

Example: The genesis of this brave new world of solid state logic, in which bibliographic data are reduced to phantasmagoria on the faces of cathode-ray tubes (CRT), extends at most only three-quarters of a decade into the dim past.


» become + solid = solidificarse, hacerse sólido.

Example: Pure honey contains more sugar than water (in technical terms honey is a supersaturated solution) and in time will granulate (become solid).

» rock solid = sólido como una piedra, sólido, macizo, consistente, firme, concluyente.

Example: The numbers in the ad, which are quite eye-opening, are rock-solid.

» solid black = completamente negro, todo negro.

Example: After rumping through her clothes hamper, she found her favorite tank top -- solid black with lace around the hem.

» solid body = cuerpo sólido.

Example: Contrary to popular belief, falling stars are not stars at all, but are meteors, solid bodies that travel through space = Al contrario de la creencia popular, las estrellas fugaces no son para nada estrellas, sino meteoritos, cuerpos sólidos que viajan por el espacio.

» solid colour = color sólido.

Example: A striped sofa can be a welcome change from basic solid colors.

» solid food = alimentos sólidos.

Example: Babies can be made to develop a taste for fruits and vegetables early if their mothers offer them these foods regularly once they start having solid food.

» solid fuel = combustible sólido. [Por ejemplo, el carbón]

Example: Projects eligible for support are the substitution of hydrocarbons (solid fuels, electric power, heat transmission, distribution and storage) and the gasification and liquefaction of solid fuels.

» solid-gold = de oro macizo.

Example: A thief has swiped the solid-gold medallion given as a Nobel Prize in Physics to Ernest Lawrence.

» solid ground = tierra firme, terreno firme, terreno seguro.

Example: Before him was a morass over which a bridge had been thrown to the solid ground beyond.

» solid particle = partícula sólida.

Example: This solid particles removal device has a lifespan of at least 7 years and is virtually maintenance-free for the first 26,400 h of use.

» solid state = estado sólido.

Example: Sometime in the later eighteenth century an ingenious version of stereotyping called dabbing was developed, whereby a pattern of wood or metal was dabbed into the surface of a quantity of type-metal that was half way between its solid and its molten state; the dabbed metal was then used as a matrix for striking a copy of the original in similarly half-molten metal.

» solid state physics = física del estado sólido.

Example: Some fields are relatively swift; information and library sciences had a lower mean reference age than solid state physics and mathematics.

» solid waste = residuos sólidos.

Example: The wash-off of solid waste into the drainage systems of urban areas seriously interferes with aquatic life in the receiving streams, rivers, lakes and oceans.

solid3 = importante. 

Example: There is no doubt that the ideas put forward by Coates and their implementation in BTI have been a solid step forward in the theory of alphabetical subject headings.

Solid synonyms

good in spanish: , pronunciation: gʊd part of speech: adjective sound in spanish: , pronunciation: saʊnd part of speech: noun, adjective hard in spanish: , pronunciation: hɑrd part of speech: adjective strong in spanish: , pronunciation: strɔŋ part of speech: adjective opaque in spanish: , pronunciation: oʊpeɪk part of speech: adjective plain in spanish: , pronunciation: pleɪn part of speech: adjective, noun dry in spanish: , pronunciation: draɪ part of speech: adjective firm in spanish: , pronunciation: fɜrm part of speech: noun, adjective substantial in spanish: , pronunciation: səbstæntʃəl part of speech: adjective noble in spanish: , pronunciation: noʊbəl part of speech: adjective concrete in spanish: , pronunciation: kənkrit part of speech: adjective, noun homogeneous in spanish: , pronunciation: hoʊmədʒiniəs part of speech: adjective worthy in spanish: , pronunciation: wɜrði part of speech: adjective massive in spanish: , pronunciation: mæsɪv part of speech: adjective hearty in spanish: , pronunciation: hɑrti part of speech: adjective frozen in spanish: , pronunciation: froʊzən part of speech: adjective unanimous in spanish: , pronunciation: junænəməs part of speech: adjective wholesome in spanish: , pronunciation: hoʊlsəm part of speech: adjective honorable in spanish: , pronunciation: ɑnɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective honourable in spanish: , pronunciation: ɑnɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective cubic in spanish: , pronunciation: kjubɪk part of speech: adjective upstanding in spanish: , pronunciation: ʌpstændɪŋ part of speech: adjective satisfying in spanish: , pronunciation: sætɪsfaɪɪŋ part of speech: adjective unbroken in spanish: , pronunciation: ənbroʊkən part of speech: adjective congealed in spanish: , pronunciation: kəndʒild part of speech: adjective coagulated in spanish: , pronunciation: koʊægjəleɪtɪd part of speech: adjective three-dimensional in spanish: , pronunciation: θrizdɪmenʃənəl part of speech: adjective solidified in spanish: , pronunciation: səlɪdəfaɪd part of speech: adjective solidness in spanish: , pronunciation: soʊlɪdnəs part of speech: noun solid-state in spanish: , pronunciation: sɑlədsteɪt part of speech: adjective semisolid in spanish: , pronunciation: semɪsɑləd part of speech: adjective jelled in spanish: , pronunciation: dʒeld part of speech: adjective unvaried in spanish: , pronunciation: ənverid part of speech: adjective jellied in spanish: , pronunciation: dʒelid part of speech: adjective unpatterned in spanish: , pronunciation: ənpætɜrnd part of speech: adjective self-colored in spanish: , pronunciation: selfkəlɔrd part of speech: adjective undiversified in spanish: , pronunciation: əndɪvɜrsɪfaɪd part of speech: adjective self-coloured in spanish: , pronunciation: selfkəlʊrd part of speech: adjective unhollowed in spanish: , pronunciation: ənhɑloʊd part of speech: adjective

Solid antonyms

hollow pronunciation: hɑloʊ part of speech: adjective, noun liquid pronunciation: lɪkwəd part of speech: adjective, noun gaseous pronunciation: gæsiəs part of speech: adjective
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