Unavailing in spanish


pronunciation: inutil part of speech: adjective
In gestures

unavailing = vano, inútil, ineficaz, inefectivo. 

Example: Shrigley finds humour in flat depictions of the inconsequential, the unavailing and the bizarre -- although he is far fonder of violent or otherwise disquieting subject matter.


» prove + unavailing = ser en vano, ser inútil, resultar en vano, resultar inútil.

Example: Every effort to renew her strength proved unavailing, and she died in 1867, greatly beloved and lamented.

Unavailing synonyms

futile in spanish: , pronunciation: fjutəl part of speech: adjective otiose in spanish: , pronunciation: oʊʃoʊsi part of speech: adjective useless in spanish: , pronunciation: jusləs part of speech: adjective ineffectual in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪnəfektʃuəl part of speech: adjective
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